Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2316 Mother-in-law's trainer

Chapter 2316 Mother-in-law's trainer
"Don't worry, I will help you kill three more devils! Let the devils have nowhere to shield!" Yang Fei said.

Zhao Qifa nodded heavily. With Yang Fei's guarantee, he felt much more relaxed. He knew that since Yang Fei said it, he must do it.

In the battle that night, according to the instructions of the regiment leader Li Jiguang, Shen Wanxi asked for some unusable firearms and some bullet casings to be delivered.

Yang Fei looked at it and nodded, "Yes, there is such a good guy. Sending it to the trainer can be regarded as our first income!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately said, "Wait, let me go myself!"

When they arrived at the arsenal, they called Yu Aiguo out. In their eyes, these things were all very good, and they should be able to use them after repairing them!

Yu Aiguo looked at it, "Exactly, we just lack these things, Battalion Commander, this time you are helping us in a timely manner!"

"Haha, trainer, I used to look at these things as rubbish, but now I look at them, they are all gold and silver! You have to make good use of these things!" Yang Fei said.

Yu Aiguo nodded, "Don't worry, battalion commander, these experts here are really good. I learned a lot of professional things with them. They invented a kind of grenade! This kind of grenade can explode at a fixed time. !"

"Time bomb?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes, that's right!" Yu Aiguo said, "Yes, I seem to have seen a similar report, and the words "time bomb" were indeed used in it!"

"Is there a finished product now?" Yang Fei asked quickly.

"There is only one simple model, but battalion commander, don't worry, it's not something to worry about. Now we can make bullets, and Mr. Lin and others can cooperate to repair some guns. In short, now we I feel that the arsenal has already taken shape!" Yu Aiguo said.

"That's it, that's good!" Yang Fei said.

"By the way, Battalion Commander, I heard that where are you going to send troops recently?" Yu Aiguo asked.

Yang Fei looked at him with drooping eyes, "Instructor, didn't we say that the war is my business, you just take care of our army's life!"

"No, Battalion Commander, the specific division of labor is indeed like this, but I have the right to know where the soldiers are going, what to do, and I don't care about the specifics! But I have the right to know?" Yu Aiguo asked.

"Yes, that's right, then I'll tell you, we plan to train our troops. This training mainly trains the soldiers' foot strength and mobile combat ability!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Training? Is it just training?" Yu Aiguo asked.

"Yes, indeed!" Yang Fei didn't tell the truth. He was afraid that he had told the truth, so he reported it to the group leader.

After all, this time he wanted Shen Wanxi to cooperate with him.

If the leader knows, he must ask carefully and clearly. At that time, if Yang Fei didn't care, wouldn't he still offend the leader?
"Okay, instructor, if it's okay, I'll be leaving!" Yang Fei said.

Yu Aiguo hurriedly called out, "Commander, why do you only talk to me with these few words every time, I think the two of us should have a good talk!"

Yang Fei doesn't like to talk to Yu Aiguo, he always babbles in his ear, how many times Yang Fei keeps scolding in his heart, "Like a bitch!"

Yang Fei turned around and smiled, "Instructor, you are a little busy here, and I have my own business. Since we both have business, don't bother each other. If you have something, you can hold a meeting. Our words are It was said at the meeting that I think it is the most suitable!" Yang Fei said and was about to leave.

"Don't intervene!" Yu Aiguo said quickly, "Battle Commander Yang, I still think that the two of us should get along well. Do it!"

"I think so too, I know, that's it, I'll go first!" Yang Fei was about to leave again, Yu Aiguo hurried to Yang Fei, "Battle Commander, is this not good?"

"What's wrong!" Yang Fei said, "Instructor, we are now in a critical juncture. First, I have to deal with the military rations. Without food, what do these experts eat? Also, this weapon Regarding equipment, we have different divisions of labor, so don't torture each other!" Yang Fei shook his head and left again.

"Commander, I just want to ask about the matter between you and Comrade Leopard!" Yu Aiguo said quickly.

"Deputy battalion commander? There is no barrier between me and the deputy battalion commander. We are tolerant and understanding with each other now. Don't worry, I will never create trouble for you!" Yang Fei said.

"That's good, you have a heart for the battalion commander!" Yu Aiguo said.

"what I should do"

After speaking, Yang Fei hurriedly fled from Yu Aiguo.

Yu Aiguo understood that maybe he was a talkative trainer, but that trainer didn't talk much?
Yang Fei is like this now, isn't it because he wants to escape from himself quickly and enjoy the peace?Yang Fei is clean, but Yu Aiguo is not feeling well in his heart. As an instructor, he is not competent. He was arranged by Yang Fei to mainly manage the arsenal. Now he can easily go outside to do what he likes.

But no matter what the current situation is, Yu Aiguo knows that he must have a better relationship with Yang Fei, so that this army can be more united.It is necessary to find a time to have a good talk with Yang Fei.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and went to the arsenal, and started busy with his business.

All things revived, and the bugs slowly squirmed out of the soft ground in the warm weather. They spread their wings and flew freely.

In the afternoon, Yang Fei hurriedly called the [-] people together, just to tell them what to do at that time, and then distribute the tasks.

"Deputy Battalion Commander, you need to bring your people to practice more, after all, your fighting methods are different from mine!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, Battalion Commander, don't worry, this time, we won't let you down, no, we won't let us down, after all, we won't let you down either!" Leopard said.

"Okay, with your words, I understand!" Yang Fei said.

"Liu Ji, Shouhou, the two of you should also manage your people well. Fight for it. Our tactics must not make any mistakes. Remember the following points. First, there must be no casualties. Second, this leg must be Run fast, third, accurate marksmanship, I believe that you are all carefully selected talents, this time, I hope you understand some things, first, we have no logistics supplies, everyone should bring more bullets , Take as much as you can, and try to kill an enemy with one bullet! Second, everyone should bring the fried noodles prepared for everyone, maybe we will not come back for three to five days when we go out this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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