Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2317 What the devil is going to do

Chapter 2317 What the devil is going to do

"Understood Battalion Commander, don't worry, all of us will obey your orders this time!" Liu Ji said.

"Yes, Battalion Commander, you don't have to worry about marksmanship. In normal shooting training, they are all outstanding, and in all assessment items, they are also close to full marks. This time, we brought all the management, Battalion Commander, you can say whatever you want!" The thin monkey also said.

Both Liu Ji and Shouhou are very clear about these situations, and besides, they have undergone a lot of training in this area before, so they are no strangers at all, and they have done everything they need to do.

"I've finished what I should say. Now, let's set off. The destination is Hanling!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay! Everyone get ready, let's go!"

The team packed lightly and headed towards Han Ling.


"Beep beep..."

The sound of the telegraph machine kept ringing, and Li Jiguang was smoking a cigarette, took the telegrams one by one, and looked at the documents with a frown.

Wang Wei looked at Li Jiguang, "The movements of the devils are not obvious recently. What are they going to do?"

"Political commissar, I don't know about this. The headquarters are also discussing. What is this devil going to do?" Li Jiguang said.

"No matter what, the devils are grouped together like a hedgehog. It's very difficult for us to get a single hair out of them. Anyway, our team has to keep an eye on them!" Wang Wei said.

"Political commissar, that's what I said, but the devil's movement is not clear, and we haven't taken action, so it's going to be difficult!" Li Jiguang put the document in front of Wang Wei, "Look, the headquarters asked our regiment to completely Find out what this devil is doing!"

Wang Wei took the document, "Yes, what do you think about this matter?"

Wang Wei asked, "What else can I do, let someone check it out, let Yang Fei go?" Li Jiguang asked.

"I think it's better to let Hu Dahai handle this matter. After all, Yang Fei is also the director of the arsenal now, and there are many things to do. Besides, we need urgent prevention in the current situation, so let Yang Fei be a Mobile battalion, it is good to support wherever it is needed!" Wang Wei said.

"It's not that Hu Dahai can't do it. I'm worried that he will be stubborn. If he doesn't understand the devil's movements, he won't let go!" Li Jiguang said.

"The Japanese commander this time is Yang Fei's deadly enemy!" Wang Wei said, "If Yang Fei goes, maybe we will fight him first!" Wang Wei said.

"Hey, this time, it wasn't Yang Fei who beat him!" Li Jiguang smiled, "This time it was Shen Wanxi who beat him, this guy is a ghost, but he is still not as smart as Yang Fei, nor is he like Hu Dahai." To be honest, he did things quite well, this time he hit the devil, I just happened to let Shen Wanxi watch the devil's movements!"

"Really?" Wang Wei smiled, "It's true that you can take advantage of it, and you can learn this! But don't let the devil take revenge!"

"Hahaha!" Li Jiguang laughed, "Political commissar, don't worry, the intelligence said that this devil group has been there for a long time, if there was any action, it would have taken action long ago, although Shen Wanxi teased the other party this time, but the other party Still sleeping soundly, with no intention of attacking Shen Wanxi!"

"Okay then, let Shen Wanxi go and see what the devil is doing!" Wang Wei said.

"Well, I think so too! Commissar, I have something to ask you!" Li Jiguang asked.

"If you have anything to say, just say, we two brothers, there are still secrets?" Wang Wen asked.

Li Jiguang sat down and took out the map, "Look, the devil is in this place now, surrounded by so many bunkers and watchtowers, almost blocking all passages, it feels like a closed country." Then, Li Jiguang looked at the place again. Wang Wei, "There must be a secret here!"

"Yes, so to speak, really, where is their secret?" Wang Wei asked.

"In my opinion, since the devils are grouped together and ignore Shen Wanxi's provocation, that can only explain one problem!" Li Jiguang said, "Their purpose cannot be easily revealed to others, but there is a new problem!" Then, Li Jiguang added, "There is no strategic point where they gather together, unless they are waiting for something to arrive, but what will this thing be?"

Wang Wei was stunned for three seconds, "I read in the newspaper that devils are making bacterial weapons in Northeast China. This kind of thing can cause people to get strange infectious diseases and then die soon. This kind of horrific bacterial weapon will not appear in our place." Bar?"

Saying this made Li Jiguang's hair stand on end, "It shouldn't be possible, there are no conditions here!"

"Is there any report that the Devils have a special train coming recently?" Wang Wei asked.

"Okay, I'll ask the headquarters right now. If there is, I think we should fight the devil as soon as possible! At all costs!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, that's right!" Wang Wei also said.

This matter is not only on the side of the Eighth Route Army. It is a little strange. The Japanese army has never been so low-key this time in all aspects. They did not massacre the city, nor did they have the Sanguang policy. dog.They had never been so quiet.

Yang Fei led his people to the mountain early and was waiting for the devil's attack.

But no, the devil was surprisingly quiet, Da Guang looked at Yang Fei, "Battle Commander, this devil doesn't seem to be moving at all!"

"I know what this devil is doing? If you beat him, shouldn't someone take revenge? Logically speaking, this Ito Ichiro should be dispatched. If nothing else, just say that Shen Wanxi's camp is near here. What are they doing? You have to drive Shen Wanxi away too! Close the door and sleep soundly, what does that mean?" Yang Fei was a little surprised.

"Battle Commander, did Shen Wanxi not hurt this devil? If they did, they should come out!" The thin monkey also said.

Yang Fei lit a cigarette, "Dog, this matter is difficult, I have gathered people together, but this devil has not moved, no, I have to let them turn over!" Yang Fei said .

"Commander, tell me, what should we do?" Da Guang asked quickly.

"The devil has a watchtower at the bottom of Hanling. I'll give him the watchtower. I want to see what the devil wants to do!" Yang Fei said.

"Hey, Battalion Commander, this is a good idea!" Liu Ji said, holding the machine gun behind him.

"Okay, everyone, come with me. Let's go out of Hanling to have a look. Even if we can't hold the devil's watchtower, let's fire a few shots and let the devil come out a few people. Anyway, killing a devil means one less devil. Everyone Do you remember?" Yang Fei shouted.

"Remember the battalion commander!"

"Okay, now that you've remembered, everyone follow me, let's go!" After speaking, Yang Fei led his people to the devil watchtower that Hanling put down!
(End of this chapter)

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