Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2318 What happened to the devil?

Chapter 2318 What happened to the devil?
Going up and down, everything seemed very peaceful.

The wind blowing from the side of the road, Yang Fei hid behind a tree, looked at the devil's watchtower, and said, "Da Guang, come here!"

Da Guang came to Yang Fei and asked, "Battle Commander! I'm here!"

"Did you see that devil's head on the watchtower? Take aim, shoot me first!" Yang Fei said.

Da Guang is the best shooter in the battalion, so such a task should be entrusted to him.

Daguang picked up the rifle, at a distance of more than 100 meters, Daguang aimed, and there was a "bang".

I saw that the devil just upstairs fell to the ground at once.

"Good fight!" Yang Fei became excited.

Then let everyone lie in ambush.

"The ambush is ready, let's see if the devil comes!"

Yang Fei said.

At this time, I saw a machine gun protruding from a lookout on the Devil's Watchtower, firing "da da da..." indiscriminately.

The bullet hit the book in front of Yang Fei, and the newly sprouted leaves were smashed to pieces.

But after a while, the devil's gunfire stopped.

Yang Fei poked his head out slowly, "Damn it, why don't these devils come out?"

Da Guang also found it strange, "Battalion Commander, it stands to reason that the devils should come out when they are attacked!"

"Do you think there are few of them? Then they don't come out?" Yang Fei asked, then he turned to Liu Ji and said, "Liu Ji, hurry up and take people to look around. There are many watchtowers like this nearby. See if there's an opening, and then we'll get in, and since they're afraid to come out, we're going in!"

"Yes! Battalion Commander!" After saying that, Liu Ji led the people away.

Leopard asked at this time, "Maybe the devil really doesn't want to fight like this. Why don't we concentrate our firepower and take the devil's watchtower?"

Yang Fei shook his head, "No, this position is not good for us, if we go on like this rashly, the devil's machine gun will beat us into a sieve!"

Leopard asked again, "Then what should we do now? We can't just stare at the devil like this?"

"It's strange to say that this devil should be able to fight. Look, there are several watchtowers in the east. They are intertwined. It seems that we have no chance to go in. Let alone blow up the devil's watchtower, we just want to go to the watchtower. It’s all a bit impossible!” Yang Fei said, and then glanced around, “Look, there’s not even a single tree near the watchtower, this devil’s vision is extremely good, if we go there, hehe, we’ll suffer heavy losses!”

The thin monkey looked at the situation in front of him, "This is strange, I always feel that this matter is not so simple, the battalion commander, the devil is curled up in the watchtower, what is in it?"

"Not only you want to know, but I also want to know!" Yang Fei said, "In my opinion, this devil should be planning something big, otherwise, they would have been dispatched long ago!"

"By the way!" Yang Fei asked again, "The devils in this area have come out, have the devils in other areas made any moves?"

"Battalion Commander, I'll take someone to have a look right now!" said the thin monkey.

"Well, let's go, come back and tell me if something happens!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay Battalion Commander, I'm leaving!" After saying that, Shouhou left quietly with a few people.

"Let's go too, I always feel unsafe here, let's go!" Said, Yang Fei led the people and left.

On the mountain, Leopard was a little helpless, "What's the matter with this devil? He doesn't fight or retreat? If there is really something big going on inside, they should show some weakness!"

Yang Fei rubbed his chin, "I don't know now, let's talk about it when Liu Ji and Shouhou come!"

Seeing the sky darkened.

Yang Fei waited for them anxiously, Daguang looked around vigilantly, the last ray of sunlight disappeared behind the mountain in the west, slowly, the stars in the sky occasionally flashed dim shadows, and later, slowly Even the last light has disappeared.

Yang Fei sat on a rock with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, "Damn, what did these two bastards do when they fell to the ground? Why haven't they come back?"

"Battalion commander, you have to wait. The two company commanders are more careful in their work. They will definitely find out and tell you the most accurate judgment!" Da Guang said.

But between the words, Liu Ji ran over.

Yang Fei quickly stood up, "Come on, come on, let's talk about it!"

Liu Ji panted, "Battle Commander, all the watchtowers in the vicinity are criss-crossed. Once one watchtower is attacked, the rest of the watchtowers will attack us at an angle. Such watchtowers are not our rifles. It can be beaten!"

"When did this devil build so many watchtowers? Damn it, I remember I saw it with Daguang when I was stationed here. There are no watchtowers in the devil's stronghold below Hanling. It's only been a few days. So many watchtowers have been built!" Yang Fei scolded angrily.

"Battalion Commander, this devil is curled up, we have no way to go in, and the enemy may not come out to fight!" Liu Ji said, "Although these watchtowers feel like they are at the foot of the mountain, but if you look closely, the place they occupy is quite Very dangerous place!"

"Yeah, I also said that we have geographical advantages, but these advantages cannot be transformed into a force for us, which makes me feel a little embarrassed!"

Yang Fei said.

"Devils, devils, what are they thinking? Are they afraid of the strength of our battalions?" Yang Fei asked.

"Commander, in my opinion, the devils must be planning more important things now. You see, our current position is like a national border. The devils want more territory over there. , They need more resources!" Liu Ji said, "How about, Battalion Commander, let's try to blow up a few watchtowers for the devils?"

"Hehe, Liu Ji, you think the same as me, but look at this watchtower, how do you fight. As long as you go down the mountain, the devil can see you! The bullets will not let you go!" Yang Fei said.

Liu Ji was a little embarrassed, "Battalion Commander, you are the battalion commander, you should think of a way!"

"Dog, if I had a way, I would have taken over the devil's stronghold a long time ago, and I still need you?"

Yang Fei said cursingly.

"By the way, where's the thin monkey? Why aren't you here yet?" Yang Fei shouted.

"Battalion commander, wait a little longer, the company commander will definitely bring you more important information!" Yang Fei said.

"Dog thing, no matter how much information there is, no matter how good it is, it must be delivered to me in time. I'm waiting like a daughter-in-law who is waiting to marry. It's good for him to drink outside the bridal chamber! Damn it!" Yang Fei put his hands behind his back.

Everyone wanted to laugh, but they didn't dare to laugh. Everyone sat there, looking around vigilantly.

The moon was dim, and finally, the moonlight also disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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