Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2319 Important Information

Chapter 2319 Important Information
It was after ten o'clock in the evening that the thin monkey came over in the dark.

It seemed that he had fallen many times, and his face was scratched by dead branches. Seeing Yang Fei, he immediately snatched the water bag from Daguang's hand and drank a few mouth.

"Skinny monkey?" Yang Fei hurriedly roared.Anyway, today's action made Yang Fei very depressed, it was completely different from what he expected.

The thin monkey put down the water bag, "Commander, I got an important piece of information!"

"I knew that you would bring me unexpected information, tell me quickly, don't let me think that you are a shy girl in the bridal chamber, now, let's make a fuss, tell me quickly!" Yang Fei hurriedly dragged the thin monkey into the Sit down on a rock.

Everyone gathered around, "Battalion Commander, didn't you let me see the surrounding devil strongholds?"

"Yeah, how's it going?" Yang Fei asked.

"I found that most of the devil's strongholds are now empty!" said the thin monkey.

"Empty? How could it be empty?" Yang Fei asked quickly.

"I wondered too. Later, when I led people to search for other strongholds, I discovered that the devil had built a road at some point!" Skinny Monkey said hastily.

"Has the devil built the road?" Yang Fei asked.

"That's right, the devil has built a road, and this road happens to lead to the devil's stronghold at the foot of Hanling Mountain!" Said the thin monkey.

"It seems that the devil really has a problem!" Yang Fei nodded and said, then looked at the thin monkey and asked anxiously, "You dog, you didn't ask, what is this devil doing for building roads?"

"Battalion Commander, at first I thought that the construction of the road was nothing more than the devils wanting to pass cars. Isn't it just to transport supplies and devil soldiers? Later, we caught a puppet soldier and asked, it really is! Moreover, we learned from the puppet army that this devil will soon arrive with a large amount of military supplies, which will lead to the stronghold along the current road!" Said the thin monkey.

"It's really refreshing news. By the way, you haven't said yet, where did the devils in other devil strongholds go?"

Yang Fei asked quickly.

"Battalion Commander, all the devils in this stronghold have arrived along that road. Along that road, there are as many as a dozen devils' strongholds, all of which are around that road. Battalion Commander, it can be seen how many devils there are!" Pay attention to this road!" said the thin monkey.

"Skinny Monkey of Gou Ri, when you go out and ask me for information, although it makes my heart itch like an ant's scratching, but as soon as the information is revealed, I will be filled with joy!"

Yang Fei smiled and patted the thin monkey on the shoulder, then took out a cigarette and gave it to the thin monkey, "As a reward, come, smoke a cigarette!" Yang Fei said.

Liu Ji pouted, "Battalion Commander, the information I inquired...why can't it work?"

"It's not that you can't inquire, but you just saw the superficial things of the devil. I can see these things too. Look at Shouhou. When you go out, you told me about all the planes and cannons. You kid drink more skinny monkeys to study, come, don’t you just want to smoke a cigarette!” Yang Fei took out a cigarette and handed it to Liu Ji.

"I don't want it, it wasn't given to me sincerely!" Liu Ji refused angrily.

"Don't pull it down! Dog! You have a bad temper!" Yang Fei said and sat down, "Skinny Monkey, let's continue!"

With that said, Yang Fei lit a cigarette for Liu Ji, "Where does the road built by the devil go?"

"Battalion Commander, I looked at the map for this road. It should lead to a north-south road, and it should go to the Salt Lake area." The thin monkey said.

"In this way, the devils will regard the current place as a large gathering place, so what will they do?" Yang Fei asked himself.

"It's nothing more than some big event!" Yang Fei nodded. "In this case……"

Yang Fei sat down and asked someone to light a lamp. He turned on the map and it looked, "The place where the devil is now is the Salt Lake area. This place is rich. I want to gather heavy troops here..." All of a sudden, Yang Fei's face turned pale.

"Could it be that the devil wants to go north?"

After hearing this, Da Guang hurriedly said, "Battalion Commander, go north?"

Yang Fei put away the map, "According to the logic, this is the case. Think about it, the devils are now attacking the Luliang area with heavy troops, and the heavy troops are gathered here again. If they attack us from the north to the south, we will shrink our base sooner or later. Go east, we just came from the east!"

"Ah?" Leopard frowned, "According to me, we have to destroy the devil's road first!"

"That's the way it is said, but you have to hit seven inches to hit a snake. You have to hit a point first on this road. If this point is broken, the devil will know the pain!" Yang Fei said.

At this time, the thin monkey hurriedly said, "Battle Commander, I know where to hit!"

"Ah?" Yang Fei looked at the thin monkey, "tell me!"

"Battalion Commander, I took someone to look at it. Walk ten kilometers southeast of our current location. There is a bridge at that place. The devil just repaired it in the past few days. As long as we blow up the bridge, wouldn't it be Hit the target?"

After the thin monkey finished speaking, Yang Fei was overjoyed, "Yes, that's it!"

After speaking, Yang Fei hurriedly said again, "With the thirty of us, it is impossible to knock down the bridge. Are the devils heavily guarding the bridge?"

"Yes, Battalion Commander, if we fight hard, we won't be able to succeed!" Said the thin monkey.

"Since this is the case, then hurry up and report this matter to the head of the regiment and the political commissar. This matter must be resolved as soon as possible. If the devil's intention is really in the Fen River Valley, we will be in danger!" Yang Fei said .

"Yes, Battalion Commander, I'll quickly draft a report!" Saying that, the thin monkey quickly unfolded the pen and paper, and quickly asked a document to come over and start writing.

"Battalion Commander!" Da Guang asked at this time.

"Well, tell me!" Yang Fei said.

"Battalion Commander, is it possible for this devil to go north?" These words made Yang Fei stunned.

"what do you mean?"

"Battalion Commander, is it possible that this devil wants to cross the Yellow River and head west?" Da Guang asked.

Yang Fei thought about it, and lit another cigarette, "It's not impossible, but the devils who cross the Yellow River will be beaten by the national army over there. Would the national army just watch the devils cross the river west?"

"What if we cross the river and the national army doesn't fight?" Da Guang asked again.

Yang Fei was stunned at this moment, he looked at Da Guang, "How could it be possible not to fight, that's a devil!" Yang Fei said, "To the west, that's Xi'an City, Xi'an City is gone?" Yang Fei asked.

Da Guang nodded, "I hope the brothers in the national army can stick to the Yellow River!"

Yang Fei nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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