Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2334 Continue to Spy

Chapter 2334 Continue to Spy

Huzi sat up, "We have to fight for everything. If we don't fight for it, how can we see the sun?"

But then I thought about it, wouldn't it be great if this soldier went to the mountains and became an Eighth Route Army on the mountains?Thinking of this, Huzi left again. This time, he went up the mountain again, and when he got there, just as the soldiers just changed their guards, they were also stopped.

"What do you do?"

"Master Jun, I want to join the army!" Huzi said with a smile.

Anyway, no matter how you say it, Huzi has to be a soldier first, only in this way can he continue, otherwise, even if he continues, it is impossible, after all, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

This matter itself is strange. It is necessary to join the army. There is a camp at the foot of the mountain, but instead of going to the foot of the mountain, this soldier is more thoughtful.

After being splashed with cold water again, Huzi asked again, "It's the same here, and it's the same there. I always have a choice, right? I can't even choose my chief?"

The soldier felt that this person was good, so he said a word to the people around him, and then said, "Wait, I'll report to the company commander!"

Huzi waited, while another soldier pointed a gun at him, "Don't move around, don't look around, sit down!"

Huzi had no choice but to sit down obediently.

After a while, Liu Ji came. He heard from the soldier that he met a suspicious person and he had to meet for a while. When he arrived at the mountain pass and saw Huzi, he immediately burst out laughing. He knew this person very well. Can you have the consciousness to join the army?Isn't this ridiculous?
Seeing that it was Liu Ji, Huzi turned around with a guilty conscience and left!
"Wait!" Liu Ji shouted.

Huzi stopped, and he turned his head slowly, "I recognize you!"

No, how could they not know each other? When they first came here, this guy was really like an old man. In his eyes, this guy was just a slave!Can you come to join the army now, can you be a good soldier?

"I said Huzi, what's the matter with you? Why don't you stay at the magistrate's house well? Are you here to have fun?" Liu Ji asked.

"I was kicked out by the county magistrate, and I had nowhere to go, so I thought of joining the army, so I can eat as much as I can!" Huzi said.

"However, the Eighth Route Army does not support people who live and die!" Liu Ji said.

"I'm willing to fight devils!" Huzi said, "Aren't you fighting? Although I don't know how to use guns, I'm good at moving things and doing odd jobs!" Huzi recommended himself Own.

"Haha!" Liu Ji smiled, he had no reason to reject a person who joined the army, besides, he and Hu Zi didn't have any deep hatred, and he didn't know about the feud between Yang Fei and Hu Zi!
"Okay, since you want to join the army, that's okay, I agree!" He called the deputy company commander and registered him. In the end, he was assigned to the foot of the mountain again!
Huzi now felt that what he did was for nothing.

Why is it so difficult to be a soldier on the mountain?
After returning to the original place, he said to others, "What is on this mountain? I was driven down the mountain twice!" Hu Ziwendoa.

"Just you, a recruit, want to go to the mountains? Ridiculous!"

"Why can't I go?"

Huzi was a little strange.

"I think back then, even our deputy battalion commander couldn't climb the mountain, but you could go up? It's ridiculous!" The man looked at Han Yan.

"I saw you moving that bamboo yesterday, what, we want to plant bamboo?" Huzi then began to inquire slowly.

"Haha, you're overthinking, the war is in chaos, who grows the bamboo? Is the bamboo edible?" The man glanced at Hu Zi, "Don't ask me, you kid, I won't tell!"

Hu Zi was rejected, he frowned, "Hey! How could this happen?"

However, this tiger soon encountered something, which was the first time he went up the mountain.

At 04:30 in the afternoon, the deputy battalion commander came over suddenly and asked a few people to go to the mountain. The only job on the mountain was to transport the bamboo baskets down, which was a simple matter!Of course, as a recruit, he couldn't escape, it was hard work!

However, Huzi is naturally very happy, being able to go up the mountain, this is a big step towards gold and silver!

Others were unhappy, but he was happy. He went up the mountain and told his intentions. Naturally, they went to the mountain. In fact, they did not go to the arsenal on the mountain. Instead, they were in a temporary tent built by the arsenal. Huzi's eyes kept looking inward, when there was a sound of a machine, Huzi didn't know what it was, he frowned, stood on tiptoe, and couldn't see inside, but the round bamboos in front of him But the basket made Huzi excited, he took several by himself!Others took only three in a row.

When going down the mountain, Hu Zi hurriedly asked, "Are we handmade? Are we going to sell it for money?"

This sentence made everyone laugh, "A joke, selling money? You think too much, this thing is of great use!"

Hu Ziyou hurriedly asked, "What's the use of this thing? It can be used for fishing! It can... collect garbage! It can also..."

"Okay, don't guess, we actually don't know very well, this thing can beat devils anyway!"

But Huzi couldn't figure it out, how could this thing beat devils?
Isn't this just an ordinary bamboo basket?Can this thing be used for other purposes?No, since Huzi can't ask it out of their mouths, he should find a way to ask it out of other people's mouths.

When he was going down the mountain, he accidentally learned from other people that the fire stick likes to eat the sesame cakes from the sesame cake shop in the village. This news made Huzi very happy.

When he arrived at the forest farm, he took out a crumpled banknote from his underwear, and then went to Huoguang Village.After buying even a sesame seed cake, he hurried back.

The fire stick was lying on the deck chair basking in the afternoon sun, which seemed to be covered by dark clouds. He opened his eyes and saw that it was today's recruit.

Then I closed my eyes again, "Get out of the way, out of the way, don't block the last sun!"

Hu Zi quickly dodged, and then squatted down in front of the fire stick, "Instructor, instructor, what do you think this is?"

He brought up the sesame seed cakes, and his eyes were straightened from the burnt sticks, "Dog, where did you steal it from?"

"Instructor, what are you talking about? I'm still a fighter now, and this is what I saved before!" Huzi said, "I heard that you like sesame seed cakes, so I bought two!"

The fire stick smiled, "Did you have something to do with me, kid?"

That's right, this unprovoked courtesy is probably because there is something wrong with the fire stick, Hu Zi smiled, "I'm a new soldier, I don't understand anything, I think the deputy battalion commander is busy, and you should be our leader. If there's anything I don't understand, I'll ask you, how about it?"

"This is done!"

(End of this chapter)

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