Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2335 Shaobing can solve the problem

Chapter 2335 Shaobing can solve the problem
Shao Guoguer smiled, took the biscuits handed over by Huzi, sniffed them, salivating, "You are very smart, you are the most sensible person I have ever met!"

There is really no other hobby for Huozhuo. He is willing to accept such a simple thing as eating a sesame seed cake. Seeing that there is no one around, Huzi moves closer to Huoguer, "Instructor, hehe, this Are the biscuits delicious?"

Burning Firestick smiled, "Well, the taste is really good, I think this is the best biscuit I've ever eaten!"

"That's good, that's good!" Huzi asked, hesitant to speak, which made the firestick very uncomfortable.

"Is something wrong with you boy?"

"Then..." Huzi asked quietly, "Can I ask?"

"Bullshit, tell me, I'll tell you what I know!" The fire stick put the biscuits aside, "Say!"

Upon hearing this, Huzi asked, "Instructor, do you know what I'm going to do today?"

"What can you do, kid? Eat? Sleep? Did you see a beautiful woman?" The fire stick snorted coldly.

"No, no, I mean, I went up the mountain today and brought down several bamboo baskets, the kind of round things!" Huzi said.

"Well, there is indeed such a thing!" The fire stick nodded.

"What's this thing for? You can't put any dry goods in it. Could it be used as a ball?" Huzi said, squatting on the ground with his hands in his cuffs.

Huzi's intention is very clear, he just wants to get information, so that he can exchange for more gold. At this time, he has been completely dazzled by greed, and his mind is full of gold. Of course, he is not an idiot, he knows what to do.

"What are you thinking, kid? It's a good thing you can think of it!" The fire stick looked disdainful.

"Instructor, what is this thing for?" Hu Zi asked.

"This thing is a treasure!" Burning Firestick said proudly, completely forgetting the important item of their meeting, that is, the confidentiality work!He looked into the eyes of Huzi seeking knowledge, and he seemed to have become a teacher himself, a teacher. This kind of complacency, I can't even mention it, how happy he is.

"Instructor!" Hu Zi stood up, "This is a treasure, I can buy a lot of it outside!"

"This is what we use to beat devils!" said the burner stick directly.

"Fight devils?" Huzi was a little surprised, and he asked quickly, "Instructor, stop talking nonsense, you don't need guns to fight devils? Just use this thing? Isn't this a joke?"

"Where are you kidding me!" Burning Firestick became serious, "To tell you the truth, Yang Fei came up with this thing. It's not easy to beat up a few devils? Judging by your appearance, you haven't killed devils, have you? "

"No!" Hu Zi said.

"That's right!" said the fire stick, "It's a good thing to think about. Now, we have encountered an obstacle, that is, the watchtowers of the devils. There are so many watchtowers, and there are many watchtowers. If we go down, we must not let them go." The devil hit a shuttle? Who is stupid?"

"Instructor, don't talk about it. Is this bamboo basket more powerful than guns?"

Huzi was getting closer and closer to what he wanted to know, and he had to keep saying this.

"Well, this thing, put hay in it, put explosives in it, and roll down the mountain, you will hear the sound of 'boom' explosion, don't doubt it, this is the power of our bamboo basket!" said the fire stick .

"Well, yes, why didn't I think of it?" Huzi chuckled, "There are so many bamboo baskets, it's really enough for a kid to drink a pot!"

"That's right, but don't tell anyone about this, as long as you and my brother know about it!" said the burner stick.

"What's the point? Beating devils is a serious matter, so why not talk about it?" Huzi asked.

"This is discipline. Discipline doesn't allow you to say it, so you can't say it! If I didn't treat you like a brother, I wouldn't bother to tell you this!" After the fire stick finished speaking, he picked up the unfinished sesame cakes and gnawed stand up.

"Hey, instructor, if you treat me as a brother, I, Huzi, will treat you as a brother too! I will never tell anyone about this!" Huzi said vowedly.

"Just know!" said the fire stick. "We really should keep this matter a secret, and I really shouldn't tell you. Tell me, if this little devil knows our secret, we should keep it secret." Can it blow up the watchtower?" Zhuo Huo Gun'er asked.

"No, even if you beat me to death, I will never mention this secret! Don't worry, instructor!" Huzi smiled.

"Well, that's enough! Go ahead, I'll finish eating the biscuits, and we two brothers will chat for a while!" said the burner stick.

"All right, all right, then I'll go first!" After saying that, Hu Zi stood up and went out the door.

The burner looked proudly at the biscuits, "Black sesame, this smells delicious!"

Yang Fei had nothing to do first, so he went to check on the production of the bamboo baskets. As soon as he went out, he saw Liu Ji, who was still directing people to slowly send them down the mountain.

"How many?" Yang Fei asked.

"More than 60!" Liu Ji said, "Battle Commander, at this speed, making one hundred and eighty bamboo baskets is not the same as playing?" Liu Ji said.

"No matter what, we must ensure the safe production of bamboo baskets. This is fundamental!" Yang Fei said.

"Don't worry, Battalion Commander, all these things are put in the forest farm. It's okay, don't throw them away!" Liu Ji said.

"That's good! Watch closely!" Yang Fei instructed.

"I know the battalion commander!" After finishing speaking, Liu Ji remembered Hu Zi and asked, "Battle Commander, do you remember that Hu Zi?"

When Yang Fei heard the word Huzi, he quickly asked, "I know, what's wrong?"

"Battalion Commander, this idiot has joined the army!" Liu Ji said.

"Has the tiger joined the army?" Yang Fei couldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death. This tiger looks like a decent person to join the army. He might be an undercover agent!
"That's right, this kid said he wanted to come to the mountain, but I put him up and down!" Liu Ji said.

"That's right!" Yang Fei frowned, "This kid has a problem with me, and he must not be allowed to come on the mountain!"

"Well, I know the battalion commander, and I won't put him up!" Liu Ji promised.

Yang Fei wanted to leave, but he turned around and looked at Liu Ji again, "Come on, follow me to see what this kid is doing now?"

Saying that, the two followed each other down the mountain.

Along the way, Yang Fei said again, "Remember, keep an eye on this kid. If you can train him, then train him. Don't be polite!"

"This, I'll leave it to Burner, he's in charge of the third company now!" Liu Ji said.

"Well, that's fine, tell him and guide him well!" Yang Fei said.

(End of this chapter)

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