Chapter 2336

Yang Fei's worry is not much. The grievances between him and Huzi cannot be resolved at once. It's not that Huzi doesn't know where their troops are stationed. intelligence!

So, relying on these things, Yang Fei has to be on guard, otherwise, the gutter may really capsize, this is not what Yang Fei wants.

He must be vigilant. As the saying goes, be careful when sailing for ten thousand years. On such things, you can't be too careful and vigilant.

When he arrived at the forest farm, Liu Ji went to the room where the fire stick was eating sesame cakes. When he saw Liu Ji, he stood up quickly and said, "Liu Lianchang!"

"Firestick, what about the recruit who was assigned to your company today?" Liu Ji asked.

"I came in just now, I'm going out, I'll call you!" After saying that, the fire stick went out, and then sent someone to look for Huzi.

After a long time, the tiger was found.

The fire stick immediately frowned, "Where did you go?"

A soldier hurriedly said, "Instructor, we found him by the lake!"

The fire stick looked at him suspiciously, "Why did you go to the lake?"

The tiger saw Yang Fei and the others when he came in, and naturally knew what Yang Fei was going to do in his heart. When he rolled his eyes, he had already thought of a countermeasure!
"Instructor, I'm a newcomer, I went to the lake, you look at the sky, with the beautiful scenery of the lake, isn't this a beautiful day?" Huzi said.

Yang Fei smiled, "Do you still know the beauty of Liangchen? Is Meili of Liangchen talking about this?"

Hu Zi smiled, "Battle Commander, I used the wrong words, but you should understand what I mean, right?"

"Tiger, come here!"

Yang Fei said.

Hu Zi slowly came to Yang Fei, "What? You want to clean me up?"

"Tell me the truth, why did you join the army?" Yang Fei asked.

"It's just a meal!" Hu Zi said directly.

"Eating for a fool?" Yang Fei frowned, "If you want to be a fool, don't come here, go wherever you want, I tell you, you are not welcome here!"

"No, I've already joined the army, how can you drive me away?" Hu Zi asked.

"Your thoughts are not pure, and you are not suitable for the Eighth Route Army. If you want to make a living, then go to the National Army or the little devil!" Yang Fei said.

"Yang Fei, what do you mean? You want me to be the lackey of the Japanese?" Hu Zi asked.

"What?" Yang Fei squinted at him.

"Who do you think I am, Huzi?" Huzi pretended to be a little angry!
He threw the military cap directly, "You let me go, okay, I'll go! I know you, Yang Fei, are a fussy villain and that's enough!" After saying that, Hu Zi walked out directly.

His purpose had succeeded, if he really left, he would already be one step closer to his magistrate's dream, how much he wished that Yang Fei would let him go without even looking at him.

However, Yang Fei still spoke, "Okay, you don't have to go!"

This sentence made Hu Zi feel a little unhappy, "What? If you let me go, if you don't let me go, I won't go?"

"Huzi, stay obediently. Let me tell you, since you want to join the Eighth Route Army, you must abide by the rules and regulations of the Eighth Route Army, and don't play tricks!" Yang Fei said.

Huzi wanted to refute, but the fire stick said again, "Okay, the battalion commander told you to stay, so you can just stay, why? Don't you give me any face?"

Huzi stared at the firestick, never expecting that Cheng Yaojin would be able to kill halfway, he had said a few words to Yang Fei, but at worst he would let Yang Fei drive him away, but in the end, it was a good thing, the firestick crossed It's not right to make him go or stay!

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and line up and go to training!" said the fire stick.

It seems that this time it is really impossible to go, Hu Zi nodded, "Okay, instructor, I will listen to you!"

When passing by Yang Fei, he deliberately glanced at Yang Fei, "Yang Fei, wait, don't let me catch you!"

Liu Ji went out and punched Hu Zi in the chest. The Hu Zi was already weak and fell to the ground.


He yelled loudly in his mouth, "Beat someone! Beat someone!"

The fire stick couldn't figure it out, why Yang Fei felt sorry for a recruit, could it be possible, they only saw some origin?
"Okay, get up!" the fire stick shouted.

"Huzi, let me warn you. The battalion commander is the battalion commander. You will always be a recruit. We can't control you outside. However, you joined our Eighth Route Army today. In addition to obeying the rules and regulations, you must also learn to respect the leaders. !” Liu Ji said.

Huzi stared at them on the ground.

The fire stick went over immediately, "Battle Commander, Company Commander Liu, don't worry, give this guy to me, and I will train him well! Make sure he becomes a qualified Eighth Route Army soldier!"

Yang Fei nodded, looked at the fire stick, "Okay, train him well, you said that!"

Huzi got up from the ground, with resentment on his face, the fire stick hurried to the front of Huzi, "Come on, you kid, go to training now!"

Liu Ji and Yang Fei smiled and left.

The purpose of Yang Fei's coming here is also very clear, that is to ridicule Huzi in public, and to see if this person is an undercover agent!
However, Yang Fei really didn't see it, with Hu Zi like this, it is estimated that the Japanese devils would be able to drive the Japanese devils crazy, so Yang Fei let go of his thoughts on Hu Zi for the time being.

Seeing Yang Fei and the others leave, the fire stick hurriedly asked, "Did you offend the battalion commander?"

"There is a grievance between us!" Hu Zi said without hesitation.

"But having said that, your kid is really lucky to meet me!" said the firestick, "No matter what kind of grievances you have with the battalion commander, we are brothers, and I can't cheat you!"

"Thank you instructor!" Hu Zi said.

"Don't be so polite! Hurry up and beat the ashes off your body," said the fire stick.

"Yeah!" Huzi smiled, and then slapped the dust on his buttocks.

"Go, go to the training ground! In addition, you must not go out without the permission of the order, otherwise, you will feel better!"

For Hu Zi, this is definitely not a warning, but a well-intentioned persuasion.

Huzi nodded, "I know the instructor! I really can't leave the Eighth Road, but I just joined the Eighth Road. If I leave like this, I'm sorry for you!" Huzi said.

"Hey! It's okay, but I want to remind you that you must obey the leader absolutely, don't want Yang Fei Yang Fei's feet, call the battalion commander!" said the burner stick.

"Well, I see!" Hu Zi finished and ran towards the training ground.

The fire stick shook his head, "What's the matter every day? The battalion commander came before he finished eating a biscuit, and after he came, he dealt with a new recruit!"

Saying that, the firestick smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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