Chapter 2340
Seeing that the two of them still didn't talk much, Yang Fei hurriedly interrupted and said, "Okay, fire stick, go get busy!"

He already had a plan in his mind, just waiting to implement it.

After Yang Fei finished speaking, the fire stick nodded and left.

"I said Leopard, you are a bit stingy!" Yang Fei said.

"I'm stingy?" Leopard looked at him strangely.

"Of course, if you were not stingy, you would have reconciled with Burning Firestick long ago!" Yang Fei said.

Anyway, before they all ate a pot of rice, a mountain top, why because of such a little thing, it's not over, didn't see him Yang Fei didn't care about it.

"It's not that simple. In the past, we were bandits, we could do whatever we wanted. We had no rules. The only rule was that they recognized me as a big brother. But now it's different. Since we are Eighth Road, we have to have Eighth Road rules. System, you have to abide by the terms of the Eight Routes, and it is true that the fire stick follows me, but he can't violate these, and I can't cover it up!" Leopard said.

"Hey, you guys have made progress!" Yang Fei said with a smile, "Okay, just do what you want, I think our business can proceed smoothly after the fire stick man told Hu Zi!"

"You think the devil will definitely come up the mountain?" Leopard asked.

"Nine out of ten!" Yang Fei said, "I have this hunch!"

"Hunch?" Leopard frowned. "You know, we really don't have much ammunition left. If we miss the door this time, we'll lose everything!"

"I, Yang Fei, have never missed a battle!" Yang Fei smiled, "Don't worry, leave the war to Shouhou, I don't worry about it!"

Leopard nodded, "Okay, let's see today!"

It was getting dark soon, without Yang Fei's order, Liu Ji's men were still harvesting hay, and soon, there was a pile of hay at the foot of the mountain.

Liu Ji lit a cigarette, "The battalion commander has been asking us to mow the grass, until when?"

He was talking by himself, and he saw that the mountain seemed to be surprisingly quiet, "This damn skinny monkey really got all dirty this time, damn it!"

Yang Fei was also lying in ambush on the mountain, wearing a dry hat on his head, and had been lying on the ground for nearly two hours. The devil hadn't moved yet, so Da Guang quietly asked, "Battle Commander, is this devil still coming?" ?”

"Come on, why are they reluctant to come?" Yang Fei said.

"What time is this, I'm dozing off!" Daguang said.

"Cheer up, don't dare to fall asleep, the more you can't sleep at this time!" Yang Fei said.

"I know the battalion commander, I was just joking!" Da Guang yawned after finishing speaking.

Slowly, Yang Fei's ears suddenly heard a sound, it was the sound of shoes stepping on the ground, the dry grass was crushed by feet, and then he wailed.

"Be on guard!" Yang Fei whispered, and everyone's guns were aimed at the devil who was about to go up the mountain.

"Your Excellency, I'm right. Look, has the grass on this mountain been harvested by Eight Roads?" The voice was Huzi's.

"I know!" The voice didn't sound like Ito, waiting to see their figures.

Yang Fei recognized it, and Huzi came with the team.

"Look, look!" Hu Zi pointed down the mountain, "Did you see the pile of hay below? It was piled up by Balu every day!"

"Hehe, sure enough, Tuba Road can pile such high hay!" said the Japanese commander.

"Your Excellency, what are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and order that pile of hay, let's go back quickly! The Japanese girl is still waiting for me to warm my bed!"

Tiger said.

The commander glanced at him, "Ba Ga!"

Obviously, the commander was very angry, but he suppressed the fire, "Then what are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and go ahead and order!" As he said, the Japanese commander pushed Huzi ahead.

"It's very easy, Your Excellency. Soon, I will be the magistrate of Lin County. I have countless wealth and countless women!"

Huzi was full of ambition, "I'll treat you to a drink at Huixian Tower then!"

The Japanese commander didn't care about a Chinese's drinking situation, he didn't say a word, and let the tiger go ahead.

Just about to go down the mountain, Yang Fei, who was lying in ambush, suddenly heard a "bang", and a Japanese soldier fell down.

"Hit me, hit me hard!"

Yang Fei shouted.

All of a sudden, many people came out from the ground, and everyone's bullets were aimed at the Japanese devils!
There was a hail of bullets, and Huzi hurriedly lay down on the ground. The bullets hit the ground beside him, emitting an unpleasant smell of burning.

"Oh my god, what's going on?" Hu Zi still couldn't figure it out, and many Japanese soldiers had already fallen beside him.

"Huzi, you traitor!" Yang Fei shouted, and then looked around at Huzi's figure.

The tiger was so frightened that it could only lie on the ground and crawl forward.

"Call me, call me if there are none left!" Yang Fei shouted.

The Japanese commander also felt strange, " could so many people be ambushed?"

However, he couldn't bear to think about it, and a bullet shot over for a while, hitting him right on the forehead.

The Japanese commander fell to the ground.

"Da Guang!" Yang Fei hurriedly shouted.


"Hurry up and ask Sanlian to bring up the bamboo baskets. We must take advantage of this time to quickly carry out our mission!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Yes!" Da Guang shouted and ran away.

The stars and the moon were no longer visible in the sky. At this time, a gust of wind suddenly blew up, which made Yang Fei a little nervous. If it really rained suddenly, then Yang Fei's mission would not be complete!
Liu Ji's company heard the gunshots, and immediately shouted, "What are you still doing? The mountain has been opened. Let's go. Let's go!"

By the time the three companies joined together, all the devil's troops had been wiped out.

"Where's the tiger? Find it for me!" Yang Fei shouted!

"Come on, quickly light the bamboo basket for me and roll down the mountain!" Yang Fei shouted again.


Everyone prepared the bamboo baskets, "Listen to my password!"

Yang Fei shouted.

With a bamboo basket in hand, Yang Fei looked at the time, and when the pointer reached twelve, Yang Fei suddenly ordered, "Light it up!"

The soldiers struck matches, lit hay, and pushed the bamboo baskets down the hillside!
The big bamboo basket was glowing with fire, and the burning flame was like a kindling of hope. If this continued, it would be able to explode into the sky!

Yang Fei smiled. He watched the bamboo baskets go down one by one, and then the flames ignited the hay on the hillside!
Yang Fei hurriedly shouted, "Hurry up, order them all! After ordering, we will withdraw!"

Yang Fei shouted.

The soldiers lit the fire and pushed all the bamboo baskets down one by one. The intertwined flames scattered sparks and fell to the ground bit by bit, igniting a piece of grass!
Yang Fei's eyes are full of flames, all of them are flames!

(End of this chapter)

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