Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2341 I'm Not Going

Chapter 2341 I'm Not Going

This is like a blooming flower, what splashes out is a kind of desire in everyone's heart, Yang Fei is like this, everyone is like this.

After all, after these fires started, those who were killed did all kinds of evil, and they all deserved to be damned. Seeing the death of these beasts, as a Chinese, everything in my heart was filled with excitement.

"Battalion Commander, hurry up, the flames are coming up soon!" Da Guang went over and grabbed Yang Fei.

Yang Fei shook his head, he likes this feeling, this is the feeling that the Japanese devils are about to die, Yang Fei wants to see this feeling with his own eyes, he wants to feel this feeling in person.

"Battalion Commander, let's go!" Da Guang pulled Yang Fei and retreated.

Liu Ji and Shouhou also shouted, "Battalion Commander, if you don't leave, it will be too late!"

However, Yang Fei still pushed them away, "Go!" After finishing speaking, he slowly got down on the ground, and his eyes were on the upcoming gluttonous feast.

The flame lit the hay, and soon came to Yang Fei, "Battle Commander, hurry up, please, what happened to the Japanese devils, tomorrow's newspaper will definitely be seen!"

Liu Ji pulled Yang Fei, Da Guang saw this, and hurried over to drag Yang Fei's leg, "Let's go!"

"Pfft!" All of a sudden, the flames sprayed over, like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter!

Da Guang quickly jumped over and stood in front of Yang Fei!

"Are you crazy?" Yang Fei shouted.

Daguang frowned, "Commander, what are you doing here?"

"You go, I want to see if this time bomb is on time!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Now is not the time to worry about these things, battalion commander, let's go!" Da Guang begged.

He pointed to the surrounding flames, "Battle Commander, the flames have already arrived, we can only pray for rain soon! Put out the flames quickly!"

"No!" Yang Fei said, "Now is not the time!"

"Battalion Commander!" Da Guang has nothing else in his heart, he just wants Yang Fei to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible!

"The bigger the fire, the better. It's best to burn it underneath. Leave me alone, most of the grass around us has been harvested!" Yang Fei said.

At this time, the wind is blowing!

Yang Fei stood up slowly, feeling the direction of the wind with one hand!

Suddenly, Yang Fei laughed, "Hahaha, God help me too!"

"Battalion Commander!" Da Guang stared at the surroundings, fearing that there would still be raging flames that would hurt him.

"Well! It's the south wind!" Yang Fei smiled, and then looked at Da Guang, "We are safe, now let's see how big the fire can be!" Said, Yang Fei walked forward slowly After a few steps, stamp out the flames on the ground with your feet.He just poked his head out, and there was a "boom", the bomb rang!

"Da Guang, hurry up and see if the bomb has blown up the devil's watchtower!" Yang Fei shouted.

Daguang also walked forward slowly a few steps, poked his head out, and made another "boom".

"Battalion Commander, you didn't blow up the devil's watchtower!" Da Guang shouted.

"No? How is it possible?" Yang Fei couldn't believe it. For this time, Yang Fei took great pains, thinking in his heart, if you don't ask for a lot of explosions, even three or five explosions can be regarded as completing the task! "

As soon as he thought of this, Yang Fei said, "Wait!"

Just after finishing speaking, there was another "boom".

This impact was so strong that Yang Fei felt as if he had taken a few steps back.

"Battalion commander! It's blown up! It's blown up!" Daguang became excited.

"Really?" Yang Fei looked like a naughty child at this time, he prostrated himself on the ground, and then looked down when he reached the hillside.

Sure enough, a watchtower still couldn't bear the bomb.

When he was smiling, suddenly, a burst of dust hit, and a section of soil directly sprinkled on Yang Fei's head.

He didn't bother to touch his head, and hurriedly looked down, "Da Guang, let's see if another one exploded?"

Daguang came out from the mound, and then smiled broadly, "Commander, yes, it really exploded!"

"Hahaha, where are the brothers? Let them come quickly, we just want to take advantage of the chaos of the devils, and then take advantage of the fire to rob!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he pulled out a pistol from his waist.

Liu Ji and Shouhou ran to Yang Fei, "Battle Commander, it's bombed!"

"I saw it, you hurry up and tell all the brothers that the bullets we used up last time must be refilled for me today!" Yang Fei shouted, "Damn, what a chance! "

"Yes! I'll notify you right away!" Liu Ji ran away.

At this time, the wind was even stronger, they shook the branches, and the dead branches fell down, just hitting Yang Fei's feet.

"This time, I still don't believe that I have spent so much effort not to snatch you three to five hundred bullets!" Yang Fei murmured.

The fire on the mountain gradually decreased, but the downside of the mountain on that side was in serious trouble. The flames burned along the withered grass on the ground to the trees that had not been felled.Not only that, the fire pit was really too much for the devils, they came out of the watchtower and tried their best to extinguish the flames on their bodies.

"Battalion Commander, let's go!" Shouted the thin monkey.

"Don't worry!" Yang Fei said, "Now that the fire is raging, we will suffer Wuwang's harm if we go down, listen to my password for a while, and let's kill!"


The spring wind is unscrupulous, with the bitterness of the winter that has just passed, and the heat of the next baton summer. He is like a leopard, carefully waiting for its prey in the flames!

Seeing that the wind was getting weaker, and some raindrops dripped from his head occasionally, Yang Fei touched his head, "Okay, listen to my password, even now, rush down for me!"

When Yang Fei gave an order, everyone was like a tiger descending the mountain. Those without guns held machetes, and those who had nothing also took off their waistbands from their trousers. Anyway, Yang Fei and the others would never intentionally use any weapons that could be used. left behind.


"Come on!"

Shouting loudly, "Listen to me, don't get into trouble with me, don't show mercy when you meet a devil, but don't show weakness, this devil can't even care about himself now, the gun thrown on the ground , don't pretend you can't see it!" Yang Fei shouted.

Many fighters passed by him, carrying his words into the fight.

"Listen to me, except for guns and ammunition, if you have food, take the food with you!"

Just after Yang Fei finished speaking, Yamashita began to shoot towards the mountain. The fog was lingering, and the devil shot through the flames with difficulty.

"Bang bang..." Yang Fei raised his gun and killed two of them!

"Be careful, this devil is not very hot!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Battalion Commander, look at me!" Said, Liu Ji ran in front of Yang Fei at some point.

He walked briskly, with a cloth strip covering his nose and tied behind his head.

"This dog runs so fast, it seems that he is going to grab credit!" Yang Fei said

(End of this chapter)

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