Chapter 2342

Seeing himself as a tiger-like warrior, Yang Fei was so happy, he stood there and suddenly felt that he was a legion commander. The glorious general he dreamed of in his heart was almost like this, right?

Of course, he is not intoxicated in it, he knows what he needs to do most now, he can feel it, but he can't get carried away, otherwise, he will regress with pride.

The fire spread, igniting everything that could be lit.

However, now that there are raindrops, it is also the most favorable condition for them to charge.

The trumpeter stood mightily on the top of the mountain and blew the charge horn, as if directing the raindrops to slowly fall down.

"Brothers, rush for me, take advantage of the chaos and wipe out all the devils!" Yang Fei shouted loudly.

The soldiers who went down the mountain rushed into the sea of ​​fire. In the sea of ​​fire, they took all kinds of weapons at hand and started to fight the devils. Bravery and tenacity were the words Yang Fei could think of.

The devils did not show any weakness, and soon, they gathered some teams to defend on the spot.

Accompanied by the bombardment of time bombs, the devil's machine guns "da da da" fired at them.

Yang Fei saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart, "Liu Ji, you boy should let your people hide for a while!"

With that said, Yang Fei rushed down the mountain.The last battle wiped out all of Yang Fei's belongings, this time Yang Fei is going to take back all his belongings.

He took out his pistol and fired several times at the devil with a "bang bang bang" sound. When the devil fell down, Liu Ji glanced at Yang Fei, "Battle Commander, good marksmanship!"

"Dog, won't you hide when you see a machine gun?" Yang Fei shouted cursingly.

"I know the battalion commander!" After Liu Ji finished speaking, he got up from the ground and rushed towards the devil.

The rain became bigger and bigger raindrops turned into a line of rainwater, fell on the ground, and slowly gathered into a small river.

The soldiers knocked down a few devils, took the guns from the devils, immediately loaded the bullets, and continued to fight.

In this battle, the casualties are destined not to be too small. Yang Fei may have overestimated their strength and underestimated the fighting power of the devils.

"Behind this watchtower is the devil's camp, comrades, hurry up, rush over, we will win!" Yang Fei shouted, and ran towards the front, keeping his eyes on the left and right, "Battlefield commander, slow down, You are already old!"

"You dog, stop talking nonsense and come with me!" Yang Fei shouted.

After rushing through the simple defense lines of the devils, Yang Fei and the others hid in the devils' trenches.

Liu Ji also ran over, "Battalion Commander, we have lost a lot!"

"I know it's not small, but have you seen the devil's camp? It's there, and I don't want to fail!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Battalion Commander, if we rush over, many people will surely die. Is there any other way?"

Liu Ji asked.

"Ask me? How did you become the company commander? I order you to capture the devil's camp at all costs!" Yang Fei shouted.

Liu Ji could only bite the bullet and shout, "Yes!"

He stood up and assembled his team. In front of the camp of the devils, there was still a trench. If they rushed over, the devils would definitely not let them pass easily, but if they didn't charge, how could they pass?

"Where is Class One?" Liu Ji shouted.

"In!" All the people in the group shouted!
"Take the dynamite pack and throw it into the devil's trench!" Liu Ji shouted.


After finishing speaking, all the soldiers in one company and one squad, holding a few explosive packs in their hands, rushed towards the devil's trench while running!
"Da da da!" There was a burst of machine gun fire, and the soldiers fell instantly, Liu Ji frowned, and Yang Fei who was not far away began to curse, "Liu Ji, you bastard, everyone in the first class fell down! "

"Second class!" Liu Ji shouted again, "Crawl over, get exposed, hide where you can hide, don't get hit by devils!"


Squad [-] crawled, and when they got to the soldiers who had fallen just now, they took the explosives from their arms and crawled forward quickly.

Yang Fei looked at it, and couldn't help feeling even more nervous. He turned his head to look at Da Guang, "Where's the gun? Shoot towards the devil's trench! The firepower is concentrated there!"


Da Guang pointed his rifle at the trenches of the devils. The devils are also smart and dare not show their heads easily. However, it is even more dangerous for them not to show their heads. After all, the crawling soldiers can quickly light explosives and throw them into their trenches. trenches.

A devil poked his head out and took a look. Daguang's three-point line directly gave the devil a headshot.

"Okay!" Yang Fei shouted excitedly.

At this time, suddenly, a lot of grenades were thrown out of the devil's trench!
"Oops!" Yang Fei shouted in his heart.

"Boom!" With a sound, the grenade exploded, right next to the crouching soldier.

At the same time, the explosive package was detonated.

"Boom!" Another sound.

"Liu Ji, you bastard!" Yang Fei scolded.

"Battalion Commander, stop scolding, this is an assault!" Liu Ji shouted.

Yang Fei frowned, "Where's the thin monkey? Find me the thin monkey!"

A soldier came over, "Battalion Commander, the second company commander is now leading his company's soldiers to the east to chase the remaining devils!"

"What?" Yang Fei's fist blew heavily on the ground, and the mixed muddy water splashed and stained Yang Fei's clothes.

"If Shouhou is here, I will definitely be able to take down that trench!" Yang Fei shouted.

Upon hearing this, Liu Ji said, "Battle Commander, what Skinny Monkey can do, I can do too!"

Yang Fei glanced at him.

Liu Ji took a deep breath, took a pack of explosives from the soldier beside him, stood up and rushed towards the devil's trench!
"You kid is dying!" Yang Fei was startled, and immediately shouted, "Those who have guns, let me aim at the devil's trench and fight!"

The bullets were concentrated and hit the devil's trench. Liu Ji was like a leopard, with the wind on his body, and his steps were fast.

When he was about to reach the devil's trench, Liu Ji jumped up, and then fell down immediately. He pulled out a match from his body and struck it, flashing a dazzling light.

But soon, the flames were wiped out by the rain.

Yang Fei looked at it, and his heart was also torn.

This time Liu Ji swiped his body in front of the rain, and the match broke!His hands began to tremble, and he kept looking straight ahead.

Yang Fei shouted again, "Take aim at me quickly, hit!"

The firepower helped Liu Ji buy time. This time Liu Ji lit a match and slowly approached the fuse of the explosive. With a sound of "tearing...", the fuse spread rapidly.

Liu Ji dropped it casually, right in the devil's trench.

He quickly buried his head on the ground, covering his head with his hands.


The flames splashed with the rain...

Seeing this, Yang Fei hurriedly shouted, "Good job! Comrades, come with me!"

"Come on..."

Another wave of charges, each with a different passion.

(End of this chapter)

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