Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2343 Sand Table

Chapter 2343 Sand Table
You never know when the next tomorrow is.

Liu Ji got up from the ground, and he smiled excitedly, "Look, battalion commander, I did it!"

Liu Ji was as happy as a child, and he expected Yang Fei to praise him.

"Dog, this is what you should do!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Da Guang, where's the deputy battalion commander?" Yang Fei asked.

"The deputy battalion commander is with the people from the third company. They should be fighting the devils in front of the watchtower!" Da Guang said.

"Alright, let him finish and take away all the supplies he can take away!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes!" Daguang replied.

"The camp is just ahead, see it! There should be important documents of the devils there, as well as many commanders. Damn it, I must catch a big fish today!" Yang Fei shouted.

He took a rifle from a soldier, loaded it, and said, "Go!"

Just as Yang Fei and the others were rushing, he saw some people in front of him, so he hurriedly asked people to stop, "Wait!"

It wasn't until he got close that Yang Fei saw that it was a thin monkey.

"Skinny monkey?" Yang Fei looked at him strangely.

"Battalion Commander, there is no one in this camp!" said the thin monkey.

"No one? How is it possible?" Yang Fei couldn't believe it. He arrived in front of the camp and rushed in. Sure enough, it was empty inside! "What's happening here?"

Yang Fei also didn't quite believe his own eyes.

"Battalion Commander, did the devil move away long ago?" asked the thin monkey.

"It's very possible!" Yang Fei said.

"Looking at this, it shouldn't be long after the transfer, chase!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Yes!" said the thin monkey.

Liu Ji led the people to the west, and Shouhou led the people to the east.

When the deputy battalion commander Leopard came over, he had a weapon in his hand.But not many.

"Commander, what are you doing here?" Leopard asked.

"Hey! We came a step late. When we came, the devil had already moved!" Yang Fei said. "In this case, let's take a look at the devil's camp, look at this tent!"

"This tent is a good thing!" Leopard said.

"Unfortunately, what I want is not this thing!" Yang Fei said, "What I want is guns and ammunition!"

Leopard walked up to a sand table, looked at the sand table in front of him, and asked, "Battle Commander, what is this?"

Yang Fei walked over and looked at it, "This devil's sand table is really good!" Yang Fei put his hands behind his back and looked at it. Suddenly, he found something and gestured on it with his hand, "This is Han Ling !" Yang Fei said to himself, then frowned, "It's strange, it's strange!"

Leopard asked, "What's wrong? What's strange?"

"Look at this sand table in Nuoda, Han Ling is at the top, and Lin County is almost invisible!" Yang Fei said, "Since the devil is going north, how can there be no change in Lin County? "

Leopard also looked at the sand table strangely, "Yes, how could there be no Lin County?" Leopard also looked at the sand table.

"Everything here has been taken away, not even a piece of paper left!" Yang Fei looked at the room strangely, "And only this lake-green sand table is left!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he went to the sand table again "I see!"

Leopard looked at Yang Fei, "Battle Commander, what do you understand?"

"Tell me, is it possible that the devils have confused us with this sand table?" Yang Fei asked.

Everything points to this. The devils may really use this sand table to confuse them. Otherwise, everything will be taken away. Why did the sand table not be taken away? Let's go, these little devils also have the ability to destroy the sand table, so this made Yang Fei feel something was wrong and abnormal.

"I don't think it's possible!" Leopard shook his head. "Since the devils left here in a hurry, they definitely won't have time to make this sand table!" Leopard said.

What Leopard said seems to make sense, and the devil's shrewdness will never be inferior to them, so since this sand table is not intended to confuse them, it must be an attempt!

Yang Fei stared at the sand table, he looked at it carefully, then turned to look at Leopard, "In this case, take a look at this map, what's different?"

Leopard re-examined the sand table and thought for a long time. Leopard looked at Yang Fei, "If this is the devil's strategic intention, then..."

Yang Fei looked at him, "Say, what is it?"

"The devil may not be heading north!"

After Leopard finished speaking, Yang Fei was stunned, "The devil's intention is not to go north, so where is it? Could it be that the devil wants to cross the Yellow River west to attack Xi'an City?"

"It's very possible!" Leopard said, "Look here!" He pointed to a point on the sand table, "This place is the west of the Salt Lake area, where the devils have deployed a series of defensive measures. Deploying defensive measures seems superfluous, in my opinion, the watchtower we knocked down is the first line of defense, and the second line of defense is this line!" Leopard drew on the sand table.

What Leopard said made sense, but Yang Fei still felt that it was impossible. When crossing the Yellow River west, the national army had already made a tight defense there. Besides, if they really fought there, the national army could really see the devils How about hitting Xi'an City like that?No, no, devils will not be so simple!

Yang Fei sat on the chair, looking at every point on the sand table, he raised his head, "Is this really the ecstasy soup given to us by the devil?"

"Look!" Leopard pointed at the command post, "everywhere is messy, but this sand table seems to be forgotten by them, I thought it was true!"

Yang Fei nodded, "Let's think so!" After finishing speaking, he called someone over, "Write down this sand table, and then get it out when you get to the regiment headquarters! Let the regiment leader talk about it!"

Yang Fei looked at this place, the terrain here is flat enough to have a lot of troops!Didn't these troops go north?
Yang Fei still didn't understand, but he couldn't stick to his opinion anymore. If the devils really wanted to cross the Yellow River west, they would have to stop the devils no matter what. The national army is not reliable, maybe they would really Devils let the Yellow River go!

Leopard looked at Yang Fei, "Battle Commander, don't think too much, I just said my opinion, as for the devil's real intention, I have to wait for the regiment leader to think about it!"

"I know, I'm thinking, if the devils really intend for the Yellow River, then their chances of going north will definitely be small, so what should we do?" Yang Fei asked.

"Battalion Commander, we must shoot the devil from time to time!" Leopard said.

"Yeah, I think so too, but in the final analysis, we still need to look at it later!" Yang Fei had just finished speaking when he heard a loud noise from outside. He hurried out the door and saw Shen Wanxi smiled and came over.

The first thing he said after meeting him was, "I said, Lao Yang, you've gotten rich again!"

(End of this chapter)

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