Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2344 I'm here to support

Chapter 2344 I'm here to support

When Yang Fei encountered setbacks, the last people he wanted to see were Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai. These two guys only had their own interests in their hearts.

However, these two people, at this moment, are already flies that smell blood, and they have all arrived. Even if they try to find a way, it is too late.

"Shen Gouzi? What are you doing here?" Yang Fei asked.

"I received an order from the head of the regiment to come to support you!" Shen Gouzi finished speaking, then looked towards the command post, and then whispered, "Lao Yang, what good things do you have for brother? "

"Get out!" Yang Fei said angrily, "I'm here, it's almost like an empty city, what else can I give you?"

"This is out of the question!" Shen Wanxi absolutely does not believe in Yang Fei, but whenever Yang Fei fights, he will definitely maximize his benefits. Even if there are sacrifices, the final harvest will definitely be considerable!
But this time, Yang Fei really didn't get any benefits. Here, there is some gasoline. For them to walk on their legs, these things are really nonsense!
It was dark, and the rain was pouring here and there. Shen Wanxi's body was soaked by the rain. Yang Fei let him in, "Come in!"

Shen Wanxi smiled, thinking that Yang Fei wanted to show him what he had seized, and when he went in, it was empty, "Nothing?"

"Do you think I really have something good?" Yang Fei cursed.

Shen Wanxi sat down and looked around.

"Don't look at it, you kid has no profit and can't get up early. It sounds nice to come to support. When I was fighting a tough battle, where were you? Come and see after the fight is over?" Yang Fei was a little angry when he said it.

"Look at you, Lao Yang, how stingy you are, but you are stingy is your character!" Shen Wanxi said, "What? This has brought down the camp of the devil, where is the devil?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"If I knew, I wouldn't be waiting here!" Yang Fei sat down.

After a while, a soldier ran in, "Battalion Commander, Battalion Commander!"

Yang Fei looked at the soldier, his whole body was soaked, "Say, what's going on?"

"Battalion Commander, our company commander took us to the west and found the devils defending! There is almost a small team!"

"To the west?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes, it's on the west side!" said the soldier.

"Well, I see, you hurry up and wipe off the rain on your body, so you don't catch a cold later!" Yang Fei said.


Leopard came over, "Look, Battalion Commander, this devil has made it very clear! They have deployed a defensive line here!"

"In this case, the devil's intentions are really obvious!" Yang Fei said. ,
"That's right! So, we don't count as a victory this time!" Leopard said.

"Well, I know!" Yang Fei said, and ordered to go on, "Let Liu Ji come back to me! How can their guns beat the devil's team?"

"Commander, what should we do now?" Leopard asked.

"The devils don't dare to act rashly in this weather. Let's take shelter here and see how the fire is going outside!" Yang Fei said.

The leopard went out and looked up the mountain. There was no fire on the mountain, and there was still no fire down the mountain. It seemed that this rain was also very timely!

Leopard turned around and said to Yang Fei, "The rain has put out the fire!"

"That's good. Have you cleaned the watchtower left by the devil? Is there anything good?" Yang Fei asked again.

"Battalion Commander, there is nothing good, except for a few guns and grenades, and indeed there is nothing good!" Leopard said.

"Dog, I think I really lost money this time!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Battalion Commander, you can't say that, at least we can almost see the devil's intention!" Leopard said.

"But how can we lose so many brothers!" Yang Fei continued.

"Then I'm sorry, in war, how can anyone not die?" Leopard said.

Yang Fei sighed, "Okay, I admit it this time! I'm still thinking about what good things are here!" Yang Fei shook his head.

"I think we can destroy the road here!" Leopard said, "He also destroyed all the oil barrels at the door! We can't move them away, and we can't leave them to the devils!"

"Well, you can just order this matter!" Yang Fei was in a bad mood, he lit a cigarette, looked at Shen Wanxi, "Are you still going?"

"Wait until the rain stops!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Tell me, why do I get angry when I see you?" Yang Fei asked.

"That's right, if you are happy when you see me, I won't do it!" Shen Wanxi also lit a cigarette.

"Shen Gouzi, you've seen it too. No matter how much I tell you to harass the devil, you won't succeed. When I beat the devil to the ground, you're here! You bastard, you just want to get something out of it!" Yang Fei said.

"There's no way, I'm so poor, I can only grab a gun!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Okay, you saw it too, this time, there is nothing!" Yang Fei said.

"Yang Fei, why do you think I'm so happy to see you looking so useless?" Shen Wanxi sarcastically said.

"You are more cautious than me. This man, once he loses his plump wings, he will be ridiculed. You boy wait, I will definitely let you see clearly that I am still your old man!" Yang Fei said angrily .

"Lao Yang, you can speak as you speak, without any smugness!" Shen Wanxi said.

"I'm going to get all the glory!" Yang Fei stared at him.

At this moment, Skinny Monkey ran over, "Battle Commander, Battalion Commander!"

Yang Fei saw that he and Shouhou were in a hurry, and asked quickly, "What's the matter? Tell me!"

The thin monkey saw that Shen Wanxi was also there, "The battalion commander..."

"It's okay, let's talk!" Yang Fei said.

"I saw the devil's car at Dongtou!" said the thin monkey.

"Oh? Are you here?" Yang Fei asked.

"I was blocked by a stone rolled down from the mountain!" The thin monkey was a little surprised, "Battle Commander, have you been robbed?"

Yang Fei looked at the thin monkey, and slapped his thigh, "You dog, you haven't got any light here, and I have to find a place to go there!" He pointed at the thin monkey, "Hurry up and gather everyone, let's go together, the devil is killed, Take things away!"

Shen Wanxi also got up from his seat, "Lao Yang, I brought someone with me too!"

"Shen Gouzi, don't you miss my flesh?" Yang Fei looked at Shen Wanxi contemptuously.

"Hey, I still don't believe it, you old Yang won't give me a sip of broth!" Shen Wanxi smiled, "As soon as I give birth, gather my people, let's set off together!" Said, Shen Wanxi ran out anxiously.

"Battalion Commander...this..." Shouhou was a little reluctant.

"Think about it, kid, how many guns do you have?" Yang Fei glanced at Shouhou and went straight out the door.

"That's right, I borrowed other people's hands to get something, hehe, the battalion commander is wise!" the thin monkey muttered.
(End of this chapter)

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