Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2347 Japanese Women

Chapter 2347 Japanese Women
In fact, it's nothing to come here, but Jing Teng paid Huzi a gold bar in advance.

For Huzi, this is definitely very good. He immediately felt that following the Japanese, he would definitely not have to worry about eating and drinking.

The next day, Huzi went directly to Xincheng, Salt Lake District. He was so happy that he didn't close his eyes all night. Went to a Japanese diva tube again.

What kind of virtue he is, one can imagine it, not to mention that he is rich now, that is the real truth.Anyway, if you have money, if you don’t enjoy it now, when will you enjoy it? If you die, the money will be useless, so it’s better to enjoy it now.

Although he didn't understand, he was still very happy looking at the Japanese girl.

Unexpectedly, Japanese women look like this.

He went directly to the private room and shouted, "Boss, find a girl!"

The shop owner is Japanese, nodded and said, "Okay, sir, just wait a moment!"

Not long after, a Japanese woman came. She came over with small steps, knelt down, and poured Huzi a cup of tea.

Huzi was overjoyed, he smiled and said, "What skills do you Japanese women have?"

"Sir, my name is Hanada Meilan. You can call me Hanada or Meilan. I can sing!"

Huzi nodded, "Okay, I like to listen to songs, you go and sing!" Huzi said.

Hanada stood up, and then went to the center of the room, and sang, squeaking, wriggling like a dragonfly.

This dance is soft, like an earthworm without ribs, Huzi stared blankly, "It's really beautiful, come here!"

Huatian passed by, and Huzi hugged Huatian, "Today you are mine! I will give you whatever you want!"

Huatian smiled, and then took off Huzi's arm, "Sir, the little girl is only for show, not for sale!"

"But in my opinion, performing art is the same as selling your body! You perform art for money, and you sell yourself for money. As long as you have money, you can redeem yourself!" Hu Zi said.

In fact, Huzi came here to taste the difference between this Japanese woman and a Chinese woman. However, he has seen it today. The women in Chinese brothels are all coquettish, but Japanese women wear thick clothes that can cover them. Cover all the places where you are lying, and don't give you a chance to take a look at it.

Besides, Japanese women's hair is completely coiled up, while Chinese women's hair is mostly tied. This is the obvious difference.

"Sir, you misunderstood, we are geisha!" Hanada said.

"Haha, stop making trouble, everyone is very busy, if I give you money, why don't you still pay?" Hu Zi took out a wad of money from his body, and then took out one, "Is it enough?"

Although Hanada is a Japanese woman, she also looks down on such a man, "Sir, if you want to listen to a song, I can sing it to you!"

"No, my purpose is simple and clear!" Huzi smiled, with a wretched look on his face, he couldn't help but look up and down Huatian, his figure was still good, when he was forced to hug him just now, his body was limp.

"Is this much enough?" Huzi pushed all the money over!

"Sir, please respect me!" Hanada still said so.

"Don't be shameless, this is the money for one gold bar, Hua Tian, ​​you have served me well today, I promise, I will give you ten more gold bars, how about it?" Hu Zi said.

"Sir, do you want to listen to the music?"

Hanada still said so.

Huzi is getting a little angry. Today, he came here as a prostitute. Could it be that China and Japan are not the same? The only difference is that in his heart, one is a Chinese as a prostitute, and the other is a Japanese as a prostitute. , the nature is always the same, he stood up and went directly to Huatian, "Not enough?"

The Japanese woman lowered her head, "There is a lot of money, but if you want to listen to music, I will sing it to you!"

"No!" Huzi said loudly, he suddenly went over and hugged Huatian.

"Sir, let go, or I will call you!"

Hanada said.

"Today, even if your throat is broken, no one will come to save you!" With the strength of a man, Huzi put the flower field on the ground, and then directly used his mouth that he had never brushed his teeth in his life to kill him. bite.

Hanada struggled, "Sir, I'll give you another chance!"

How can a tiger be able to listen to it!

"Ah Mie!" Hua Tian struggled, she tried to push the tiger away with both hands, but the strength was obviously not enough.

"Ah Mie!" Huatian kept yelling words that Huzi couldn't understand. To Huzi's ears, this word seemed to be a very excited word.

As Huatian shouted loudly, "Ah Mie!"

Suddenly, there was a "bang"!
Two people came in from the door. These two people were bare-chested and fat. They covered their surroundings with a white cloth. What kind of attire are they?
Hu Zi was startled, and then cursed, "Get out, don't you know you can't just break into the guest's room?"

But even so, the two sumo wrestlers came directly to set Huzi up and went out.

The manager of the Diva Pavilion came over, "Sir, I'm sorry, maybe what you want is the Moon Tower at our gate, not our girls!"

Huzi looked at the manager and shouted, "Let me go, let me go!"

Cool, before I had time to savor it, I encountered such an embarrassing situation.

Two sumo wrestlers threw Huzi out of the door, Huzi stood up, and tried to break in again, but it turned out that Huzi didn't go at all now.

"My money is still in it!" Huzi shouted.

However, no one bothered to call him back.

"My money!" Huzi shouted towards the inside.At this time, a lot of banknotes still came down from upstairs. I believe that these money belonged to tigers.

"Grab the money!" The people around shouted, and they came towards the Japanese Diva Pavilion.

While Huzi went to pick up the money, the common people also hurried over to pick it up.

"Huatian, why do you want to keep my money?" Huzi looked at them helplessly, trying to push them away, but he couldn't.

The money blows away with the wind, but there is not one piece that the masses can't find.

Huzi thought he was unlucky and slipped through the crowd. He sat on the ground and looked at the crowd outside from time to time, "A guy who has never seen the world!"

Even so, Huzi doesn't seem to get rid of this bad habit. In his mouth, it seems natural for men to be lustful. She smiled pervertedly, "That's great, just treat me as if I lost money and look at a woman's ass!"

What kind of person is what kind of virtue, no matter how you say it, you can't change it, so, ah, it's better not to change it.

The sky is fine, and the rising sun seems to be so easy to disappear, but the fog around here still cannot be opened!

He smiled, and when he watched the people rushing to come and return in a hurry, he smiled again...

(End of this chapter)

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