Chapter 2348
The situation here is not suitable for Yang Fei now, he is worried that if the devil touches him, he will not be able to resist at all, so he can only let Liu Ji lead the people, and withdraw now!

At this stage, no matter how you say it, it's better to be more stable. His people can't stand a lot of trouble. If they encounter a large number of devils, it will be really difficult to handle.

Along the way, Yang Fei was very upset!He took such pains to make such a big battle, but in the end, he didn't seem to get anything.Da Guang looked at him, "Commander, when can we come back again?"

"I also want to know. Damn it, I'm just wondering. How come the devil's watchtower was blown up, and there were few ambushes? There were also few loot. So, what is the use of the devil's building this watchtower?" Yang Fei murmured strangely. mumbling to himself.

Leopard looked at Yang Fei, he knew that Yang Fei had always been proud, and he thought that what he thought was right, but sometimes it might not be a good thing to go into a dead end, so he said, "Battle Commander, can you listen to me? ?”

"Say it!" Yang Fei said.

"I think, the devil is totally feeding us with ecstasy soup!" Leopard said.

Yang Fei looked at him, "The devil is fine, spend money to repair the watchtower, and then play around?" Yang Fei naturally didn't believe it.

"I still think their real intention is west of the Yellow River!" Leopard said.

"Why do you say?" Yang Fei asked.

Leopard was at a loss for words for a moment, he couldn't understand why this devil was going across the Yellow River?He shook his head.

"It's right if you don't know!" Yang Fei said, "What are the devils going to do, I can only say that they are convulsed!"

Da Guang didn't know what to say at this time, he could only walk, watching the sky gradually brighten, and then the rain slowly stopped.

Shen Wanxi had someone drive the car to his residence. In fact, he already had a complete plan in his heart, how to blow up the devil's bridge, he was determined to succeed.

As soon as he arrived at the station, Huzi also came. He said he wanted to sign up to join the army. As soon as he heard that someone wanted to join the army, Shen Wanxi immediately said that he would go and see.

When he saw Huzi, he immediately asked, "Where are you from?"

Huzi quickly said, "I'm from Linxian County. I used to be a long-term worker for someone else's family. Now that I'm fine, I'm free. I just want to sign up to join the army and beat devils!"

Of course, Shen Wanxi was very happy with this statement, "Okay, since that's the case, I think you're quite clever, so come to me and be my correspondent!"

Hearing this, Huzi was of course happy, but he asked again, "Then, sir, what does this correspondent do?"

"The correspondent should tell me in time if he has any information! If there is a letter from the superior, he should also tell me in time!" Shen Wanxi said simply.

Huzi was very excited when he heard this, "Okay, thank you for looking up to me!" After saying that, Huzi was about to kneel down.

"Come on, our Eighth Route Army doesn't like this!" Shen Wanxi said.

After finishing speaking, Shen Wanxi asked people to take Huzi to familiarize themselves with the work, and he immediately called people to start a meeting.

The main content of the meeting was to blow up the devil's bridge. This was an extremely difficult task. Many people wondered if Shen Wanxi was crazy?If the bridge is blown up, the loss will definitely not be too small. Li Mobai is a living example. He looked at the opportunity to blow up the bridge, but every time he returned without success, and the loss was not small.

But Shen Wanxi insisted on going her own way, "I will do what others cannot do!"

"Commander, what do you plan to do?"

Yes, this is a very simple question. After listening to what you said, if the loss is small and the task can be completed, it is better to complete it.

Everyone looked at Shen Wanxi, Shen Wanxi lit a cigarette, "If I don't have two brushes, can I be your battalion commander?"

"Battalion Commander, just talk about it, don't keep entertaining us! It stands to reason that we should obey the command of the regiment headquarters now and fight together!"

This is true, but if the devil's bridge is not blown up for a day, the risk factor will be very high. Moreover, if the devils provide support, the devils in the Salt Lake area will continue to expand. This is what they don't want to see!
"Okay, then I'll tell you my opinion!" Shen Wanxi said.

"If you want to blow up the bridge, you have to be surprised. That's the way to go. If you blow up the bridge forcibly, will the devil agree?" After finishing speaking, Shen Wanxi pointed outside the door, "I had a fight with Yang Fei last night, I saw A truck owned by the devil, there are a lot of supplies on it, Yang Fei and I divided the contents of the truck, that guy is better than me, we have four or six points, but I finally want this truck!"

"Commander, why do you want this thing? We won't be able to drive when there is no more gas!"

"You're right, it's really useless. The iron bumps are really not as useful as our two legs. Wherever we want to go, we will go with our legs. But, don't want this car for nothing. Besides, On the way here, I came in a car, not to mention, it's really comfortable, much more comfortable than riding a horse!" Shen Wanxi said.

"The battalion commander... didn't we talk about the bombing of the bridge?"

"That's right, that's right! It's too far away, okay, let's talk about the bombing of the bridge. As I said just now, the bombing of the bridge was unexpected, and the devils didn't know it!" Shen Wanxi said.

"So, I was thinking, how can I be so invisible until I saw this truck!" After Shen Wanxi finished speaking, everyone looked at each other. A car can blow up a bridge?

However, this matter is definitely not impossible. They continued to look at Shen Wanxi, and Shen Wanxi continued, "This is a war, you have to pay attention to strategy. Think about it, if a car is full of explosives and then explodes in the middle of the bridge Will it blow up the bridge?"

What Shen Wanxi said was obvious, it was indeed a good idea.

"Battle Commander, if this is the case, it will be really easy!"

"Battalion Commander, the key issue now is how to get close to them!"

"I've already thought about this matter. When the time comes, get in the car, put on devil's clothes, and after getting close, deal with the heavy machine gunners in front of you first!" Speaking of this, Shen Wanxi suddenly thought of something , and then looked back at the deputy battalion commander, "Old Wang, tell me, can you jump out of the car when it is moving?"

"Yes battalion commander, this is not a problem!" said the deputy battalion commander.

"Then...can you let the car drive straight in a straight line halfway?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"This... I haven't tried it! Battalion Commander, what do you want to do?" asked the deputy battalion commander.

"I was wondering if it would be easier to blow up the devil's bridge without firing a single shot?" Shen Wanxi said.

(End of this chapter)

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