Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2349 Give me a time bomb

Chapter 2349 Give me a time bomb

It is true, if Shen Wanxi can solve this problem, it will be a meritorious service.

"No, I have to talk to the regiment first about this matter! If the regiment leader agrees, then I will implement it!" Shen Wanxi said.

This matter made Shen Wanxi very excited. He really wanted to make meritorious service. Besides, the difficulty of this matter was not very great. Therefore, in Shen Wanxi's opinion, this matter has a lot to do Yes, as long as it is planned well, there is absolutely no problem.

Without taking a break, Shen Wanxi went directly to the county seat with the guards.

When they arrived at the county seat, Li Jiguang and Wang Wei were looking at a picture.

This picture, also brought by Yang Fei, is a reconstruction of the sand table in the devil's headquarters.

Shen Wanxi entered the door, but Li Jiguang and others didn't even notice.

"Political commissar, looking at this, do you think the devil's intention is what Yang Fei and the others think?" Li Jiguang asked.

"It's hard to say, but what is certain is that the devil has nothing more than these two intentions. If we can accurately guess what the devil is going to do, then... we must thwart the devil's plot in time!" Wang Wei said.

"Leader..." Shen Wanxi looked at Li Jiguang strangely.

Only then did Li Jiguang realize that Shen Wanxi had come, "Oh, you're here, sit down!"

Shen Wanxi sat down and looked at the pictures on their table, "Head, you are..."

"That's the restoration map of the devil's sand table brought by Yang Fei's messenger. The political commissar and I are studying the devil's intentions!" After speaking, Li Jiguang asked, "Old Shen, what are you doing here?"

Shen Wanxi said quickly, "Battle Commander, what I came to mean..." He shared his thoughts with Li Jiguang.

When Wang Wei heard it, he clapped his hands, "That's right, it's a good suggestion!"

He hurried over and sat down, "Commander Shen, you've made progress!"

Shen Wanxi smiled, "However, head, political commissar, I have a difficulty!"

"You said, if the organization can solve it, it will help you solve it!" Li Jiguang said.

"The first is how to control the car to keep going in a straight line under the condition of unmanned driving. The second is how to control the explosive package on the car to reach the center of Guizi Bridge and explode!" Shen Wanxi asked, "If we can solve these two It’s a trouble, that’s much easier to say!”

"This thing is really difficult!" Li Jiguang said, "When the car is unmanned, if the road is bumpy, it is difficult to control how the car should drive normally!"

Wang Wei also said, "If you order explosives and don't need someone to order them, how should you order them?"

But when he said this, Wang Wei laughed, "I have the second solution!"

Li Jiguang and Shen Wanxi looked at Wang Wei, "Commissar, tell me quickly!"

Wang Wei said at this time, "I remember that Yang Fei and his arsenal produced time bombs. You should all know about this. The time bombs they used even blew up the devil's watchtower!"

Upon hearing this, the two became happy, "Yes, it would be great if we could use a time bomb!"

"But head, political commissar, will Yang Fei give me this time bomb?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Why not?"

Li Jiguang asked.

"I think it's better for you to issue me a certificate! Otherwise, Yang Fei will definitely not give it to me!" Shen Wanxi suffered from this last time, and this time, he had to ask them for a certificate no matter what.

"Hahaha!" Li Jiguang said. "Okay, I'll give you a certificate!"

"By the way, the problem of the car driving in a straight line, how can this be solved?"

This problem suddenly put everyone in a dilemma, "I don't know, this matter can be solved!"

"Leader, let's talk about this matter later, I will get the time bomb first, so I can feel at ease!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Okay," he said, Li Jiguang wrote a few words on a piece of paper and handed it to Shen Wanxi.

Then Shen Wanxi took the things and stood up happily, "Okay, I'll go to the leader first, if there is anything, remember to tell me!"

Shen Wanxi went out quickly, and Li Jiguang looked at Wang Wei with a smile, "We must first talk to the headquarters about this matter, and leave the matter of bombing the bridge to us!!"

"Well, I think it will work!" Wang Wei also said.

Yang Fei took the note, looked left and right, up and down, Yang Fei couldn't recognize these words, but he frowned and looked at Shen Wanxi, "Shen Gouzi, do you want my time?" What does the bomb do?"

"Lao Yang, what to do is a secret. Since the leader can sign, it shows that the leader supports me. As for what to do, you'd better not ask, it's a military secret!" Shen Wanxi also said.

"Hehe?" Yang Fei looked at him in a strange way, "Hey, what military secrets can you Shen Gouzi carry out? In the end, don't you have to ask me?"

"Hey, I have to beg you, Lao Yang, what are you talking about, hurry up, give me the time bomb!" Shen Wanxi said.

"No!" Yang Fei shook his head, "You must have found some way to get rich, tell me, let's get rich together!"

"Lao Yang, what are you talking about! Who doesn't know, you, Lao Yang, are richer than me, so I don't have any way to get rich. It's you, but you have to help me get rich!" Shen Wanxi insisted that there was nothing.

However, the more this happened, the more Yang Fei felt something was wrong.

He looked Shen Wanxi up and down, Shen Wanxi didn't tell the truth from head to toe!

"No, if you don't tell me, this time bomb won't be given to you!" Yang Fei said.

"Old Yang, I took the note from the head of the regiment. He said that with his written evidence, I can get the time bomb!" Shen Wanxi was a little anxious.

"What paper?" Yang Fei frowned, and suddenly became serious. With his hands behind his back, he quietly tore up the note written by Li Jiguang, and then threw it aside!
"It's in your hand! Don't hide it, give me the time bomb quickly!" Shen Wanxi went to take it from Yang Fei's hand, but saw that his hands were empty.He shouted angrily, "Lao Yang, where did you put the head's note?"

Then, seeing the scraps of paper on the ground, he suddenly understood, "You..."

"Hey!" Yang Fei smiled, "Tell me, I want to know what you want the time bomb to do!"

Shen Wanxi sat down, and looked at Yang Fei, afraid that if he didn't say what to do today, not only would he not be able to take the time bomb back, but even he, a living person, might not be able to go back.

"Old Shen, I asked Da Guang to get the time bomb, I was ink stained. As long as you tell me what you want the bomb to do, I will give you the bomb right away!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, Lao Yang, since you want to know, I'll tell you that the head of the group ordered me to blow up the bridge!" Li Jiguang said directly, "So, I need a time bomb, and this is also approved by the head of the group!"

Hearing this, Yang Fei frowned, "Can you blow up the bridge?"

(End of this chapter)

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