Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2350 What I Said Is True

Chapter 2350 What I Said Is True
For Yang Fei's contemptuous tone, Shen Wanxi was not angry, because Yang Fei had never looked at him highly, and even kept belittling him.

Since it was expected and under the circumstances, there is no reason to be angry. Just ignore it. Anyway, he is here to ask for help. Since he is asking for help, he needs to have the attitude of asking for help. One point, in Shen Wanxi's heart, is very clear.

Shen Wanxi smiled, "I don't want to do such a hard job, but I can't help it!" Shen Wanxi said, "The commander said that he wanted you to blow up the bridge, but your first task now is to keep an eye on the devil's subordinates." What to do with one move, Hu Dahai has a simple mind and well-developed limbs, if you want him to blow up bridges, it will be impossible in the year of the monkey!"

"As for me, I have mediocre qualifications, and I know that I can't do big things, but if I don't do these hard things, none of you will do them!"

Yang Fei smiled, "Old Shen, I didn't expect that you have improved, and you have such a high awareness, I really underestimated you!" Yang Fei smiled, "Okay, Da Guang, go get a timer Bring the bomb over and give it to our allies!" Yang Fei put his hands behind his back.

"Old Yang, this one time bomb is not enough, why don't you give me five!" Shen Wanxi bargained.

"Stop talking nonsense, do you know how much it costs to make a time bomb? You are not small, and you can pay five for a mouthful! You don't have to give me money, and you are still talking so much nonsense to me here. If you don't want it, I will take it." Use the time bomb to blow up the bridge!" Yang Fei shouted.

Shen Wanxi knew that it would be very difficult to pick out such a little bit of leftovers from Yang Fei's mouth, let alone the time bomb they painstakingly researched?
He also nodded helplessly, "Okay, okay, just one, but you have to guarantee to me that this time bomb is qualified, otherwise, the premature explosion will cause a lot of damage!"

"You son of a mother-in-law, do you want a bomb? If not, I'll take back what I just said, get out of here, and don't give me any!" Yang Fei said.

"If you want it, how can I not!" Shen Wanxi said, "Old Yang, I think you should talk to me properly, why? With so many victories on your own, you are bloated?"

"Hey, I have won a few more battles than you, but I, Lao Yang, understand that no matter what you do, you are not as good as me. That's enough. For the sake of telling the truth, give me You two time bombs!"

It wasn't until Shen Wanxi took the time bomb with his own hands that his heart sank.

Seeing Shen Wanxi leave, Yang Fei hurriedly called Da Guang over, "If this kid goes to blow up the bridge, the loss will definitely not be too small. Will the regiment leader entrust him with such a difficult task?"

"What do you mean, Battalion Commander?" Daguang asked.

"This kid probably doesn't have the truth in his mouth, and the leader should know how much he is, but I don't care if he is willing to take risks!" Yang Fei said.

"Yeah, how about I send someone to see what they are going to do?" Daguang asked.

"No, this kid must have some evil ideas in his heart. If he blows up the bridge, it's better than letting Hu Dahai do it!" Yang Fei said.

"That's right! Why is this Shen Wanxi not likable, and she won't just take her brother's life as a joke!" Da Guang also said.

"Well, okay! Let's study in detail what to do next!" Yang Fei said.

"By the way, Battalion Commander, I heard that Zhao Qifa recovered well with the company commander?" Da Guang asked.

"Well, he approached me in the morning and said he wanted to return to the team! I agreed!" Yang Fei said, "Let him be the third company commander! Our battalion lacks such commanders now!" Yang Fei Said.

At this time, Zhang Xiu'er's voice was heard at the door, "Battle Commander, are you there?"

Da Guang smiled, "Come on, I'm going out, you guys talk slowly!" Da Guang smiled and left.

Zhang Xiuer came in from the door, saw Yang Fei, and said with a smile, "Commander, I made chicken soup for you to drink!"

As she said that, she brought out a bowl of chicken soup from the rice box, "Drink it! Battalion Commander!"

Yang Fei scratched his head, what he was most afraid of was this, a woman turning around, he couldn't bear it, and of course he wasn't used to it.

"Okay, thank you!" Yang Fei said politely.

"Don't be so polite!" Zhang Xiu'er said.

Yang Fei looked at Zhang Xiu'er, "Your... looks much better!"

"Well, I'm almost finished. I heard that my brother-in-law approached you and asked to return to the team. If you agree, I will also ask to return to the team!" Zhang Xiu'er said.

"Okay! I agree, but you have to practice your skills well. You women's platoon must show your strength. Only in this way can we use our strongest internal strength!" Yang Fei said while looking for a topic.

"Well, I know the battalion commander!" After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiu'er picked up the chicken soup, "Drink it, battalion commander, it won't taste good when it gets cold!"

Yang Fei brought over the chicken soup bowl, drank a few sips, it tasted really good, and then finished it in three or two sips.

Zhang Xiuer smiled, "Then... Battalion Commander, I'm leaving!"

"Well, good!" Yang Fei said.

Zhang Xiu'er is a nice girl, sometimes she is crazy, sometimes she is quiet, although people can't figure out what she is going to do, but no matter what, she will never think about a girl.

Zhang Xiuer left, Daguang Liu Ji and the others ran in, smiling foolishly, "Commander, is the chicken soup delicious?"

"It's delicious!" Yang Fei said.

"Battle Commander, Zhang Xiu'er is a nice girl, it seems that she likes you!" Liu Ji said.

"Nonsense!" Yang Fei said quickly, "Don't talk nonsense, it's not good for Zhang Xiu'er, now, think about what this devil is going to do next? This is the key, don't think about it all day nonsense!"

"Battalion Commander, why are you blushing?" Liu Ji asked again.

It's strange to say that Yang Fei's cheeks are now red, and he feels a little hot when he touches them with his hands. He looked at Liu Ji's wretched smile, and hurriedly shouted angrily, "Are you all right, kid? If you're all right, What can I do for you?"

"Don't be fooled!" Liu Ji said quickly, "I have a lot to do, so I'm leaving now!"

Leaving Daguang here alone, Daguang felt uncomfortable, "Battle Commander, since reporter Shen Lingchen has left, I think... Zhang Xiuer is a nice girl too! At least she treats you well!"

"Get out!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Battalion Commander, I'm telling the truth. Don't ignore it. Zhang Xiu'er is a careful girl who takes care of you. There shouldn't be any problem!" Da Guang said again.

"Believe it or not, I shot you?" Yang Fei said, and touched the gun.

Daguang quickly ran to the door, then poked his head in, "Battle Commander, don't listen, what I said is true!"

(End of this chapter)

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