Chapter 2353
However, there is a bad premonition that makes Ito understand that if they really cut off the lifeline of the bridge, it will bring about destruction!
Therefore, under such circumstances, Jing Teng knew in his heart that such a matter must not be taken lightly, otherwise, he was also very clear in his heart about the consequences of a blunder.

"Huzi, can you tell me clearly, why did they bomb by car?" Jing Teng asked again.

"Your Excellency Jing Teng! I don't know about this, but I can hear clearly that many of them have volunteered to blow up the bridge. I think they should be ready! Just wait for the final decision!" Hu Zi Said.

"Okay!" Ito nodded, walked to the phone immediately, and dialed out!

"You have to pay extra attention these two days. Once you see an unknown vehicle passing by, you must check it out. If necessary, shoot to death!" After Ito finished speaking, he hung up the phone heavily.

Huzi stood up, "Then Mr. Ito, can I go?"

"If possible, you should hurry back now! If you have any information, please tell me in time! If there is any particularly important information, I will give you all the gold!" Jing Teng said.

"Then... where are the Japanese girls?" Hu Zi asked again.

Ito frowned, "Give it to you!"

Hu Zi smiled, stood up, looked at the moon outside, "Okay, now is the right time to start, and we can arrive before dawn!"

With that said, the tiger left.

Jing Teng walked to the door and looked at this greedy Chinese. He took out his pistol and aimed at his back, "What will happen to you in the end?"

However, this is indeed a piece of cake for Jing Teng, but what he wants is information, and what he lacks is such a Chinese puppet.

He was a little worried, and then he asked someone to drive to the bridge himself. Looking at the quiet surroundings, he saw a few Japanese soldiers sleeping. He slapped them awake, "What are you doing? Do you know, Now is the critical moment of life and death!"

Several Japanese soldiers quickly stood up and bowed their heads, not saying a word.

"Watch out, if there are unidentified vehicles approaching, they must be forced to stop! Don't let them get on the bridge!"

"Hayi!" The Japanese soldier lowered his head and shouted.

He looked around and found that there was nothing wrong with it, then left with a sigh.

When Hu Zi went back, he found that they were still discussing. This result was not unexpected, because no one wanted to watch someone leave.

Huzi stood still for a while, and then pretended to be nonchalant. He pinned the gold bar around his waist, and then tightened it with his trouser pocket.

After a while, Shen Wanxi and the others came out. He looked very scary, and he didn't seem to get a satisfactory result.

He looked at Hu Zi, "What did you hear outside?"

Huzi was taken aback, and he quickly shook his head, "I don't know anything!"

Shen Wanxi nodded, "If you hear it, just pretend you don't know it!"

Huzi nodded, "I know the battalion commander!"

He followed behind Shen Wanxi, and the two of them arrived at the entrance of the village. Shen Wanxi lit a cigarette and handed it to Huzi, who smiled and said, "Huzi, tell me, why are you fighting?"

Huzi didn't know, he shook his head, "I don't know, I just follow you, wherever you go, I will go!"

Shen Wanxi didn't like this kind of answer, but Huzi's highest education probably wouldn't be too high, he smiled, "Okay, that's okay, you can follow wherever the troops go, but your ideological consciousness There is room for improvement!" Then, Shen Wanxi looked at Hu Zi, "If one day, you saw your comrades fall one by one, all under the guns of the devil, what would you do?"

"Fighted with devils! What are you talking about? Of course we have to fight with devils. It's okay to take one away when you die!" Huzi said.

"You really think so, kid?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Commander, don't make fun of me!" Hu Zi scratched his head, then took a puff of cigarette, "I actually just want to have a bite of food, so as not to starve to death!"

"Well, there are too many people who think like you!" Shen Wanxi smiled. "Tonight, we are going to see the real chapter!"

"Are you going to fight tonight?" Huzi asked hastily.

Shen Wanxi looked at him, "What? What do you still know?"

"No, no, battalion commander, if you fight, take me with you!" Hu Zi said quickly.

"Well, I got it!" After Shen Wanxi finished speaking, he walked to his residence, Hu Zi followed behind Shen Wanxi, "Battle Commander, then I..."

"It's been a night, you should go back and rest too!"

Huzi went back, and then quietly took out the gold bar, looked at it carefully, and then smiled, he wrapped it with a cloth on the left and right, and put it under the pillow, no, it's not safe, he took it out, Put it under the quilt again, "No, it's not safe either!"

He looked left and right, in one of his parcels, that's even more unsafe!
Huzi thought about it, and finally pinned it around his waist, touched it with his hand, and cheered up, "It's still safe here!"

He was lying on the bed. It felt so good. There were people who were valued at both ends. Huzi smiled at his actions tonight, "If there is a chance, of course I will run! If there is no chance! Then just be a deserter!"

Anyway, he will be a highly valued person with Ito, and it doesn't matter where he works, as long as he has a stutter, he can do anything!

For those who live at the bottom of society, dignity?Who is that for, anyway, they feel that for such a high-level understanding, it has nothing to do with them.

Hu Zi is such a person.

He laughed, then fell asleep, and in his dream, he even dreamed that he was with a Japanese girl, and then cuddled, kissed, and even had something to do with it.

He laughed, then rolled over and went back to sleep.

Shen Wanxi, on the other hand, was lying on the bed and couldn't fall asleep. He thought about it, if Liu Zheng was able to jump out of the car at the last moment, even if he was slightly injured, he would not dislike him and continue to be his company commander , he can't sacrifice his life in vain!
He thought, and then he found Liu Zheng, who was watching his soldiers in the company.

Seeing Shen Wanxi coming, Liu Zheng looked at him with a smile, "Battalion Commander!"

"Liu Zheng, come here, I have something to tell you!" Shen Wanxi said.

Liu Zheng went over, "Battle Commander, tell me!"

Shen Wanxi patted his arm, "I know you can drive, tell me something!"

"Battalion Commander, tell me!" Liu Zheng was very calm.

"That is, when the car reaches the center of the bridge, can you jump out of the car?" Shen Wanxi finished, and then added, "I mean if you are in the car!"

(End of this chapter)

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