Chapter 2354
From Shen Wanxi's tone, Liu Zheng understood that this might be Shen Wanxi's final decision. He smiled, "Battle Commander, I know my driving skills. Isn't it just jumping off the car? Yes!"

"Really?" Shen Wanxi asked again.

"Really, I just need to jump off the car, I know the bridge, it's not too high, I can jump off the bridge, my life is to beat devils, I can't die!" Liu Zheng smiled Said.

He didn't do such things before, so he can guarantee this point, absolutely no problem, foolproof.

"Liu Zheng, what I'm asking is true. If it's true..." Before Shen Wanxi could finish speaking, Liu Zheng hurriedly interrupted, "Battle Commander, I know! Don't worry about this! You don't believe me ?” Liu Zheng said hastily.

"If so..."

"Battalion Commander, don't worry about mother-in-law and mother. This matter is decided in this way. I think so too. If I get out of the car, it must be foolproof!" Liu Zheng said.

"Well, if that's the case, that's great! We'll be safe!" Shen Wanxi said with a sigh of relief.

Liu Zheng smiled, "Battalion Commander, I promise to complete the task!"

"Okay!" Shen Wanxi finished speaking, but she was still a little worried, "Liu Zheng, now, do you have anything to say to me?"

"Yes!" Liu Zheng said.

"Then tell me, what else do you have to say!"

Shen Wanxi looked at Liu Zheng, and Liu Zheng said with a smile, "My third company has no combat effectiveness. Battalion Commander, you should know that each of my soldiers is an elite who has been honed through hard work. If there is a chance to make meritorious service, they must Give it to them!"

"You have to fight for this!" Shen Wanxi looked at him, "You have to take care of them, kid!"

"I know!" Liu Zheng said with a smile, "Now, I have nothing to say!"

"there is none left?"

"there is none left!"

Shen Wanxi nodded, "Okay, then I'll go first!"

The moment Shen Wanxi turned his head and walked away, Liu Zheng's tears fell. He knew that this was a narrow escape, no, there was no chance of survival. How could the devil watch him drive the bomb truck to the center of the bridge and not drive towards him? gun?
He smiled, "Never mind him! For the sake of the victory of the revolution, this... really has nothing to say!"

Just like that, Liu Zheng wiped away his tears, and turned to look at his soldiers, "Big guys, train well. Only when you meet your own conditions can you complete various tasks!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Zheng sat on a rock and lit a cigarette, "The parents at home should be proud of themselves!"

Yang Fei didn't know anything about it. He didn't know what Shen Wanxi was going to do tonight. He was just busy trying to figure out how to accurately track my devil's movements!Although the watchtower was blown up, the devil's main force is still there, and he can't eat it all at once. So, what is he going to do next?
Da Guang and Liu Ji Shouhou sat together, "What are you talking about, what are we going to do next? Why do I feel like we are wasting our lives?"

"Battalion Commander, I think we should send a small group of troops to harass them now. We don't know what this devil is going to do!" Liu Ji said.

"Then how to do it?" Yang Fei asked again.

"I'll take Heren to see their details!" Liu Ji said, "A squad of fighters is enough!"

"Battalion Commander, I think it's useless for him to do this! The devil has deployed a lot of troops on the defensive line. We can't know the devil's purpose in the past now. We can only wait for a breakthrough before we can learn more!" The thin monkey said.

"I said Skinny Monkey, why are you contradicting me? I won't go and see. Could this devil give you a breakthrough?" Liu Ji countered.

"Okay, this matter, I don't think it will be so simple, but unfortunately, the distance from our place to Hanling is too far, and Shen Wanxi's place is quite good!"

Yang Fei said, and after finishing speaking, he suddenly looked at the three of them, "In this case, let's go find Shen Wanxi?"

"Battalion Commander, why are we looking for him?" Liu Ji asked.

"This guy wants to blow up the bridge, and I always feel like I'm going to fail!" Yang Fei said.

"Failure? Isn't that within the normal range? I think, let's not bother him, let's send troops over there to have a look!" Liu Ji said.

"Give Shen Wanxi support when necessary!" Shouhou also added.

"So, you all agreed to go there?" Yang Fei asked again.

"I agree!"

It is rare that they all agreed to this proposal.

"Okay, let's go now?" Yang Fei asked.

"Battalion Commander, this Shen Gouzi doesn't know when to start. Would it be too rash for us to go like this?" Liu Ji asked.

"That's right, we can't spend a few days and nights there, can we?" The thin monkey also said.

At this time, the guard came in and said, "Battle Commander, someone is coming!"

Yang Fei went out the door and saw a soldier. Yang Fei recognized this soldier. He was Shen Wanxi's bodyguard. "Oh? Shen Gouzi taught you what to come here for?"

The guard came over, "Battlemaster Yang, our Battalion Commander Shen said that we will have a fight with devils tonight, please come over and help!"

"Ask me?" Yang Fei smiled, "We don't do business that loses money in this world! Our old Yang also has his own bottom line, what do you think?"

How could the guard not know Yang Fei's virtue? He smiled, "Battlemaster Yang, this time we are doing a loss-making business! We won't even get a gun from the devil!"

"Since this is the case, you, Battalion Commander Shen, can solve it yourself, and I, Lao Yang, will not participate in your affairs!" Yang Fei resolutely refused, although he also wanted to go and have a look.

"Battalion Commander Yang, this matter is for the sake of the overall situation. Our battalion commander also stayed up all night and was thinking of countermeasures!" said the guard.

"Countermeasures? Then your Battalion Commander Shen has a countermeasure?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes, just tonight, our Battalion Commander Shen said that we want you to visit!" said the guard.

"Hehe, your Battalion Commander Shen is really ingenious, asking me to visit, isn't this humiliating my mother?" Yang Fei said sarcastically, and then he asked, "What is the specific countermeasure?"

The guard smiled. When he came, Shen Wanxi told him that Yang Fei would definitely ask him about his specific countermeasures. However, Shen Gouzi said again that he must not tell him on the spot. According to Yang Fei's personality, he Definitely will come!

So, the guard smiled, "Battalion Commander Yang, if you want to know, go and have a look tonight!" After saying that, the guard turned around and left.

Stamped Yang Fei angrily, "This dog is too heavy, isn't that mocking me?"

Liu Ji asked, "Battle Commander, shall we still go?"

"Go, why don't you go? I want to see what the Shen Gouzi's countermeasure is!" Yang Fei said fiercely!

(End of this chapter)

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