Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2362 Juggling

Chapter 2362 Juggling

This is no joke.

Zhao Qifa didn't dare not pay attention to them. At night, a bonfire was lit in the village. Yang Sibao and others put on makeup, and then began to perform in front of the bonfire.

Yang Fei and the others gathered around and watched.

The little girl was sitting on a box. It was no longer raining at this time. The little girl shook her legs and looked left and right at the crowd.

Yang Sibao came out and said, "Fathers and folks in Huoguang Village, we are jugglers traveling from house to house. I hope that those who have guns will win a money market, and those who have no money will win a man's game. The military master asked us to come and perform, and we couldn’t refuse, so we came here! Now, we will start to perform!" After speaking, Yang Sibao left, and a tall man walked to the middle of the stage, and he bowed his hands to the crowd He bowed, and then picked up a red-tasseled gun from the ground.

After a performance, the gun was aimed at the little girl.

The little girl smiled, and immediately landed on her toes and jumped on the box. The man stabbed at him with a gun, and the little girl suddenly jumped up to a height of two meters. Just stab straight.

This time, if it hits the target, then the little girl is really finished. Yang Fei sweated, he couldn't pretend he couldn't see it.

It was so dangerous, Yang Fei opened his mouth wide in surprise, "Be careful!"

Everyone was worried about the little girl.

The little girl suddenly stood up straight in the air, like a flying crane, and slowly lowered one foot, stepping on the tip of the red-tasseled spear, as steadily as a fairy.

At this time, the man changed from two hands to one hand, and then raised one hand high, suddenly let go, he squatted down, the red-tasseled gun barrel fell on his head, and kept looking at the little girl above!
Yang Fei was shocked, this is juggling!

This is folk art!

He was really sweating just now, but seeing this now, he let go of his worries.

Zhao Qifa also had to applaud, applaud for their wonderful performance!

"it is good!"

The little girl stood on the red-tasseled gun head, then jumped up again, twirled around in the air a few times, then fell down, and stepped on the gun head again.

Everyone cheered!This kind of skill can be done after many years of contact!

Just when everyone thought this was the climax, another person came over, bent his bow and drew an arrow, and shot an arrow at the little girl with a "swish".

Yang Fei's heart was in his throat, isn't this going to put people to death?

However, at this moment, the little girl suddenly stepped on the red-tasseled gun, turned her whole body around, and caught the bow and arrow with one hand.

"Whoosh" again.

The other hand of the little girl who still didn't change her face and heartbeat also caught it.

At this time, the man who drew the bow fully drew the bow, and the veins in his neck were all exposed, "Oops, can this work?" Zhao Qifa was a little surprised.


All of a sudden, the bow returned to its original state, and her eyes looked at the little girl. The little girl jumped up at this moment, and when her lumpy body stepped on the tip of the red-tasseled spear, her whole body shook. When she stood still, But with the arrow in his mouth.

"it is good!"

Everyone cheered again!

Yang Sibao took a small box, "Thank you everyone! Thank you everyone!"

From the beginning to the end, very few people put money in the box. Everyone knows that although the performance is good, no one has any spare money for them. Come here, just to watch the excitement.

When Yang Sibao arrived in front of Yang Fei, Yang Fei searched all over his body, only took out a hard board, and put it in, "Sorry, there are only so many!"

"thanks, thanks!"

Seeing that Yang Sibao started to collect money, everyone backed away one after another, and the people inside surrounded him in a circle.

"Old man, how about this, our army, how about taking care of your three meals?"

Yang Fei said.

Yang Sibao turned his head and nodded, "Okay, okay!"

After speaking, the performance continued. The man holding the red-tasseled gun was already sweating a lot, and the girl got off the red-tasseled gun and sat on the box again.

Then, a man came out again, held up a big stone, put it aside, and then lay on the ground like that, another person put the stone on his chest, "Crush the big stone on the chest!"

Everyone knew what this show was about. A man held up a hammer, his eyes widened, and he threw all his strength at the rock on his chest!

A hammer down, the stone did not crack!

"Work harder!"


There was a hammer, but it still didn't break open!

Yang Sibao frowned, "Watch it, don't smash it!"

When the third hammer came down, the stone on the lying man's chest was turned in two, and then rolled to the side.

When Yang Sibao came on stage, he performed swallowing the sword and Nezha breathing fire!

This night's performance opened everyone's eyes. It was just a trick of the rivers and lakes. Now, the impression it gave them has definitely changed!

After the performance, Yang Fei asked someone to help Yang Sibao and the others pack their things.

Yang Sibao said, "Don't bother everyone, we can do it ourselves!"


Going back at night, Yang Fei thought to himself, are these people just juggling?

He tossed and turned.

"Ah!" At this time, Yang Fei heard a scream, and immediately went out the door, only to see a soldier's face ashen, "Ghost, ghost!"

Yang Fei turned his head and saw a woman in white clothes standing on a branch not far away. She was wearing a white skirt with loose hair and black circles around her eyes. The branch was moving slightly.

She stretched out a hand, and suddenly there was a gust of wind hanging on the ground.

"Ah!" Yang Fei was taken aback, "The Battalion Commander..."

Da Guang ran out and stood in front of Yang Fei.

"Da Guang, be careful!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Battle Commander, don't worry! I'm not afraid of anything, Da Guang!"

After Da Guang finished speaking, the female ghost in white touched a stone beside her with her hand, and it exploded with a "bang".

Leaves a smell of gunpowder.

Yan Fei and the others hurriedly covered their faces.

When I looked again, the female ghost floated to another branch, "Who are you?"

Daguang shouted.

After shouting, Da Guang pointed his pistol at the female ghost. The female ghost was obviously frightened, and immediately turned around and ran away.

"Since it's a ghost, why are you afraid of my pistol!"

After Daguang finished speaking, he shot out with a "bang".

The female ghost dodged lightly, then looked back at them, and then drifted away.

Yang Fei was still in shock, "What's going on?"

"Battle Commander, don't worry, if she is a ghost, she won't be afraid of my pistol!"

Daguang said.

"This is so strange!" Yang Fei shook his head.

"This must be the girl at the juggling!"

Daguang said slowly.

"It's that girl?" Yang Fei was also a little surprised!

(End of this chapter)

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