Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2363 Folk Artists

Chapter 2363 Folk Artists
This scare really scared Yang Fei to death, Da Guang helped Yang Fei to the room, "Battle Commander, it's okay, it's a fake!"

"Fake?" Yang Fei frowned, "The female ghost can float and run, how can this be fake?"

In fact, Yang Fei also had doubts in his heart. After all, he didn't believe in ghosts or anything in his heart.

"Battle Commander, don't worry, I'm going to look for that juggler right now, is it that girl pretending to be a female ghost!" Da Guang left after saying that.

Yang Fei was still in shock, he didn't understand, if this guy wasn't a female ghost, how could he be floating on the branch?If it is false, then who can have such a great ability?
Perhaps what Daguang said is correct, this should be played by that girl, but why is she here?
Does that girl really know magic?

He hurried out, "Da Guang, wait!"

Yang Fei and Da Guang arrived at the forest farm. At this time, the jugglers had already fallen asleep. The two of them walked around outside their room for a long time, "Battle Commander, just wait, I'll go ask that guy!" Then, Da Fei knocked on the door vigorously.

After a while, the door opened, and Yang Sibao looked at them with his clothes on, "Master"

"Where's that girl?" Daguang asked immediately.

"I've already fallen asleep!" Yang Sibao hurriedly said after putting on his clothes.

"Did he fall asleep? Did he turn around and go to the mountain like a ghost?" Da Guang's question made Yang Sibao a little dull.

"Master Jun...what are you talking about?" Yang Sibao hurriedly said, "Wenwen has been asleep for a long time..."

"Where is she?" Daguang asked quickly.

"In her room..." Before Yang Sibao finished speaking, Da Guang grabbed Yang Sibao's collar, "Take me there!"

"Okay, okay..." Yang Sibao hurried to Wenwen's room, knocked on the door, but no one answered, he pushed hard, and the door opened, he lit a sheep oil lamp, went in, and saw Wenwen Wen lay in bed and slept soundly.

Yang Fei was also a little strange, if it wasn't for her, who would it be?
However, Daguang was unyielding. In his mind, no one could stand on the branch except Wenwen. Since she could stand on the red-tasseled spear, it might not be difficult to stand on the branch. , He came to Wenwen and took a closer look at her. Her face was clean, and she looked like she was in a deep sleep.

"Master Jun...what's going on here?" Yang Sibao hurriedly asked.

Da Guang looked back at Yang Sibao, "Where did you come from?"

"We just went from house to house to juggle! Master Jun...I..." Yang Sibao was a little speechless.

"Okay, if you don't say anything, I'll wait until you say it!" After saying that, Da Guang went out, and then let a squad of soldiers just hang their hands outside.

Yang Sibao caught up, "Master Jun, what are you going to do?"

Yang Fei felt that maybe they really didn't do this!Perhaps, it is vertigo?

"Daguang, forget it!"

Yang Fei forgive me, Da Guang shook his head, "It's not worth it! This is to murder our battalion commander, and the person who wants to murder our battalion commander is either a devil or a spy!" Da Guang stood in front of Yang Fei, " Yang Sibao, no matter what you say now, there is no way to rule out your suspicion, if you don't tell the truth, you don't even think about leaving!" Da Guang pushed Yang Sibao into the room and locked the door behind him.

Then he told someone to take good care of it, and went up the mountain with Yang Fei.

This is really no joke!
Yang Sibao was locked in the room, and two men came over immediately, "Father, this Yang Fei doesn't look like a good guy, or, let's go out and do him directly!"

"Nonsense! Who told you to send Wenwen to find Yang Fei?" Yang Sibao frowned and asked.

"Father, how many good soldiers are there? We walk the rivers and lakes to uphold justice! Not only do we want to kill the Japanese, but even these so-called soldiers who beat the Japanese probably don't have many of them sincerely. !"

"Liming, you can't say that!" Yang Sibao said.

"Father, I think big brother is right!" Yang Lidao also said.

"Nonsense, you guys!" Yang Sibao walked to the door, listened to the voice outside, and whispered.

"Father, since we've done it, we'll keep doing it all the time. How can this room lock us up?" Yang Liming went to get the knife at this moment.

Yang Sibao stopped him, "Don't mess around!"

"Father, we passed a village during the day, and all the people in the village died, but did you see that? That Yang Fei actually asked us to perform juggling. Could it be that he wanted to celebrate the dead?" Yang Liming thought of this , very angry. "That's from a village, how could this happen?"

"Liming, Lidao, you two listen to me clearly. It's really not easy for us to walk this way. We have killed a lot of Japanese. This time, the only purpose of our going home is to pay homage to him. Your mother, how she died, you should know better than me! We killed the Japanese devils!"

"But in my opinion, these soldiers are not as good as Japanese devils!" Yang Liming said through gritted teeth.

"Nonsense!" Yang Sibao said, "This shouldn't be said here!" After finishing speaking, Yang Sibao snatched the knife from Yang Liming's hand, "It's Ching Ming Festival soon, I don't want you to have trouble, this time I will pay homage to you Say hello to your mother, and then let's continue walking the rivers and lakes!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at the two brothers, "No matter what, you can't let your sister take risks!"


"Okay, let's go to bed now!" After saying that, Yang Sibao lay down on the bed.

The two brothers were lying on another bed.

This night, Yang Liming felt very uncomfortable. What happened during the day touched him so much that he could never forget that the people in that village were lying on the ground in disorder, and the surrounding air was full of blood. taste!

When they saw the soldiers, they didn't dare to tell what they saw. What if... these soldiers did this thing, what would happen to them?

Yang Liming tossed and turned, Yang Lidao hurriedly said, "Brother, go to sleep! Let's see the situation tomorrow!"

"Well, go to sleep!"


They walked in the dark, they worked hard to light the bonfire in the dark, they stood up for the sky, they supported justice, they were just a tiny drop in the ocean, they were just a small microcosm among thousands of suffering people, They are insignificant, but they are unwilling to be ordinary and depraved, and they work hard to maintain this great balance.

They use practical actions to tell those who are still watching, "Get up and fight together!"

(End of this chapter)

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