Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2364 Yang Fei, you have to help me

Chapter 2364 Yang Fei, you have to help me

Early the next morning, Da Guang frowned, because he had just received news that Xiaogang Village...was also massacred by devils...

These devils are really disgusting. They don't hold back their beast behavior at all, this group of beasts.

It's a move that makes them suspicious and makes them overwhelmed!

Shen Wanxi's troops have been on the mountain for a whole day. They occupy the top of the mountain and keep an eye on the progress of the bridge construction, while Yang Fei is behind the scenes, watching the villages being massacred by the devils, but they don't know the next move of the devils Where!

When Yang Fei found out about this situation, he was furious, "This Xiaogang Village is here, have you seen it? If there is no accident, this devil will probably hit Lin County!" Yang Fei said angrily, "We are still here I'm in the dark, I don't know what the devil will do!" Yang Fei pursed his lips.

"Battalion Commander, these devils have no rules at all, and we don't know where they are going!" Da Guang said quickly.

"Okay, let me inform you that all the comrades of the first company and the second company will be stationed in the nearby village at night, especially at night, if they encounter devils, they will beat me hard, don't Hit politely!" Yang Fei roared.

"I know the battalion commander!" Da Guang ran away after saying that.

At this time, a guard ran over, "Battle Commander, someone from Battalion Commander Hu is here!"

Yang Fei nodded, "This Hu Dahai should have come a long time ago!"

With that, he went out.

When he arrived at the command post, Yang Fei looked at the man, "You Hu Battalion Commander Hu Dahai, what did you ask you to come here for?"

"Battlemaster Yang, hello, our Battalion Commander Hu said that this time the devils massacred Xiaogang Village again, and then I ask you if there is any way?" the soldier asked.

"Have you done anything, Commander Hu?" Yang Fei continued to ask.

"Battle Commander Yang, what do you mean by...?"

What Yang Fei said was very subtle. He was very dissatisfied with Hu Dahai's slow action, "You battalion commander Hu saw that the villagers of three villages had been massacred. What did he do? Just wait for news at the command post? "

"Battalion Commander Yang, our battalion commander also stayed up all night and was still trying to find a way, but in the daytime, there were no traces of any devils, so our battalion commander Hu asked me to ask you to see Is there anything you can do?"

The soldiers were also very helpless, but if they couldn't find the devils, what could they do.

"Ask me?" Yang Fei sneered, "Hehe, he is your battalion commander. The place where the devils are active is within the control of your battalion. Ask me? Do I understand the situation?" Yang Fei's question made Hu Dahai The soldier in front of him was a little speechless.

"That's right!"

With this sound, Yang Fei looked out the window and saw Hu Dahai slowly approaching.

When Hu Dahai came in, he said slowly, "Old Yang, you are right!"

He held a wine bottle in his hand, "My old Hu is useless. I am not as smart as you, nor as brave as Shen Wanxi. My old Hu can't find devils even now. Fuck, they are like ghosts." , always active at night!" As he spoke, he sat down by himself and asked the soldier next to him to stand up, "You go! I'll talk to Battalion Commander Yang!"

Yang Fei looked at Hu Dahai, his expression was rather anxious, "Old Yang, just now... the head of the regiment came and said that I can't find the devils, and if I can't guarantee the safety of the people, I will be dismissed." If you want me to say, dismissing me is a trivial matter, what's the matter, before dismissing me, I have to find the devil and fight the devil with real swords and guns!"

"Old Hu, your kid's head is just an elm bump!" Yang Fei said, "It's true that the devil is in the dark, but you don't think about the next step of the devil. Why does the devil do this?" Yang Fei Fei said.

Hu Dahai looked at Yang Fei, "Old Yang, if you have a way, you must tell me, if I have a way, I won't look for you!"

"In my opinion, the head of the regiment should have dismissed you a long time ago!" Yang Fei said, "Now, the purpose of the devil should be very clear, that is, to harass you if you don't listen, and let all your plans be in place. Deal with the devils in the dark!"

"Old Yang, if you have something to say, just say it!" Hu Dahai said.

"Did the head give you any tasks?" Yang Fei asked.

Hu Dahai looked at Yang Fei, "Lao want to trick me?"

"Trick you?" Yang Fei sneered, "You are more honest, and I won't beat around the bush with you anymore. The reason why the devils do this should be because they can see what you are going to do! If this is the case, they will naturally keep harassing you You!" Yang Fei said, "When we fight devils, we also fight guerrillas, and you don't feel used to this devil's guerrillas!"

Hu Dahai looked at Yang Fei, "Old Yang, what are you trying to say?"

"Old Hu, I think you don't have a high level of comprehension. It's useless to be the battalion commander. If you were dismissed, you should have been dismissed long ago! You fight guerrillas, which makes the devils a headache. The devils fight guerrillas, but you I don't know where the devil is?" Yang Fei asked.

In fact, Yang Fei doesn't know where the devil is, but there must be a way to deal with the devil, Hu Dahai asked slowly, "Old Yang, if you have a way, just tell me, don't beat around the bush! My old Hu My comprehension is not high, but I really want to beat devils!"

"Let me tell you this, you do the opposite and use your guerrilla method to deal with devils!" Yang Fei said very simply.

"Ah?" Hu Dahai still didn't understand.

Yang Fei said directly, "Hu Dahai, if you used guerrilla warfare to fight devils, how would you fight?"

"I must have got the news, ambush, fight, run if you can't fight, and fight if you can fight!" Hu Dahai said.

"That's right, this devil is the same, they must use guerrilla warfare! Since they are good at ambushes, then you have to think about where they should be able to ambush! Moreover, the devil's ninjutsu is definitely not too much , They must be a small group of troops, and they should not go back after slaughtering the village, but hide somewhere nearby!" Yang Fei said.

"That's right!" Hu Dahai suddenly realized, "Old Yang, I didn't expect that you are really a smart person! I didn't think so much!"

"Hehe! If you can think of it, are you still Hu Dahai?" Yang Fei said, "Think carefully, what are the characteristics of these villages slaughtered by the devils? Then see if there are any suitable places to hide around!" Yang Fei asked.

"Well, I got it!" Hu Dahai said, "Old Yang, thank you, I'm leaving now! Within two days, I will definitely find the devil!"

"Two days? Today, if you don't research it, another village will be massacred!" Yang Fei asked.

(End of this chapter)

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