Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2365 Talk 1 Talk

Chapter 2365

Hu Dahai stopped, "Then...Old Yang, I won't leave, I'll just wait here with you! Let's study together!" Hu Dahai said with a smile.

For Yang Fei, Hu Dahai has confidence in his heart. After all these years of working together, Yang Fei has always had more ideas than him about killing devils. So, with Yang Fei, he feels at ease.

"What?" Yang Fei was a little surprised, "I still have so many things to do! What do you mean by staying here?"

"Hey! Lao Yang, I have brought you wine, and you are going to reject me. Let's find a way to find this devil. In this way, we can easily solve many things. At that time, I will bring you another two catties of wine!" Hu Dahai said with a smile.

Yang Fei was very reluctant, Hu Dahai put the wine aside, then he took the map from the table, and asked, "Old Yang, when did you have such an exquisite map?"

This map was captured by Yang Fei in the last battle. This map is clearly drawn, with descriptions from the village to the mountain, and the terrain can also be seen clearly.

"Old Hu, look at this," Yang Fei said, pointing to the three villages where the accident happened, "These three villages are here, and here, and the last one is here, look, there are three villages in these three villages. What connection?"

Hu Dahai watched, "The three villages are all isolated, and as far as I know, the scale of these three villages is not large, and the largest number is only more than 30 households. There are mountains around these three villages!"

"That's right!" Yang Fei said, "Find their common ground, and you will be able to figure out where this devil's next goal is!" Yang Fei said, "Look around here, see what places are similar to this place!" Are the three places the same?"

Hu Dahai looked at it, and looked around, "This village, Xiaohe Village, is also isolated against the mountains! Due to the unique terrain of this village, my second company is stationed here!"

"What else?" Yang Fei asked again.

"And this place, this village is garrisoned by my third company!" Hu Dahai said, "In this way, the devils won't move two places?"

"Is there anything else?" Yang Fei asked again.

Hu Dahai watched, and suddenly, his expression changed, "Old Yang, my headquarters is in Dongjiao Village. Dongjiao Village is relatively high, surrounded by mountains, and the company is stationed here! Devils should not come here Ah!" Hu Dahai asked.

"I can't say for certain about this, but Hu, you should understand that this devil is not playing with you when he fights, and we should strengthen our defenses wherever possible, and we must let everyone be more vigilant! After you go back, you must let everyone form a militia group, a militia organization, but our party's most wise decision!"

"Lao Yang, you're right! This time, we suffer because we don't have a militia organization. When I go back this time, I must let the nearby villages form a militia organization. Our troops are far from enough to defend so many!" Hu Dahai said .

"That's right!" Yang Fei said, "You should be more clear-headed, boy! This time, the devil might attack your headquarters!"

"Yeah!" Hu Dahai nodded.

"Okay, let's go!" Yang Fei said.

Hu Dahai stood up, took the bottle of wine, and Yang Fei said quickly, "What are you doing?"

"Hey hey!" Hu Dahai smiled, "You shouldn't drink alcohol, I'll save this wine for you first, and then I'll bring it over to drink with you!"

"Get out!" Yang Fei frowned, "Is there any reason to take back what you gave away to others?"

"Hey, my old Hu is also poor, so I saved this wine from between my teeth!"

Hu Dahai smiled, and trotted away with the wine.

Yang Fei knew Hu Dahai's virtues, so he didn't care about them.

He went down the mountain alone, and then arrived at the forest farm. Thinking about what happened last night, he found Zhao Qifa, "Battle Commander, I heard what happened last night. Do you suspect that it was Yang Sibao who did it? "

"It's possible, but there's no conclusive evidence!" Yang Fei said, "I'm just skeptical about this!"

"Then... I will temporarily guard these people, and I won't let them move around at will!"

"Well, let's go and meet them!"

Yang Fei said.

When they arrived at the door of Yang Sibao's room, a soldier opened the door, and Yang Sibao was sitting in the room, smoking a pipe.

"Master Yang!" Yang Fei went in and asked.

Yang Sibao stood up from the chair, quickly put away the cigarette rod, "Master... when can we leave?"

"Master Yang, come, let's have a chat..." After Yang Fei finished speaking, Yang Liming immediately came over, "What do you want to do?"

Yang Fei looked at Yang Liming, he was tall and strong, with a strong back and a hulking waist, he looked majestic, "Don't worry, I just want to talk to him for a while!"

Yang Liming walked up to Yang Fei, "I warn you, don't do anything to my father, if you let me know, I can't spare you!"

Zhao Qifa quickly said, "Yang Liming, you are still in custody, I tell you that if you dare to do anything harmful to the people, I can shoot you at any time!"

Yang Sibao hurriedly said, "Master Jun, don't be offended by my son's rude words. Since you want to talk to me, then, let's go and have a good talk!"

Yang Lidao also hurried over, "Father, if something happens to you, just call out, these people are not our opponents!"

"Fart, you two stay here well! The military master wants to talk to me, why do you worry so much?" Yang Sibao shouted.

After the two of them went out, Yang Fei and Yang Sibao sat on a lump of wood. At this time, the wind blew over and it was a bit cold. Yesterday's rain was not heavy, but the weather suddenly became cold.

"Master Yang, how long have you been out?" Yang Fei asked. ,
"It's been more than half a year!" Yang Sibao replied.

"It's been so long..." Yang Fei smiled, "I've been out for many years, about seven or eight years. My hometown is not here, but in the south, far away. We walked all the way from Jiangxi to AH, and then From AH to Hunan...Anyway, it’s been so many years! We’ve been fighting devils for so many years! We don’t know when this devil will be wiped out by us!”

"Master Jun, you have really worked hard!" Yang Sibao said.

"It's hard work!" Yang Fei said, "This is the mission of our revolution, and it is also the mission of our Eighth Route Army!"

"Mr. Jun, you are all great heroes. My two sons... are useless. They can only earn some money by working hard!" Yang Sibao said.

"Master Yang, you are joking, I think your two sons are both capable!" Yang Fei said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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