Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2366 The leader has something to do with you

Chapter 2366 The leader has something to do with you

Yang Sibao quickly waved his hands, "Jun Ye, Jun Ye, you are joking, they are all ordinary households, how can they mention their names in front of you! Don't talk about them like that!" Yang Si Bao seemed a little cowardly, he knew , the officer in front of him, whether he is good or bad, he has to be on his guard. He has never dealt with soldiers, and he never knows what is going on with soldiers!
Having said that, he came back this time just to commemorate his wife, and he didn't want to make any troubles. Although his son and daughter are a little bit capable, they are so powerful that they can't beat so many people.

Yang Fei smiled, "Hahaha, Master Yang, don't say that. From their performance yesterday, I can see that they have all practiced before, and their skills are naturally amazing!"

"It's all a foundation laid since childhood, Mr. Jun, we are three schools and nine schools, no, not at all!" No matter what Yang Fei said, he always depreciated himself like this.

Yang Fei wanted to have a detailed talk with him. After all, people who travel the rivers and lakes are well-informed, and they should also know what's going on in the outside world!
"Master Yang, listen to me. We are people in the new society. There is no such thing as three religions and nine streams. We are all equal! I came to talk to you because I wanted to ask you what is going on in the outside world. Yes!" Yang Fei asked.

"The world outside?" Hearing this, Yang Sibao shook his head again, "I'm a villager, how can I know the world outside?"

"Master Yang, you must have seen a lot because you have traveled far and wide!" Yang Fei said.

"It's true that I travel to many places, but most of the time, I go to the villages, and I don't even go to the county town! Therefore, any village is the same for us!" Yang Sibao said.

From Yang Sibao's mouth, it is impossible for him to get too much information. After all, Yang Sibao is an old Jianghu, so it is impossible for him to confide the truth.

Seeing this, Yang Fei could only say, "Okay, Master Yang, if this is the case, then...we will talk when we have something to do!"

Hearing what he said, Yang Sibao was naturally relieved, "Okay, since you said so, then good, Mr. Jun, if you have anything to do, you can find me!"

Yang Fei stood up and went out, Yang Sibao followed behind, "Master Yang, go back!"

Yang Sibao nodded, and then went towards his room.

Zhao Qifa hurried over, "Battle Commander, what did the old man say?"

"He has a tight mouth, this is an old fritter, but if he doesn't tell, I won't ask!" Yang Fei said.

"Hey, I didn't expect to recruit such a person, Battalion Commander, don't worry, I will watch them hard!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Well, okay, then I'm leaving!"

After saying that, Yang Fei left.

When Yang Fei had just left the gate of the forest farm, Da Guang ran over, "Battalion Commander, I heard that the regiment asked you to go!"

Yang Fei looked at Da Guang, "Ask me to go? Could it be that there is any new progress in the group recently?"

"I'm not sure about this, but battalion commander, let's go. The regimental commander just came and said that he has something to discuss with us!" Daguang said.

"Well, okay, let's go now!"

After all, the two of them rode fast horses to the city.

When they arrived in the city, Yang Fei and Da Guang went straight to the headquarters. When they arrived in the war room, Yang Fei saw Li Jiguang and Wang Wei looking at the map and talking. Seeing Yang Fei coming, Li Jiguang shouted, "Come in!"

Yang Fei went over and said, "Hey, Battalion Commander, is there any new progress recently?"

"Sit down!" Li Jiguang said, and then walked over from behind the table, he sat down, and then said, "Lao Yang, I have heard recently about the ghost slaughtering the village. What do you think?"

"Battalion Commander, I have heard a little bit about this, but I went to investigate and didn't get any clues of devils!" Yang Fei said.

"This devil is cunning, and he won't let you find out easily. However, the sky net is restored. This devil is everywhere on our Chinese land. Sooner or later, he will be discovered. However, those unarmed people are pitiful!" Li Jiguang said.

"Commander, in my opinion, if the devils wanted to attack on a large scale, they would have attacked a long time ago. The reason why they sent the little devils to slaughter the village and then didn't show up, I think, is that they just want to harass us and get our attention. If you can't concentrate, you will give us a fatal blow!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, that's what the political commissar said just now! I don't know what's going on with Hu Dahai. I've already sent someone to look for him. I heard that Hu Dahai also went to you?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Well, he has looked for me, and I have already told him my opinion. As for whether I can find the devil, it depends on Hu Dahai's tone!" Yang Fei took out a pack of cigarettes from his body, "Boss, Come smoke!"

After lighting a cigarette, Li Jiguang said again, "This matter cannot be delayed. If the devils come to slaughter the village again tonight, we should have some way to deal with it!" Li Jiguang said.

"Battalion Commander, I think these devils don't dare to go too far from their headquarters. They must be ready to retreat at any time! So, I think their scope of activities should be in Hu Dahai's area. As long as he puts all his The defense work is done well! For the rest, the devils will not dare to act rashly!"

"You're right!" Li Jiguang finished.

Wang Wei came over, "Yang Fei, last time we blew up the devil's watchtower, it was a good job!"

"Political commissar, don't talk about it. Although the watchtower was blown up, there is no gain at all... In this way, all our efforts will be in vain!" Yang Fei said.

"That's wrong!" Wang Wei said, "You can't just look at the surface of this matter. The team leader and I have carefully analyzed the report you sent last time. We think that what you said is correct. It seems that this devil is not going north, but crossing the Yellow River!"

"Crossing the Yellow River?" Yang Fei was still a little puzzled. The devils wanted to cross the river. There must be difficulties. If they went north and joined the devils in the north, they could form a siege around their base, and then they would be safe and secure in the rear. , They crossed the Yellow River, can this goal be established?
"Political commissar, but, crossing the Yellow River, is it possible that the devil is heading for Xi'an City?" Yang Fei asked.

"It's really possible!" Wang Wei finished, and then said, "We have already contacted the headquarters, and explained the situation we know to the headquarters one by one. The headquarters also believes that the possibility of the devil crossing the river is very high. Great! So, the headquarters has already contacted the national army!"

"In this case, what should we do?" Yang Fei asked.

"We can't watch the devils cross the river. The national army's defense is one aspect, and our pursuit and interception is another aspect!" Wang Wei said.

(End of this chapter)

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