Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2367 Wanted

Chapter 2367 Wanted

"Didn't you say that the devil still has a line of defense. If this line of defense is pierced by the devil, will there be any gains?" Wang Wei continued to ask.

"I also think there will be gains, but the political commissar, our battalion really has nothing this time, and the guns are not equipped, let alone other things!" Yang Fei said his difficulties.

In the final analysis, they are not afraid of these little devils and beasts, but who made these beasts not show up at all, if they can't be found, how can they fight, there is no way to fight them.

"Hahahaha!" Li Jiguang laughed, "We know that the last time you had a direct contact with the devils, you took out all your possessions, Yang Fei, you won't just wait for us to send you supplies, will you?"

"Head, how come, this devil has been huddled in the bastard shell for so long, we have no way to say anything, last time we robbed a Japanese truck, and even shared things with Shen Gouzi!" Yang Fei said.

"Haha, okay, in two days, the headquarters will distribute some guns and ammunition, and we decided to equip your battalion!" Li Jiguang spoke, and Yang Fei was naturally surprised.

"Head, is this true?" Yang Fei had long been anxious about their lack of ammunition. If Li Jiguang hadn't lied to him, then he could definitely say that he was relieved of this matter.

"Why are you lying to me!" Li Jiguang said.

"By the way, Battalion Commander Yang, there is one more thing I want to say!" Wang Wei said.

"Political commissar, tell me!" Yang Fei said quickly.

"Battle Commander Yang, regarding the glorious deeds of Comrade Liu Zheng, your battalion has done a good job, and the instructor Yu has also done a very good job. You are very hardworking. Since you can learn from Comrade Liu Zheng's spirit of giving up your home for everyone, I hope you We can really implement it and carry forward this spirit!" Wang Wei said.

"Political commissar, don't worry, the morale of our battalion is high now, and we are waiting for a real battle with the devils. I believe that as long as we fight the devils, the devils will have to fight us!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, this matter must be implemented as soon as possible. Your equipment problem, the regiment leader will solve it for you! By the way, Shen Wanxi's troops have seized the high ground on the north side of the bridge, but because of the distance, they have not been able to Stop the engineering troops of the devils from rushing to repair the bridge!" Wang Wei shook his head, "If the devils repair the bridge again, Comrade Liu Zheng will die in vain!" Wang Wei said.

"Political commissar, don't worry, in fact, I already have a solution in my heart! To deal with the devils, we don't need to contribute, just let Li Mobai's troops contribute!" Yang Fei said.

"Is there any way?" Wang Wei asked.

"Political commissar, I won't tell you this. I think Li Mobai was already very depressed when he didn't blow up the bridge last time. This time, I want to give Li Mobai the credit!" Yang Fei said.

"Hahaha!" Wang Wei said, "Okay, then it's up to you!"

"Political commissar, don't worry!" Yang Fei said.

After speaking, Wang Wei came to the table again.

"Leader, political commissar, if there is nothing else, I will leave first!" Yang Fei said.


As he spoke, Li Jiguang stood up, and a gust of wind blew in at the door, blowing a piece of paper off the table.

Yang Fei bent down to pick it up, and handed it to Li Jiguang.

Li Jiguang took it over and smiled, "How ridiculous you say that, several officers of the national army were frightened to death by ghosts!"

Upon hearing this, Yang Fei quickly stopped and looked back at Li Jiguang, "Head, what? Are you scared to death?"

"Yes, two days ago, the national army sent us a wanted warrant!" Li Jiguang said.

"Wanted warrant?" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he took it from Li Jiguang's hand.

Although he didn't understand the words on it, he did recognize the person in the photo on the arrest warrant.

Li Jiguang continued, "The officers of the national army did not die at the hands of the female ghost, but at the hands of these jugglers!"

"Head, what does this mean?" Yang Fei asked.

"It's written clearly that the national army regards these people as the spies of the devil and wants to arrest them through the arrest warrant! When they were in Henan, they played ghosts by juggling and killed two or three local Wei officials. !” Li Jiguang said.

"Head, did they kill someone?" Yang Fei asked strangely.

"Yes, what? Do you know them?" Li Jiguang asked.

"It's more than just acquaintances. They performed juggling performances in Huoguang Village last night, and now they are guarded by my people. Later last night, I suspected that the female ghost I saw was played by that girl." Yes! Today is a good day, I saw the news!" Yang Fei deliberately concealed his fright.

"Oh? And this?" Li Jiguang asked.

"However, Captain, they really have some skills!" Yang Fei said.

"Hey, Lao Yang, you don't have any ideas, do you?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Hey, this one really exists!" Yang Fei smiled, "I want to absorb them into our camp!"

"Let's see if you have the ability!" Li Jiguang smiled, "If you can absorb your battalion, that's a good thing! There are so many strange people, it's a good thing!"

"Hey, this..." Yang Fei pointed to the arrest warrant in his hand, "Can I take this?"

"Hehe, take it away!" Li Jiguang said, "It would be a good thing if he can help you!"

"That's good, head, wait for my good news!" Said, Yang Fei walked out the door briskly.

Then he shouted loudly, "Daguang, lead the horse, let's go!"


After riding their horses, they walked from Lin County directly to the direction where Li Mobai's troops were stationed.

This place is relatively close to Li Mobai's defense line, and there is no need to cross any ravines. There is a road, although it is inaccessible, but it is very close!

Arriving at Li Mobai's line of defense, Yang Fei smiled and shouted directly, "Old Li?"

Li Mobai came out of the tent, saw that it was Yang Fei, and laughed, "Old Yang, why is it you?"

"Lao Li, how could it not be me, Lao Yang!" Yang Fei said.

"What? Did you drop in? Or did you come to find me on purpose?" Li Mobai said, and then let Yang Fei enter the tent.

He gave Yang Fei a glass of water, then sat in front of him, raised his glasses with his hand, "Old Yang, what do you want from me?"

Yang Fei took a sip of water, "Lao Li, I really have a good thing to do with you!"

"A good thing?" Li Mobai was a little strange. Logically speaking, if it was a good thing, Yang Fei would never give it up to others. What happened to Yang Fei today?
Seeing Li Mobai's strange expression, Yang Fei smiled and put the teacup on the table, "Old Li, don't look at me like that, I really have something good to do with you!"

"Since there is a good thing, tell me quickly and make me happy!"

(End of this chapter)

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