Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2368 Good thing for you

Chapter 2368 Good thing for you

Yang Fei smiled, "I know you didn't blow up the devil's bridge last time, so you must be feeling uncomfortable!"

Li Mobai smiled, feeling a little embarrassed. He didn't want to hear Yang Fei say that, but he understood that he really didn't do a good job in this matter. Of course, he didn't think of using a car to put a bomb on the bridge!

Just to blow up the bridge, he almost lost a company's strength, and he can be said to be very dedicated to blowing up the bridge.

After losing so many soldiers, his heart is also very distressed, but who knows that there is no better way, and it is helpless to do this.

"Old Yang, what are you talking about?" Li Mobai asked.

"To put it bluntly, Lao Li, you have regressed, you are not as smart as Shen Gouzi!" Yang Fei shook his head.

"Hehe!" Li Mobai shook his head, he was optimistic, but this matter became a thorn in his heart, and he couldn't get over it no matter what.

"But Lao Li, the news I brought you today will definitely make you feel ashamed! Originally, I, Yang Fei, could do it too, but we are brothers, and I can't let you lose face in your group Isn't it?" Yang Fei said.

Li Mobai looked at him, "Old Yang, what's wrong with you? Do you have good news for me?"

"Believe it or not, I didn't blow up the bridge last time. This time, I will give you a chance to take revenge!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, tell me!" Li Mobai looked at Yang Fei, and Yang Fei took another sip of water from his teacup.

"Lao Li, do you know what the devil is doing now?"

Yang Fei asked.

"Build the bridge! I also wondered how we could kill the devil's engineers, but this devil has heavy soldiers in the east of the bridge! But we can't do anything to them!" Li Mobai said.

"It's good that you know this, this time, I want you to clean up these devils!" Yang Fei said, and then took a piece of paper from Li Mobai's desk!

He drew two straight lines on the paper, "Look, this is the bridge! Now, a big hole has been blown into the bridge at this place! However, the main foundation of the bridge has not been affected much. According to the devil's progress, At most one week, the bridge will be repaired. After the devil repairs the bridge, why should our soldiers drive to blow up the bridge? This is obviously unreasonable!" Yang Fei said, "I have studied the surrounding areas of the bridge. Terrain, now, Shen Wanxi has occupied the high ground on the northwest side of the bridge, but they have no way to attack the devil's engineers, but your place is a very good location!" Yang Fei said.

"I know this, but the engineers who want to destroy the devils must also occupy the high ground here!" Li Mobai said, "The devils have already occupied the high ground on the north side of the bridge, and we are already one step too late!"

"This is natural, but what about the south side?" Yang Fei asked.

"The south side? Yang Fei, there is no such a good location on the south side. Although it is also a hillside, the terrain is relatively low! It is not suitable for fighting there!" Li Mobai said.

"Haha, just the opposite!" Yang Fei said. "As long as you can get rid of the devils on the east side of the bridge! As long as you occupy the hillside on the southeast side of the bridge, then, isn't it the devil's engineers before your eyes? Get rid of the devil's engineers! You are also a great achievement One piece!" Yang Fei said.

"That's what I said, Yang Fei, since you want me to make meritorious service, you have to tell me how to make meritorious deeds!" Li Mobai was a little anxious. He thought of many methods, but in the end they were all unrealistic and terminated. Listen to Yang Fei this time. Having said that, he felt that this matter must be reasonable.

"Let me tell you this, if you want to get rid of the engineers, you must occupy the hillside on the southeast side of the bridge, and if you want to occupy the hillside on the southeast side of the bridge, you must get rid of the devils on the bridge east of the bridge! This matter, Is it difficult?" Yang Fei asked.

"This matter is not difficult, even if I try my best, I still have to wipe out the devils on the bridge!" Li Mobai said.

"That's right!" Yang Fei said, "I have something good to give you, but I don't have it with me now!"

"Good things?" Li Mobai looked at Yang Fei, "What good things do you want to give me?"

"Muffler!" Yang Fei said with a smile.

When Li Mobai heard that it was a silencer, he opened his eyes wide. This silencer is usually placed on a sniper rifle. Even if it is not placed on a sniper rifle, but placed on a rifle, it still has to test the gathering ability of soldiers!There are many sharpshooters in their camp!He can rest assured about this, he looked at Yang Fei, "You... have this thing?"

"Hey, yes!" Yang Fei said with a smile, "Last time, I saw our trainer playing with this, so I asked what it was, and he said it was a silencer, specially for fighting devils! So, I gave it to you It doesn't matter, I have a total of five silencers! This thing is hard to come by, you have to return it to me when you use it up!"

"As long as you have it, I'll definitely pay it back when it's used up! However, you haven't said how to beat devils!"

Li Mobai asked quickly.

"It's simple!" Yang Fei said, "You lurk at night on the high ground on the south side, and then wrap all the branches around your body. Needless to say, you should know this, in places where the enemy can't find you , Eliminating the devils, this is a big thing, a good thing!"

After hearing this, Li Mobai smiled, "If it's true, Yang Fei, I have to thank you now!"

"That's not necessary!" Yang Fei said, "Nanpo is close to the devil's engineers, so it should be your chance to make meritorious service!"

Li Mobai smiled, "Hey! Yang Fei, I didn't expect that you still think of me so much!"

"Old Li, I thank you so much, you gave me the bastard of Daguang, which is considered a blessing from Yang Fei in my previous life!" Yang Fei smiled.

"When I go back today, I'll have someone bring you the silencer!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, Lao Yang, if you have nothing to do today, why don't you sit down for a while, and let's have a drink?" Li Mobai asked.

"Haha, wait until you eliminate the devils! Okay, it's getting late, and I have to rush back. You must be extremely careful about this matter. The most important thing is the devils on the bridge!"

"Well, I see!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei stood up and went out. Da Guang led the horse over, and the two of them got on the horse and left their camp.

Li Mobai looked at the figure of Yang Fei flying away, and suddenly felt in his heart that Yang Fei was a friend, he really didn't make friends in vain.He held his glasses until he couldn't see Yang Fei's back, then he slowly turned his head and returned to his tent.

He looked at the map, and couldn't help but envy Yang Fei's overall concept, "Yang Fei, Yang Fei, I wish I was half as smart as you!"

(End of this chapter)

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