Chapter 2369
This world is surprisingly small. Yang Fei puts all his energy into how to fight the war, but the reality tells him that all your energy is likely to be useless. The only way for him to understand the truth of life is through life.

In any case, what ability does he have in fighting devils? He has very little experience in life, so it is very correct to gain experience through life.

All kinds of impossible things, in Yang Fei's eyes, there may always be such a possibility. He and Da Guang rode fast horses to Huo Guang Village. At this time, the sky was close to night, at 06:30 in the afternoon , the sky slowly darkened.

"Da Guang, go to the mountain to find the trainer, tell the trainer to bring those five silencers, and then go to Li Mobai's camp without stopping and give it to him. The sooner this happens, the better!" Yang Fei confessed.

"Yes, battalion commander!"

The big light opened in response.

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei walked into the forest farm slowly.

Zhao Qifa saw Yang Fei and hurried over, "Battle Commander, are you back from the regiment headquarters?"

"Well, I'm back!" Yang Fei said.

"Did the leader explain a lot of things? What do I need to do?" Zhao Qifa asked quickly.

"The rest are nonsense, go, find Yang Sibao again!" Yang Fei followed Zhao Qifa to the door of Yang Sibao's room.

After opening the door, the room was filled with smog. Yang Sibao sat on a chair smoking a pipe, with one foot resting on another chair.His two sons were chatting by the bed in boredom.

Seeing the door opened, they slowly turned their heads to look at the door.

"Yang Sibao, come out!" Zhao Qifa shouted.

Yang Sibao was stunned for a moment, then stood up, put the cigarette rod on the table, wiped his hands, and then walked towards the door!

Yang Liming immediately ran over, "What are you going to do? Are you imprisoning us?"

Zhao Qifa glared at him, then looked at Yang Sibao, "The battalion commander is looking for you, come out quickly!"

Yang Liming's heart beat faster, but he was in front of Yang Sibao, "What are you all looking for my father for? You want to kill or cut me!"

"Little bastard, get out of here!" Yang Sibao yelled, put one hand on his shoulder, and then pulled him back forcefully, "You dog, it's not your turn to say anything here!"

"Father!" Panting Yang Liming, he said unwillingly, "Father, they are really deceiving us too much, and they keep making trouble for us!"

"Stop talking!" Yang Sibao yelled, then looked at Yang Fei at the door, "Master Jun, I'll go with you!"

After going out the door, a gust of wind blew over, and it was a bit chilly. He shook a thick dress on his body, and then followed Yang Fei's footsteps.

Yang Fei walked a few steps, then turned to look at him, "Master Yang, don't take offense, I went to our regiment headquarters, and then came back, just to see if you have eaten?"

"Not yet, but I'm not very hungry!"

Yang Sibao looked at Yang Fei and said.

"Not hungry?" Yang Fei smiled, "How can you not be hungry! The food and treatment of our Eighth Route Army is not very good. It is not bad to eat Wowotou every day. In this season, we can only eat pickled last winter. Pickles, you will make it!"

"No, no, this food is very good, very good!" Yang Sibao said.

In fact, his heart was going up and down, and he didn't know what question Yang Fei wanted to ask him.

However, Yang Fei just asked these irrelevant things, which is not like his style. Yang Sibao couldn't figure out what Yang Fei was going to say, so he said again, "Master Jun, when can we leave?"

Yang Fei smiled and pointed to a wooden stake, "Come on, Master Yang, sit down!"

The two sat down, Yang Fei took out a cigarette and handed it to Yang Sibao, then struck a match with it, lit it, lit a cigarette for Yang Sibao, and he also lit one himself.

The protruding blue smoke made Yang Fei feel a lot more relaxed.

Yang Fei was smoking a cigarette and didn't speak, which made Yang Sibao restless. He moved his butt vigorously, but he still couldn't sit comfortably.

"Master Jun, if you have anything to say, just say it!" Yang Sibao asked.

"A lot of things happened this month!" Yang Fei said immediately.

"Ah?" Yang Sibao was a little strange.

"Two Wei officials of the national army died strangely, and the news has spread here! Don't you think it's strange?" Yang Fei looked at Yang Sibao while smoking a cigarette!
Yang Sibao's heart skipped a beat, and he said hastily, "Did the officer of the national army die?"

"Yes, and, these days, this devil has been slaughtering the villagers in the nearby villages. We searched for a long time, but we still haven't found where this devil is lurking!" Yang Fei said again.

These two things had nothing to do with each other, but when Yang Fei said this, Yang Sibao began to think, "Is this Yang Fei suspecting that they slaughtered the villagers?"

However, he quickly turned his head back, "Master Jun, this Japanese devil is really annoying!"

"Yes!" Yang Fei said.

Yang Sibao didn't know why Yang Fei wanted to tell him this, and what was the purpose of saying this?He really didn't want Yang Fei to ask some tricky questions. If he suddenly knew that they killed those two people from the national army, then... would they still be able to leave?

"I suspect that the people who killed those two officers of the national army must be Japanese devils! Although those two officers have nothing to do with us, it is scary to say that, after all, they are an anti-Japanese force!" Yang Fei twitched He smoked a cigarette and looked at Yang Sibao.

His demeanor is composed, and he looks like an old Jianghu.

"Mr. Jun, there are always good and bad soldiers. If I say that, I don't know whether those two officers are good or bad. I can't judge rashly." Yang Sibao said slowly.

"Hey, how did it get dark so quickly?" Yang Fei shook his head, "Okay, let's not talk about this, I should go back!"

Yang Fei deliberately went to his pocket, and deliberately got the wanted warrant out of his pocket, and it fell right in front of Yang Sibao.

Seeing that Yang Fei didn't notice, Yang Sibao quickly picked it up and put it in his pocket.

Zhao Qifa said a few words to Yang Fei, and then he came over and locked Yang Sibao into the room again.

When Yang Sibao was imprisoned, Yang Liming and Yang Lidao hurried over, "Father, that guy didn't do anything to you, did he?"

Yang Sibao shook his head, "Nothing happened to me!" As he spoke, he took out the arrest warrant from his pocket.

"What is this?" Yang Liming asked quickly.

Yang Sibao looked at the door, and then put a finger near his mouth, "Shh...don't speak so loudly, it fell out of Yang Fei's pocket, I picked it up!"

The three of them surrounded, and then quietly lit a lamp, the dim light shone in the room, and the dark yellow light swayed from side to side.

(End of this chapter)

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