Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2383 The Secret Discovered

Chapter 2383 The Secret Discovered

Daguang really didn't understand.

Yang Fei himself knew that although he didn't think much of Shen Wanxi, but fortunately, he had fought against Japan with him for so long, and based on this alone, he had no right to say whether Shen Wanxi was a traitor.

Just now, Shen Wanxi kept making faces at Yang Fei. He knew that he wanted to investigate by himself!

Yang Fei also knew that he couldn't do anything to the tiger just by what he said. If Shen Wanxi also found out that there was something wrong with the tiger, wouldn't it be better? ,

From this point, it can also be seen that this Shen Wanxi is not an idiot, it is not bad to know how to stabilize the tiger first and let him investigate.If Shen Wanxi was a big fool, then it would be really difficult.

"Battalion Commander, why don't I understand?" Da Guang asked.

Yang Fei glanced at him, "The child doesn't understand, and his whole body is swollen! Don't ask any more questions!"

With that said, Yang Fei walked ahead and slowly went up the mountain.

Shen Wanxi took Hu Zi to their camp.

Along the way, Huzi kept crying about Yang Fei's all kinds of domineering!
Shen Wanxi also echoed, "Yes, how did someone like Yang Fei become a battalion commander?"

"Battle Commander, you are right, Yang Fei is a bastard! He can't help slandering me and you, it's best for us not to associate with him!"

Tiger said.

"Yes, it's better to have less dealings in the future!"

Shen Wanxi said.

"Battalion Commander, I assure you that I, Huzi, are innocent! I will never be this traitor, and I can't bear the infamy!" Huzi said pretendingly.

"Well, I believe you, otherwise, I wouldn't bail you out! You have to tell me the truth yourself, you are not a traitor!"

"Of course I'm not!" Hu Zi said.

"That's fine! Let's go back!"

Wait until they get to camp.

Shen Wanxi hurriedly ordered the task!

"Huzi, go to the highland now to have a look. You can ask the first company commander, is there anything wrong with the highland?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Okay! I'll go right away!" Hu Zi said.

"Well, when you come, let's have a drink, and I'll make some braised pork!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Hey, Battalion Commander, okay! Then I'll go!" After saying that, Huzi rode away on his horse.

Seeing him leaving, Shen Wanxi hurriedly called his guards over, "Go, check this tiger, where did he come from!"

"Battalion Commander, just now, you were at Yang Fei's place... didn't you guarantee that he is not a traitor?" asked the guard.

"Of course I can't believe Yang Fei's one-sided words!" Shen Wanxi said, "However, this traitor is not a trivial matter. If it is not handled properly, it will ruin our major event!"

"Alright Battalion Commander, I'll investigate right away!" After finishing speaking, the guard left.

Shen Wanxi paced around, and then walked to Huzi's room, "This bastard, I trust him so much, I gave him a separate room! He didn't do anything to apologize to me, did he?"

Thinking of this, Shen Wanxi pushed away from Huzi's room, walked in, looked around, everything was as usual.

He deliberately pushed Hu Zi away, and then tried to coax Hu Zi with braised pork, at least, he couldn't let him go, could he?
He walked around the room, then sat on his bed, lit a cigarette, and looked around.

Huzi's bed was a bit messy, and Shen Wanxi frowned, "He's also my bodyguard after all, why are you so careless about your personal hygiene?"

After finishing speaking, he started to fold the quilt neatly for Huzi. Seeing that the pillow was also in a mess, he went to get the pillow, but when he took the pillow, he found that the pillow was a bit heavy, and there was a "clang" metal impact. sound.

He was shocked, "What is this?"

He hastily opened Huzi's pillow, Shen Wanxi was shocked when he opened it, and two golden bars suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

"Huzi... how come there are gold bars?"

Shen Wanxi felt more and more that his back was a little chilly.

"At that time, he was talking about being in the army and getting a living! If you are so rich, do you need to be in the army?"

Shen Wanxi thought about it.

If Yang Fei is right, is Huzi really a traitor?Is this the gold bar that the devil gave Huzi?
Thinking of this, Shen Wanxi held the gold bars in both hands, "This bastard is really hiding something from me!"

He put the gold bar back to Hu Zi.Then when he went out, he thought that he had folded Huzi's quilt, went over again, opened his quilt, and threw it on the bed casually.

He went out, looked back at the room, "Come here, take care of this house for me, don't let anyone walk in at will!"

"Yes!" A soldier ran over and said.

If you wait for him to come back, you must ask him clearly!

When Huzi was on the way to the mountain, he was also very lucky, "Fortunately, Yang Fei didn't catch him, otherwise, he would definitely not be able to survive now!"

However, Huzi was on the road, but his heart was very heavy. "When I came out, I forgot to bring gold bars. Only with gold bars can I feel at ease!"

Thinking of this, Hu Zi realized that he didn't dare to go back. If he went back again, then Shen Wanxi would find out something, wouldn't he be convinced of this?
However, if you don't go here, wouldn't the gold bars be left in the room for nothing?

"No!" Hu Zi shouted, "We still have to go back, at least, it's not too late for him to take this gold bar!"

"Since Yang Fei can't decide that he is a traitor, Shen Wanxi naturally can't do anything!

Thinking of this, Huzi breathed a sigh of relief.

After arriving at the mountain and turning around, Huzi rode down again.

He ran towards Shen Wanxi's camp at full speed.

When he arrived at the camp, he dismounted from his horse and found Shen Wanxi, "Battle Commander, I went around and found nothing wrong. The enthusiasm of the soldiers is also very high! I think we will be able to deal with it." Devil!"

"Well, very good!" Shen Wanxi said, "In this way, we have the chance to win!"

"Yes!" Hu Zi said.

"Well, good, the kitchen has already stewed meat, Hu Zi, let's have a drink!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Okay! Battalion Commander, I'll go back to my room and wash my face, I'll be here right away!" Hu Zi said.

"Well, let's go!"

After speaking, Hu Zi returned to the room.

The room is still the same, seeing the quilt that he didn't have time to tidy up in the morning, this is his nature!

Huzi happily went to the pillow, put one hand under the pillow, felt the weight of the gold bar, then opened the pillow, took out the gold bar, and enjoyed it for a while. "It's so good, it feels so good to be rich!"

After speaking, he was ready to eat braised pork.

However, Huzi discovered a problem at this time!
When he saw a trace of soot on the bed, he was startled!
He doesn't smoke!But this soot...

He looked at the quilt again...

He suddenly discovered that someone had been here...

(End of this chapter)

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