Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2384 Do one more thing for me

Chapter 2384 Do One More Thing For Me

This is a terrible thing!

Huzi hid the gold on his body in a panic, looked left and right, and finally decided to take only this gold away, and put the rest here.Walking to the door, he took a look quietly, and found that there was only one soldier standing at his door, and then he pretended to be calm.

The soldier at the door immediately stopped him, "Where are you going?"

Hu Zi squinted at him, "The battalion commander invited me to drink, why? You don't know?"

The soldier let go of his hand, Huzi walked over, and then headed towards the command post.

As soon as he escaped the sight of the soldiers, he headed another way, hurriedly led a horse, got on the horse and walked towards the entrance of the village.

The sound of horseshoes was anxious, and when they reached the entrance of the village, the guarding soldiers asked quickly, "Where are you going?"

"Urgent task!"

Huzi yelled and walked away...

Shen Wanxi, who was waiting at the command post, decided to interrogate Huzi, but after waiting for a long time, he still couldn't find Huzi. He asked the guards to call, but when he came back, the news was that Huzi had disappeared!
"What?" Shen Wanxi was shocked!

"Battalion Commander, Hu Zi is not in the room! I asked the guarding soldier, and the soldier said he came to drink with you!" said the guard.

"Hurry up, let someone go to the entrance of the village to ask, and don't let him go away!" Shen Wanxi said quickly.

The guard turned around and ran!
However, it was still a step too late!
Huzi eventually ran away.

Shen Wanxi raised her fist and punched the table, "I regret not listening to Yang Fei!"

In fact, when Yang Fei said it at the beginning, he already had doubts in his heart, but he still wanted evidence, and put the evidence directly in front of Hu Zi, so that he could arrest Hu Zi directly, but In the end, he still didn't expect that things would develop to this point.


The thing has already happened, no matter how much Shen Wanxi blames it, it will be useless, so he can only say, "Hurry up and notify the whole camp, if you find the tiger, catch it immediately!"

In other words, after Huzi left, he went directly to the devil's headquarters, found Saburo Ito, and talked about his misfortune with snot and tears.

Jing Teng squinted, took a cup from the table, and took a sip of water. To be honest, the information Huzi got from Shen Wanxi was really pitiful, and there was nothing that could cheer the devil up. Regarding Huzi's experience, Ito naturally didn't take it seriously, he smiled, "This is really strange!"

"Your Excellency, tell me, what should I do?"

Tiger asked quickly.

"What do you think? What do you think you should do?"

Ito asked.

"I don't think I'm suitable to be an undercover agent. It's too fucking scary. Your Excellency, you don't know. When Yang Fei saw me, it was like a tiger seeing this little white rabbit. I ran away." I can't run him, and I can't beat him!" Huzi was serious, and he was very wronged.

"Huzi, I don't blame you for this matter!" Jing Teng said, "Yang Fei is very smart, you? You are not his opponent at all!"

What Ito said reassured Huzi, so to speak, his Huzi should be safe.

However, Ito continued, "I still have a task, I wonder if you can complete it?"

"Oh?" Toriko looked at Ito.

Ito Ichiro smiled, and then patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry! It's very simple!"

"Hey! Okay, Your Excellency, then tell me, I just listen!"

After Huzi finished speaking, Ito shook his head, "No, it's not that you just listen, have to do it!"

Hu Zi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Okay, then tell me!"

"Well, recently, we captured some people in the south. These people are probably spies of the Eighth Route Army, so I will let you interrogate them this time!"

"Me?" Huzi looked at him in surprise, "How can I know who the Eighth Route Army is?"

"So, you need to interrogate!" Ito Ichiro said.

"Your Excellency..." After thinking for a while, Hu Zi nodded, "Okay, then I'll go!"

"Okay," said, Ito Ichiro returned to the room, and then took out two gold bars, "I'll give you this first, it's your reward for doing things for His Majesty the Emperor!"

Seeing the tiger son of the gold bar, he was naturally very happy, "Okay! Thank you Your Excellency, thank you His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Okay, then you can take a rest now, and report it tomorrow!" Ito Ichiro said.

"Yes yes yes!" Huzi nodded and left.

The corner of Jing Teng's mouth twitched, "Finally such a person came! I also said, who is the right one to find! Isn't this here?"

Thinking of this, Ito immediately called for someone to come in.

"When will the reporter arrive?"

Ito asked.

"Should be this afternoon!"

"Okay, then tomorrow, arrange for these reporters to interview tomorrow. Don't they suspect that the Japanese are mistreating the prisoners? Let them take a good look at who is mistreating these prisoners!"

Ito laughed.

"Ha Yi, I'll make arrangements right away, and make sure that the tiger just now learns how to mistreat captives!"

"Yes, that's it, let them see that it is the Chinese who are abusing the Chinese, and it has nothing to do with us Japanese!" Ito Ichiro said again.

"Ha Yi," said the devil, and left.

Huzi just lay down on the bed when someone knocked on the door.

He got up impatiently and opened the door, and saw a Japanese major come in.

"Sir? You..." Huzi was a little puzzled.

"Your Excellency Huzi, hello, I heard that you are now serving the Emperor of Japan, so you have to wear our uniform here!" Said, the major put the clothes beside Huzi.

Then he said, "I don't know if Your Excellency Mr. Ito told you, but you are now our warden, responsible for all the work!"

"I'm the warden?" Hearing this, Huzi laughed. Isn't this a success?With this fat job, what are you afraid of?If you want money and money, you want to eat and eat, all of these must be so smooth!
"Yes, you are the warden!" The major said again, "Yes, the prisoner will be interrogated tomorrow. At that time, don't be merciful. Whatever punishment you use, you can use it! Don't be afraid!"

"Haha, put this down, I don't want to be beaten, but I'm good at beating people!" Huzi smiled, "Go back and tell Your Excellency Jing Teng that I will be the warden and let him Don't worry, I will definitely let those damned captives open their mouths and get all the information we need!"

"Okay, Your Excellency Huzi, then I'll go first! According to what you said, and according to the instructions of Your Excellency Ito, what kind of punishment is this, don't let it go!"

The Major repeated it again.

"Haha!" Huzi smiled, imagining that he is now the warden, wouldn't that be very majestic!Warden, what is the difference between him and Lord Hades?But one person is in charge of the prison, and the other is in charge of the hell. Maybe at that time, whoever is not pleasing to the eye can be directly handed over to the Lord Hades of hell!

(End of this chapter)

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