Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2385 I want to marry you

Chapter 2385 I want to marry you
Chapter 2377

Huzi slept until night, put on the clothes given to him by the Japanese major, and then went to the Japanese art museum in a show of power.

The flower field that he didn't find last time, today, he said he had to find anything.

The clothes he wore last time were not the ones he is wearing now. He believes that he will be able to succeed if he puts on this clothes now. Anyway, he is the warden of the prison, so he has a lot of face.

Because he was wearing this dress, the owner of the art gallery saw him and bent over, "Hello!"

Huzi went in and shouted directly, "Find out the flower field for me quickly!"

The boss hurriedly said, "Ha Yi, Ha Yi!"

Then left.

Someone brought Huzi to a separate room, and Huzi staggered to the table wearing clogs. As soon as he sat down, someone came over and brought a pot of tea. Huzi frowned, "Hurry up and serve it to me!" Wine! Who drinks this stuff!"

The woman quickly collected the tea and went out.

Another woman came over and brought some snacks to the table!

Huzi stared at the woman, he shook his head, his brows were covered by thick makeup, which was very annoying.

"Okay, pour me wine" Huzi said with a smile.

The woman listened to Huzi very much and began to pour the wine.

He drank the wine and said in his mouth, "This Japanese girl looks good, but this face has no interest at all!"

At this time, the door opened, and the boss came in, "Sir, please come out, I have something to do!"

Huzi sat up, "Okay, then let her go!"

After the woman got up, she trotted out.

The store owner has an impression of Huzi.

Huzi, he has seen him before, and he was once thrown out by sumo wrestlers, but now, this kid has become a member of the imperial army!
If he doesn't understand, who will understand?

"The flower field is here?" Hu Zi looked at the flower field, still the same as he had seen before, but now looking at the flower field, he only felt a little nervous.

"Get out! Don't come in!" Hu Zi shouted.

The boss went out and closed the door behind him.

Huatian was left alone, she was at a loss and could only lower her head.

"Come and sit, come here!"

Huatian walked over in small steps, then knelt down in front of Huzi.

"That's right!" Huzi's sense of vanity suddenly arose spontaneously.

This is what he wants, this is the first time he feels this superior feeling.

In the past, others did not regard him as a human being, but now, he must also treat himself as a human being, not only a human being, but also a superior human being!

Huatian looked at Huzi nervously, "Sir, I'm really sorry about what happened last time!"

"Sorry?" Hu Zi smiled, "It's okay, don't be sorry! You know, who am I now, I don't care so much!"

"Thank you!" Hanada said quickly.

"However, what I didn't get last time, I must get it today"!
Hu Zi smiled, then held Hua Tian's head up with his hands, "Look at me, what do you think I look like?"


"What else?" Huzi asked dissatisfied.

"Not only is he handsome, but he is also handsome!" Hanada said.

"I want to ask you to be my wife!" Huzi said.

Hanada's eyes widened. In fact, Hanada has no status here, and he is only at the bottom of the Japanese society. Otherwise, she would not have traveled all the way here to be this.

Huatian never thought about marrying a Chinese, let alone, she didn't know who the person in front of her was.


"Why? I don't want to. You just said that I am handsome and handsome. Can I be worthy of you?" Hu Zi asked.

"Yes! Yes!" After finishing speaking, Hanada hurriedly said again, "I don't think I'm good enough for you!"

"Haha, it was originally! But, listen, I, Huzi, have my eyes on you now, and you are my woman!" Huzi said with confidence.

Just then, the door was suddenly opened.

Huzi turned his head abruptly, only to find Ito!
Ito seemed very angry, but said politely, "Mr. Huzi, I think, can we talk?"

Huzi's face suddenly changed, "Your Excellency Ito?"

He stood up slowly and straightened his clothes.

"You go out first!" After Ito finished speaking, Hanada went out.

"Your Excellency Ito, what do you want from me?" Huzi asked.

"I just want to say, if you really like her, I can help you redeem her, and then fulfill you." Ito said.

"Hey hey! Huzi pretended to smile, "Okay, as long as you want!"I would like to marry her! "

"Okay, but it can't be like this now, I promise you, within three days, you will be able to marry her, how about it?"

"Okay, that's what you said, Your Excellency Ito, I take it seriously!" Huzi said.

"Of course it is!" Ito said, and then sat down, "How about a few drinks for the two of us?"

"Okay, come on, have a few drinks!"

As he spoke, Huzi poured him wine.

For Huzi, Jing Teng was actually very annoyed, he didn't like such a person.

However, he knew better in his heart that at this time, such people were indispensable to help them.

So, under such circumstances, Jing Teng could only endure.

Don't look at him with great power, deciding Huzi's life or death with a single word, but that's not how it works.

If he could accomplish some special things by killing, then he wouldn't find Huzi.

"Huzi, don't worry, as long as you work wholeheartedly for the imperial army of the Japanese Empire, the benefits will be indispensable to you. There will be a lot of money, and everything else will be the same."

Jing Teng said with a smile on his face: "Of course, the premise of all this is to do things well for the imperial army. I know and heard about your previous affairs. Trust me, as long as you do well, Those things are not a problem at all, if you want revenge, it's just a matter of me."

Jing Teng continued: "Even if you want to replace your old master, it's very simple. The empire needs talents like you, who will work for the empire wholeheartedly. Huzi, I like you, do it well!"

At this time, Jing Teng is completely buying people's hearts.

Logically speaking, a tiger doesn't need him as an officer to do anything at all.

But, he did it anyway.

From this point of view, Jing Teng's attitude is still good.

"Hi Yi, Hi Yi, Mr. Jing Teng, I know what to do, just rest assured."

As for Huzi, he even nodded and bowed his head to reassure him.

Undoubtedly, what Jing Teng said had reached his heart.

So, he has to do it well and realize all these things.

Afterwards, Huzi began to toast Jing Teng!

(End of this chapter)

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