Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2386 Interrogation

Chapter 2386 Interrogation
After drinking for three rounds, Huzi's head was a little covered, Ito stood up, and then left.

He deliberately told his boss, "Don't be afraid of him, do whatever you can!"

After receiving this instruction, the boss nodded decisively, "Alright sir, thank you this time!"

This matter is not over, Jing Teng has already put this person on the death penalty list in his heart, as long as he helps him finish this matter, the rest, his life will be steamed like a stray dog , was boiled and hacked into pieces!

Having said that, no matter how the people in their empire are at the bottom, here, they are not available to these people. This tiger is really looking for death. After finishing the work, what awaits the tiger is death.

The next day, Huzi woke up and found that he was still in the brothel. Then he got up, got dressed, washed his face here, and went to his office.

In a trance, he decided to do a good job today and let Ito know his ability!
Most of the prison guards are puppet soldiers. When they saw the tiger coming, they hurried to curry favor.

"Oh, brother! You're here!"

Huzi was more than happy to accept such flattery.He smiled and said, "Okay, I'll talk about something later, now, lead the way, I'll go and see those people I caught last time!"

When I brought Huzi to the prison, the prison was already overcrowded, "So many people?"

"Brother, this group of people committed the crime of stealing, and these people committed the crime of insulting the Japanese. I heard that these people are eight-way..."

"Wait!" Huzi said, and when he reached those rooms, he put his hands behind his back, and looked inside, "Are these people offending the Japanese?"

Tiger asked.

"That's right, brother, their neighbor was just captured last time. It is said that it is from the Eighth Route Army, but there is no conclusive evidence!" said the puppet soldier.

"What's your name? You look so clever!" Huzi asked.

"My name is Xiao Kai!"

"Oh, Xiao Kai!" Hu Zi said, "Go, grab someone from that room, and I want to see if he admits that he is eight ways!"

As he said that, Huzi went straight to the instruments of torture. A puppet soldier made a pile of charcoal fire, leaning on an iron pillar, and a puppet soldier next to him was sorting out other instruments of torture.

He sat there, and then Xiao Kai brought a person over.

When the man saw Huzi, he shouted, "Dog traitor!"

Hearing this, Huzi was very upset, his tone was very similar to Yang Fei, he stood up, went straight over, and slapped him, "You dog, in Lao Tzu's territory, you don't have the right to speak now! "

After finishing speaking, the man spat on Hu Zi's face!
The insult!
Huzi knew it, but he smiled, wiped away the saliva with his hand, and then punched him, "Damn it, okay, let's not ask you, I will torture you now! There are so many instruments of torture, you Let's see, what is suitable for use?" Hu Zi looked at it.


As he said, he took the whip, "Xiao Kai, tie me up!"

"Okay!" Xiao Kai went over and tied the man tightly.

Hu Zi flicked his whip a few times, "This works, I've never seen such a good whip!"

As he spoke, he waved vigorously towards the man.

The whip was soaked in alcohol for a whole night. When it was hit, it was not only a pain in the flesh, but also the feeling of the alcohol entering the blood. It was really painful, and it could also torture you mentally.

After hitting it a few times, Huzi gasped, "No, the whip is too long!"

As he said that, he searched for the instrument of torture again, and saw a slender knife.
He smiled, "Xiao Kai, what is this thing for?"

"Brother, I heard it's a scalpel. It only needs to be gently stroked. Hey, it can cut off anything!" Xiao Kai said with a smile.

"It's easy! It's easy. It's light!" As he spoke, Hu Zi asked, "Is there any salt?"


Xiao Kai looked at him strangely, "What do you want salt for?"

"If not, get it here quickly!" Hu Zi said.

"Okay brother, I'll go right away!" After saying that, Xiao Kai ran away.

Huzi sat there, then took out a pack of cigarettes, lit one, "I tell you, when you meet me, you've seen Lord Hades, and I'll treat people just like Lord Hades does to ghosts! This instrument of torture Only then will the truth emerge!"

"Dog traitor, you will die badly, the lackey of the Japanese! The scum of the Chinese!"

"Yi Yahe!" Hu Zi stood up, "This is what people say, people are all in order to survive, someone has to be a bad person, and someone has to be a good person! Don't think that you are swearing to say something moving now, and you will have it in a while." What about when you cried for your father and mother!"

At this moment, footsteps were heard at the door, Huzi turned his head and saw Jing Teng, but beside Jing Teng, there were a few people standing, these people were holding cameras, and some were holding pens and paper.

Huzi was going to say hello, but Jing Tenglian stopped him, "Interrogate as you want!"

"Come on, look! These people, I suspect they are serious! I have a lot of ways to deal with them!" Hu Zi said.

Ito spoke to those reporters in Japanese, his expression was very serious.

It is very likely that he was explaining something to those reporters.

After a while, Xiao Kai came running, "Brother, the salt is here!"

Huzi put the salt aside, then picked up the sharp scalpel, "I heard that if you cut this thing, a piece of meat will fall off, I don't believe it, why don't you try it on your body?" "Xiao Kai, take off his clothes!"

Xiao Kai went over and took off the man's clothes.

"Very good!" Huzi said, and the scalpel slowly scratched in front of his stomach, and suddenly, a five-centimeter-long hole leaked out, and blood flowed out from the hole.

Hu Zi smiled, "Hahaha, Xiao Kai, you bastard, this thing really works!"

"You have to die, and you will recognize the Japanese devils as your ancestors!"

"Call it whatever you want!" Hu Zi finished, then picked up the salt from the table, and smashed the coarse salt with a blunt object, "Hu Zi, go, sprinkle salt into his wound, let me see, although it is not How does it feel to sprinkle salt on the wound!"

"Come on! I'll come right away!" Saying that, Xiao Kai took the fine salt, opened the wound with one hand, and put the salt in with the other.


The man yelled, "Ah!"

"Oh?" Huzi looked in surprise, "Is it so amazing?" After finishing speaking, he smiled at Ito, and said to the reporters, "I tell you, this is to sprinkle salt on the wound, you know ?”

(End of this chapter)

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