Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2387 Bullying Women

Chapter 2387 Bullying Women
Huzi was kept in the dark, he didn't know that this was a trap.

Jing Teng smiled inwardly, then sighed meaningfully, and looked back at the reporters. Those reporters just took pictures of Hu Zi, and the man who was tied up grinned, his body was dripping with sweat, and he had wounds on his face. The salt was fused together, and immediately bit his body like a few snakes.

Huzi smiled, and then went up to the man, "How about it, do you want to tell me, are you from the Eighth Route Army?"

At this time, Huzi also understood in his heart that he was really on the thief ship now, and it was impossible for him to get off. He had to go all the way to the dark and follow these little devils.There is no other way, he believes that at this moment, if he tells Jing Teng that he wants to quit, Jing Teng will be the first to kill him, and it will be his.

The man raised his head slowly, "You traitor, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go! If you want to get something from me, you have to figure it out yourself, it's impossible!"

Hu Zi frowned, "It's really tough, don't tell me, are you really not afraid of the gun in my hand?"

Ito didn't speak, just stood behind those reporters and watched the scene in front of him. He understood that as long as he got along well with these reporters, and then poured dirty water on Huzi, it would be a big deal for them to fight the Japanese Empire. good thing.

The reporter's camera has been recording everything here.

"I'm afraid of guns? If I were afraid, I would have been a traitor like you!"

"Hehe, that's enough, today I want to convince you completely!" After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Xiao Kai, "Is there a water cellar here?"

"Brother, yes!" Xiao Kai said with a flattering smile.

"Well, then put this hard bone in the water and soak it!" Nothing else, how to bully others, Huzi already has a thousand ways in his mind.

When Xiaokai brought the man back, Huzi said again, "Okay, do you think there is anyone who is easy to talk to these suspected people?"

Xiao Kai rolled his eyes and said, "Brother, are women easy to talk?"

"Women?" Hu Zi thought for a while, then laughed, "Yes, yes, women, if there are women, then bring the women out, and if there are children, then bring the children too!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Kai nodded, "Brother, wait a moment, I'll go right away!"

Xiao Kai went to a room, opened the door, went in and grabbed the woman's hair, and a child behind him shouted, "Mom, mom!"

Huzi looked at it and smiled, "Not bad!"

Bringing the person over, she was still tied to a cross. The woman was so vicissitudes that she could barely see what this face looked like, but she could only see clearly. She was terrified of what punishment she would suffer next.

The reporters in the room stopped to take pictures, goosebumps appeared on their bodies, some reporters wanted to say something, but were stopped by others.

Jing Teng said at this time, "The warden of this prison is a tiger. I don't know anything about what's going on here. I didn't know there would be such a cruel thing here!"

Huzi couldn't understand Japanese, so he thought Ito was cheering him up, so he smiled, "Look, Your Excellency Ito, I will definitely let this woman tell you about Balu!" After finishing speaking, he pointed at the child at the door , "Bring the children here too!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Kai ran over, opened the door, and dragged the child out. Others in the prison tried to stop him, but they were beaten up!
Huzi went over to pick up the child, and then sat in front of the woman, "What a wonderful child, how sad it must be for such a small child without a mother?"

The man slowly raised his head. He saw his son in Huzi's arms, and she became restless, "Let go of my child!"

"Do you want your child? Or do you want Balu? You have to figure it out yourself!" Hu Zi said.

"Let go of my child!" the woman yelled heartbreakingly.

"I said, I can give you the child, but you have to tell me something about Balu, even if it's something we already know, right?" Hu Zi carried the child to the woman, "Look, this child's face is yellow and thin. It looks like he is malnourished. How can he do it without eating some meat?" He said, looking at the woman, "I promise, after you say it, I will give you a sum of money, and after you go out, raise your child properly! How about it?"

"Bastard, let go of my child!" The only sentence in the woman's mouth was this.

Huzi couldn't wait any longer, he smiled, "Don't get excited, if you don't say it, I'll let you do it!"

After speaking, he took the scalpel and placed it on the child's neck.

The cold knife edge made the child start to be afraid, and he cried loudly, "Mom! Mom..."

When the woman saw it, she struggled, "What do you want to do? What do you want to do?"

"It's okay, others say that this child's blood is the cleanest and can cure all kinds of diseases, why don't I try to cut it with a knife?" After Huzi finished speaking, he put the knife on the little boy's head again, scratching Come down and shave the child's hair off.

An asymmetrical mark made the woman shout, "Please, let my child go!"

The child also shouted to his mother, "Mom! Mom, I want Mommy..."

Ordinary people really can't do such a tragic thing. If Huzi did such a thing for his own benefit, how good would his result be?

No matter how the woman shouted, Huzi kept looking at the woman with a smile, and then put his nose on the child's head, "I seem to smell the blood that is about to come out!"

"Let go of him, you come to me!" the woman yelled.

Huzi suddenly lifted the child up above his head, then looked at the woman, "Say it! Say it or not?"

Several reporters quickly said to Ito, "Mr. Ito, I beg you, please stop such things!"

"Sorry, their prison is independent, I have no right, besides, I tell them to stop, they will not stop! If you don't believe me, I can try!" Then, Ito said suddenly, "Tiger Son, what are you doing?"

Huzi put the child down, then looked at Ito, and said with a smile, "Mr. Ito?"

Jing Teng slowly approached Huzi alone, "Isn't this punishment a little too much?"

"No, no, no!" Huzi said hastily, "Is this too heavy? Mr. Jing Teng, don't worry about this matter, I have plenty of ways to let them speak, otherwise, their existence will be a great threat to us!"

Ito looked back at the reporter helplessly, "Did you see it? I can't help it either!"

A few reporters could only take pictures of Hu Zi with their cameras.

Huzi didn't care about this, he turned his head and lifted the child up again...

(End of this chapter)

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