Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2388 The Cruel Traitor

Chapter 2388 The Cruel Traitor
The woman almost went crazy, "Let him go, let him go, I beg you, let him go!"

In the woman's eyes, tears have been shed long ago, but the red eyes can also feel her sadness.

"Please, let him go?"

the woman yelled again.

"Say it! I just let you talk! If you say it, I'll let him go!" Hu Zi threatened.

He didn't care about these things at this time. Since he was already on board, he had to behave well and ask Jing Teng for the information that Jing Teng wanted. This was the most important thing. As for how many people died, he had no idea Will care, as long as he himself does not die, that's fine.

"I beg you……"

A woman is undoubtedly fragile, and her sustenance is entirely on his son.

"Then say it quickly..." Huzi said again, "My arm is sore. If I don't lift it well and fall, your son will be disabled. You can blame me. If you want to blame, you can only blame you as a child. Mother is so irresponsible!"

The woman is desperate, these days here, she has never seen the light outside, is it still there?

How could she choose between faith and flesh and blood?

She is just an ordinary mother and an ordinary messenger, so what can she know?
Under the party flag, she swore that the right hand she raised was faith and responsibility. From then on, her responsibility was no longer just a mother of a child, but also a member of the Eighth Route Army. Her lips moved, helpless She cried out with a "wow".

Then, the whole body went limp, and was tightly bound by the body.

"I'll count to three! If you didn't say these three numbers after that, I'm sorry...your son, maybe, won't be seen! I'm sorry!"

After finishing speaking, Huzi began to count down, "One..."



"Wait!" the woman suddenly shouted.

Huzi grinned, and he smiled, "Have you finally figured it out?"

"I want to have a word with my son!" said the woman.

"Talk? Hehe, okay, let's just say something!" Hu Zi readily agreed, thinking that this woman has no other choice!He can only accept this fact!
The woman's eyes were red, "Son, mom is sorry for you! But don't worry, mom will be with you! No matter what, mom will be with you!"

"Enough, talk or not!" shouted Hu Zi!
The woman closed her eyes, she didn't dare to see what they would do to her own flesh and blood, it was cruel.

Her heart was turbulent, but in the end, she was calm.

It seemed so calm that there was a sea in front of me. The sea was calm and there were no waves. On the sea, there was only a small boat floating, on which sat myself and my son...

They escaped from the storm, escaped from all kinds of demonic obstacles, and escaped from all kinds of troubles...

The child was crying, and he said hoarsely, "Mom. Mom..."

Hu Zi was furious, "Bastard!:"

He threw the child heavily on the ground, "Wow..."

The little child cried bitterly. For him, he never knew that there was such a brutal thing in this world. He had never experienced anything before, but he had already felt this kind of pain.

The woman closed her eyes and the corners of her mouth trembled. The tiger walked over and stomped the child down. "Open your eyes and see how your son is doing now!"

The woman closed her eyes.

"open one's eyes!"

Tiger shouted loudly.

woman with eyes closed...

"Xiao Kai, go over and open her eyes!"

Tiger shouted loudly.

Blindly opened it, and raised the woman's eyelids with both hands, but the eyeballs were always facing downwards.

"Okay!" Huzi shouted, took the whip from the table, and beat the child on the ground with the whip.

"Wow... woah..."

The child rolled helplessly on the ground, then exposed his back, looked at his mother who was being tortured, and looked at his mother with blurred eyes, "Mom, mom..."


Another whip hit the child.

He cried, "Wow wow wow..." and crawled towards his mother.

He stretched out his hand, "Mom..."

The reporters couldn't stand it anymore, "Please stop, don't carry out such inhumane punishment!"

Huzi turned his head and looked at the reporters, "You know what, when someone puts a knife on your neck, you are probably more inhumane than me!"

After finishing speaking, Huzi turned his head to look at the child, who was already crawling at the woman's feet.

Then he grabbed his mother's foot with one hand, "Mom... Mom... woo wa woo wa..."

Seeing this, Huzi went straight over, dragged the little boy's feet, and then dragged away, "Remember, the only one who can save you is your mother! Your mother is indifferent to you now!"

How could the little boy understand so much now, "Mom... woo woo woo woo..."

He stretched out his hand towards his mother. He didn't understand why his mother just didn't look at him at such a close distance. Once, he could cry in her arms, but she didn't always comfort him. ?Don't you always pat him on the back and say nice things?
Why is this happening now?

Tears finally flowed from the woman's eyes again. She could not see hope, but she would definitely not give hope to the devil!

What is the future of her son?She has lost sight of it.

"Come on! Look at your son!" Huzi stepped on the little boy with one foot, but the little boy didn't have the slightest strength to move a step.

Xiao Kai tore the woman's eyelids heavily, "Brother, this guy is also a tough guy! How about letting her soak in the water cellar?"

"Water cellar?" Hu Zi sneered, "It's too cheap for her, doesn't she ignore her son? Come, bring the chili water!" Xiao Kai laughed when he heard Hu Zi's words, "Okay !"

He took the chili water from the table, took it, and came up to the woman, "Hehe, don't you want to watch it? I will make you never see it for the rest of your life! You can't see him grow up, you can't see him He was studying, and he couldn't see him getting married and having children! He couldn't see anything about him growing up!" As he spoke, he opened the woman's eyelids with one hand, and then sprinkled pepper water into the woman's eyes!

The scorching pain made the woman miserable, if there was a new choice?what will she do
No one knew, the woman shouted heart-piercingly, "Ah..."

Several reporters rushed over and stood in front of the woman, "Please stop such behavior"!
Hu Zi frowned, "What? You want to bear this crime for her?"

"Please stop, do you know that you are breaking the law?" the reporter shouted.

"Sorry, here, there is no law, I am the law, whatever I say, I will be!" Huzi shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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