Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2389 Who Will Save People

Chapter 2389 Who Will Save People
Who can know what time it will be after today?
And who knows, after today, will we still be able to see the sun tomorrow?
The sun will always appear, but now it is still covered with dark clouds, but, the sun, please appear quickly, let everyone see the bright future, let everyone see the last light, what kind of light it is!

"Xiao Kai, pull him down and tie up the woman. As for this child, put him not far from the woman and tie me up so that she can feel it, but can't touch it!"

Huzi's cruelty undoubtedly made the reporter feel distressed. All they could do was to prevent Huzi from punishing her any more.

Huzi went to wash his hands, then looked at the reporters, "Hurry up, get out, don't let me see you!"

Xiao Kai went over and pushed those reporters out of the door.



Li Jiguang cursed!
He pointed to the newspaper on the table, "Look, how arrogant this little devil is. On the surface, he let a traitor convict him of all the crimes, but isn't their little devil the crime behind it?"

Li Jiguang and others, who have been paying attention to the movements of the little devils, looked at the newspaper in front of them and became angry. He didn't expect that these little devils are really not ordinary cruel, but they can do such a thing without any means .

Wang Wei also knew that the devil's inhumanity was vividly displayed. He held one hand tightly, "It's useless to blame us! Now the devil has arrested many of our comrades in Salt Lake, we have to find a way to rescue them!"

"Political commissar, we can't be careless about this matter. We must find a way to reassure everyone and reassure them. The party will never forget them!"

Li Jiguang said.

"Head, why don't the three battalion commanders come here and ask about the situation?" Wang Wei asked.

"The headquarters must know about this matter. As for how to do it, let's come up with a plan first. In the end, let's see what the headquarters has to say!" Li Jiguang said.

"Why do I look familiar with this person in the newspaper?" Wang Wei asked a little strangely.

"Familiar?" Li Jiguang looked again, "I've seen so many people, I really don't remember who this person is!"

When Wang Wei arrived at the door, he called the guards over and asked them to find Yang Fei, Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai.

Li Jiguang sighed, "If the little devil is not driven out of the country, the people will not have a day of peace!"

"It's unbelievable!"

When Yang Fei and the others hurried over, they hurriedly asked, "Head, what do you want from us?"

Li Jiguang gave them the newspaper.

Yang Fei was illiterate, Shen Wanxi looked at it, and his expression immediately changed.

"Shen Gouzi, look at it and tell me, what is written on it?" Yang Fei asked quickly.

Hu Dahai snatched the newspaper, knowing only a few big characters, so he put the newspaper down again.

Li Jiguang began to say, "This little devil is horrific, how did they mistreat the captives? This violates international law!"

"Head, what's the matter?" Yang Fei asked.

Political commissar Wang Wei said, "In order to cover up people's eyes and ears, the little devil let the traitors do the torture!"

"Traitor? Which traitor?" Yang Fei asked again.

As soon as Wang Wei heard this, he immediately said, "Look at the photo in the newspaper, do you know me? Why do I feel so familiar?"

Yang Fei snatched the newspaper, and finally saw clearly in the black and white photo, "Tiger?"

"You know him?" Wang Wei asked.

"How can you not know this?" Yang Fei said, "This guy used to be the long-term worker of the county magistrate, but he was kicked out of the house later, and he didn't deal with me. He used to be a soldier here, but I suspect that he is a traitor. Then he went to Shen Gouzi, he..." After finishing speaking, Yang Fei looked at Shen Wanxi, "Shen Gouzi, didn't you take him away? When did you go to the devil again?"

Shen Wanxi frowned, lowered his head, and said after a long time, "Head, I made a mistake!"

"Shen Wanxi, tell me clearly, what's going on?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Yang Fei said that Hu Zi was a traitor. I didn't believe it. Later, I took him back and found that there was something wrong with him, but after that, I couldn't find him again!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Bastard!" Li Jiguang yelled, "Since there is a problem, why didn't you investigate it directly? Why didn't you keep it under strict supervision? Well, what use do I need you for?"

"Head, I was wrong!" Now, what can Shen Wanxi do?
"Dog thing?" Li Jiguang seldom swears, but when he is in a hurry, he can swear better than anyone else.

"Head, why did you bring us here this time?" Yang Fei asked.

"The devils have captured many people, many of them are our comrades. Is there any way you can rescue them?" Li Jiguang asked directly.

"Leader, leave it to me, I will definitely make up for it!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Leave it to you? It's fine if I don't punish you. From now on, you put me in confinement and think about it!" Li Jiguang glanced at him.

Hu Dahai scratched his head, "Commander, most of these people are in the Salt Lake. It is actually very difficult to reach the Salt Lake from where we are!"

"Bullshit, if it's not difficult, why should I ask you?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Leader, let's not worry about this matter. If you don't worry about me, I can try it?" Yang Fei said.

"Try? Yang Fei, this is not a joke. If we just try, our comrades will be even more dangerous!" Li Jiguang said.

"Head, don't worry, I will take a few people and lurk into the salt lake. Although the devils have several blockades, they are also guarding against the attack of large troops. We will go in plainclothes without anyone noticing. In this case, Is it enough?" Yang Fei asked.

"It's not impossible, but what did you do when you went to the Salt Lake area?" Li Jiguang asked again.

"Go in and see the situation. I can't guarantee whether our comrades can be rescued now, but don't worry, I will be careful!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, let's do it!" Li Jiguang said, "But, Yang Fei, you should remember two points. If you are sure, you will rescue the comrades. If you are not sure, you will retreat completely. Remember, no one's life will matter." Very important!" Li Jiguang explained.

He knew that it would be a bumpy road to rescue those comrades, but he couldn't allow the devils to bully people like that. Yang Fei's life was important, and he had to chase back thousands of troops to fight!
"Hey, leader, I, Yang Fei, belong to a cat and have nine lives. Don't worry! This time I go, I will definitely rescue the comrades, and I will definitely kill that big traitor!" Yang Fei said.

"Go here, be careful, no matter what, take care of yourself! Tell me what you need!" Li Jiguang asked.

"I don't need anything, I need you to wait for my news!" Yang Fei said.

(End of this chapter)

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