Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2394 Follow me

Chapter 2394 Follow me
This place is not the same as other places. There are a few simple tents under the city tower. As soon as you enter the tent, you can smell an unpleasant smell. There are a few old, weak, sick and disabled lying in it.

The bones of the body are very thin.Just looking at them like this, you can tell what these people are doing and what they have suffered here.

"Okay, you just wait here now. Starting tomorrow, you will start building the city wall. Don't think about running away. You know how many guns are out there!" Captain Wang left after speaking.

People leave.

Everyone in the tent sat up, looked at Yang Fei and the others, "Where did you come from?"

"Xiao Hancun!" Yang Fei said.

"It's okay, what are you doing in the city? Isn't this asking for death?" an old man said.

"My niece and daughter got married. It's not always congratulatory, but they arranged to repair the city wall!" Yang Fei said.

"Hey, in this time of chaos, if you don't get married, don't date. After this special period is over, you can still date!" The old man finished, "I have been here for several months, and I can't leave!"

"Can't go?" Yang Fei asked.

"You think it's just building the city wall?" The old man smiled, "There are all kinds of things that need your help, digging trenches, repairing watchtowers, I haven't done anything!"

Speaking of which, someone came in.

A man with a fleshy face came in and looked at Yang Fei with a smile when he came over.

"New here?" the man asked.

"Yes, newcomer!" Yang Fei said.

"Hey, are you talking so rude?" The man looked at Yang Fei up and down, "I'm the boss here, I want to earn a living here, know some rules, give me something first?"

Looking at the other party's dress, he was covered in ragged clothes, a pair of worn-out shoes wrapped around his black and smelly feet, and his hair hadn't been trimmed for an unknown period of time.

The face is full of flesh, and it is scary to see.

But there is no doubt that he is not a puppet army or a devil, "No!" Yang Fei is not afraid of him.

"No?" The man smiled, "Isn't that simple? Come here!" After speaking, some people came in from the door, and they were all like this man, beggars.

"Be sensible, when I beat you, you will be called to me by crying father and mother, and I will give you a little time to think about it, otherwise, be careful that I will smash your mouth!"

With that, he went out.

Da Guang said angrily, "Second Uncle, what's the matter? Do you need me to deal with him?"

At this time, the old man hurriedly said, "This guy hasn't been here for long, and because of his youth and strength, he only dares to bully us old, weak, sick and disabled. He asked us for things when he first came, and even robbed me of a pair of shoes!"

"You son of a bitch, see how I deal with him!" Da Guang said.

"Old man, tell me, what are the consequences of fighting here?" Yang Fei asked.

"What are the consequences? The Japanese devils won't treat you as a human being. According to their thinking, we treat you as slaves, as fighting dogs! Bite anyone you want!" said the old man. "The devils don't even look at those people who bully us. Who will let them do the most?"

"If you say that, I don't think anything will happen to us, fight, I can't stand this bullying!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, Second Uncle, the few of us don't believe we can't beat those bastards!" Liu Ji also said hastily.

"Be careful!" the old man ordered again.

After speaking, a few of them arrived at the door.

After a while, a few hooligans came again. They saw Yang Fei and the others basking in the sun, and immediately shouted, "Hey? This is the initiative. Come on, if you have something good, bring it to me!"

"That's right, bring the things to Brother Qiang, otherwise, we will tear your mouths apart!" Yang Fei shouted.

Yang Fei smiled, "Come here, don't look at us as outsiders, just come and bully us!"

Upon hearing this, isn't it obvious that this is a provocation?
Brother Qiang suddenly laughed, "Hahaha, there are people who are not afraid of death! Brothers, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and let them know how good it is!"

At this time, there were a few Japanese standing beside them, and they laughed and watched the Chinese fight.

This is undoubtedly a bit of excitement in the boring time.

"Dog, it's strange to see that I don't clean you up!" Then, Brother Qiang picked up a wooden stick from the ground and hit Yang Fei.

The younger brothers around him also took out guys one after another, and Yang Fei and they started fighting.

What does Daguang do?He rushed over immediately, blocking Yang Fei's front, then grabbed the wooden stick with one hand, and pinched Brother Qiang's neck with the other.

"I fuck..."

Brother Qiang shouted something, and his mouth began to tremble.

The little brothers around him never thought that Brother Qiang would be defeated so quickly, they only cared about fighting Yang Fei and the others.

In order not to show off the dew, Yang Fei specifically told them to click as far as they can, and don't let the little devil see through that they know some fighting skills.

However, the combat effectiveness of those punks was so poor that they didn't dare to attack after three to two minutes.

"Brother Qiang..."

"What a strong brother, you are strong! Why are you being so rude to my second uncle?" Da Guang looked at the other party with a ferocious face.

Brother Qiang said hoarsely, "Brother...high...high...raise...your hand...ah!"

Da Guang pushed and shoved him, and then, he took a wooden stick and chopped it down on Brother Qiang's head.


The stick broke and half fell to the ground.

Brother Qiang's head was covered, and then he fell to the ground.

Da Guang cast his eyes away, and then rode on that brother Qiang, "Which one of you is not convinced? You can come here!"

Those punks looked left and right, but no one caught up.

"Come on, don't miss it, we have a lot of good things!" Da Guang shouted.

Yang Fei smiled, "You guys, if you don't learn well, you can learn badly quickly! Forget it, stand up!" Yang Fei had just finished speaking.

Those little bastards immediately knelt down, "Hi, brother!"

This statement made Yang Fei stunned, "Huh?"

For the punks, isn't it just whoever is more capable and who to hang out with?

"Brother, we will follow you in the future!" said the little gangster.

"No need!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, the gangsters were reluctant to let go, "Brother, don't worry about what we eat, don't care about what we drink, just protect us here!"

Da Guang smiled, then looked at Yang Fei, "I think it's pretty good!"

Leopard also smiled, "Yes, I also think it's pretty good, at least we will have more helpers in future fights!"

That's right, Yang Fei doesn't know what to do here, but it's a good choice to have a few more people! "Okay, since that's the case, then follow me from now on!"

(End of this chapter)

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