Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2395 Big Brother

Chapter 2395 Big Brother
What is the benefit of accepting these younger brothers?At least Yang Fei doesn't know it now, but at night, the benefits will be revealed.

He has a plan, and he must not act rashly, so, under such circumstances, it is necessary to make such preparations.

A few gangsters came into Yang Fei's tent quietly, "Brother, do you want this thing?"

After speaking, they handed over a pack of cigarettes.

Seeing that it was a cigarette, Yang Fei laughed immediately, "This thing is good!"

"Hey, I don't know what else the elder brother needs? Let's try to get some for the elder brother!" asked the little gangster.

"If you still have cigarettes, get some more! By the way, what's your name?" Yang Fei asked.

"My name is Gouwa!"

"My name is Bajin!"

"This name is so random!" Yang Fei smiled, "How can you get me this thing?"

"Brother doesn't know, our two brothers' ability is stealing!" After finishing speaking, they smiled, "We just stole the pack of cigarettes you smoke!"

"Damn..." Yang Fei suddenly felt that these two guys were teasers sent from heaven.

However, Yang Fei can't say that they are not. After all, this is how they make a living. Although the matter of stealing is not on the table, at least Yang Fei can just stay here and eat ready-made meals!

"Brother, tell me, what else do you need? Even women, we'll get you too!"

"Come on, Gouwa, Bajin, how capable are you? Can you steal the devil's gun for me?" Yang Fei asked.

After finishing speaking, Ba Jin smiled, "Brother, my ability is far more than that gun!"

"Bragging, if you are very capable, you still use it here as a beggar?" Yang Fei asked.

"Brother, this is my own choice. I know how to live. People live to be full of three meals a day. If I am full, that's enough. Why bother with that? I dress well and have enough food. What's the use? It's better to have a full meal!" Ba Jin said.

"That's right, brother, my skills are much better than that gun!" Gou Wa also said. "It's the battle map of Ichiro Ito Ichiro, the devil's headquarters, brother, I can get it for you too!"

"Damn..." Yang Fei looked at them strangely, "All of you are really good at bragging! Okay, you go to Jing Teng's headquarters and get me the battle map. You, go to the prison for a while, and then Draw me the terrain of this prison!"

"Brother!" Bajin said at this time, "Brother, I don't want to go to prison, I have been to that place many times!"

"What?" Yang Fei was a little surprised, "Have you been there many times?"

"Yes, I can know even if I close my eyes!" Ba Jin said, "I can draw it for you right now!"
With that said, Ba Jin drew a map for Yang Fei on the ground.

And Gouwa also said, "Brother, I don't want to go to Ito's headquarters either, I've been there a lot too!"

"Fuck, can you let me digest your abilities?" Yang De always felt that this was a dream.

The leopard on the side looked at them strangely, "Who did you learn this skill from?"

"It's natural, but, our patriarch, but the drums have moved on, and our senior brother is Li San, the swallow!" The two held their heads proudly.

Yang Fei decided to reuse these two people, "Listen to me, you two, you are very capable, do less work tomorrow, and help me with something tonight!"

"Brother, don't worry, since we kneel down to you, we will listen to whatever you say!"

"Okay!" After speaking, Yang Fei looked at the prison map that Ba Jin had drawn on the ground.

Bajin pointed, "Brother, this is the entrance of the Red Building. There are two devils at the entrance. The guards inside are all puppet soldiers. The maximum number of puppet troops is ten!"

"Going east here is where theft criminals are detained. Going east to south, murderers are detained here. Going south to west, this is the place where torture is carried out. And behind him, there are serious criminals!"

"It means that there are serious criminals detained in the innermost part?" Yang Fei asked.

"That's right, the innermost place!" Bajin said, "The Red Mansion is the place I go to the most, and I often send some food and drink to my brothers in custody. Isn't that just like getting something out of a bag? I'm familiar with the road!"

"You boy, I didn't expect such a great ability!" Yang Fei smiled.

"That's right, we two brothers were imprisoned several times by the devils, didn't they let us escape?" Gou Wa said.

"Okay, this cigarette, I accept it, if you two have any good things, bring it to me quickly, I want to open my eyes!"

"Okay, no problem, tomorrow night, big brother, just wait, I'll get you a Japanese girl!" Ba Jin smiled.

"I can't afford to entertain that stuff, let alone Japanese girls!" Yang Fei smiled.

Wait until they are all gone.

Liu Ji, Da Guang and the others surrounded him, "Battle Commander, these two guys, why do I feel like they're talking big?"

"Not only you, I also feel that they are talking big, but since they dare to say it, I dare to use it!" Yang Fei said.

"Aren't you afraid that he will betray us?"

"Telling?" Yang Fei smiled, "We are good citizens, why should they betray us?"

"Battalion Commander, what is our task? Don't forget, if we have been building the city wall here, how can we complete the task?" Da Guang asked quickly.

"Don't worry about this, we are the safest here with the devil!" Yang Fei said, "Even if they go to investigate, they can't find it here!"

One night, sleeping in the tent was not very comfortable. At this time, mosquitoes appeared, and they kept buzzing, making Yang Fei unable to sleep.

In addition to the screams of mosquitoes, he could also hear the snoring of Da Guang and Liu Ji.

At this time, a few footsteps were heard outside the tent, and then disappeared.

Yang Fei didn't care so much, and lay down again, the tent was still filled with an unpleasant smell.

He went outside the tent, sat down, lit a cigarette, and wondered what the hell he was going to do next.

Who can understand Yang Fei's psychology at this time, he is thinking too much, although it is relatively safe here, how do they get out?How can people be rescued?

However, no matter what, their purpose cannot be changed, that is to rescue those comrades, that is to kill the tigers!
He threw the cigarette butt on the ground and wiped it out with the sole of his shoe.

"Damn it, the snoring is so loud, why don't you let people sleep?" Yang Fei cursed and entered the tent again, lying on the ground, and then covered his head with the quilt that still smelled like men.

"Damn it, it stinks!" Yang Fei kicked the quilt away. "Forget it, let's sleep first!"

(End of this chapter)

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