Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2396 I Can't Beat You

Chapter 2396 I Can't Beat You

Early the next morning, they were called out by a few devils, and each person had a cornbread for breakfast, and then they were arranged to repair the city wall on the city wall.

These little devils, just give people a cornbread, go to work after eating, it is really not a thing, not a thing,

The wonderful performance of Yang Fei and the others yesterday surprised the Japanese. They also had no time to take care of so many coolies, so they called Yang Fei aside.

"Taijun, hello!" Yang Fei looked at the Japanese and asked.

"Yaoxi, you performed very well yesterday, our Imperial Japanese Army values ​​you very much, are you willing to be loyal to our Emperor?" the devil asked.

"Yes, it's my honor!" Yang Fei said quickly with a smile.

"In this case, how about letting you take care of these coolies who repaired the city wall?" the Japanese asked.

"Really? This is great, Taijun, don't worry, I guarantee that they will be obedient and do their part to fight the Japanese imperial army!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, how about leaving it to you?" the Japanese asked.

"Okay, don't worry. I guarantee that our construction period will be completed on time, and we will never delay the construction period!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, then you go!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei wandered around the city wall with his hands behind his back, "Hurry up, don't dawdle!"

"And you, hurry up and move the bricks, don't be idle here!"

"Brother, I'm tired!"

Bajin said suddenly.

"If you're tired, take a rest and get up quickly when you see the Japanese!" Yang Fei said.

Ba Jin smiled, "Okay!"

"Brother, what about me?" Gou Wa also asked.

"Needless to say, sleep if you can! Don't be discovered by the Japanese, just do it!"

Yang Fei still needs them, so he is very polite to them.

However, Brother Qiang saw this matter.

Yesterday, they still called Brother Qiang Big Brother, but today, in a blink of an eye, they all rebelled.

He was determined to win a round against Yang Fei.

When it was time to rest at noon, Brother Qiang was dispatched. He went to the Japanese and said a few bad words to Yang Fei, but was scolded by the Japanese. When he came back disheveled, Yang Fei gave him a look, Just knowing that here, the one who disobeyed them is Brother Qiang who did this. He immediately found Brother Qiang quietly, "Hey, what are you going to do?"

Brother Qiang immediately tensed up.

"Don't be afraid, I want to ask you, what did you say to the devil?" Da Guang asked.

"No... nothing?" Brother Qiang quickly argued.

"Nothing? Then why are you nervous? Still stammering, to tell you the truth, in a while, my second uncle will go to the Japanese to report on the progress, and he will definitely speak ill of you to the Japanese. You can do it yourself!" Daguang said.

"Don't!" Brother Qiang hurriedly said, "Brother, I am also a hard-working person, we are all the same, why bother me?"

"Then tell me, what did you say to the Japanese?" Daguang asked again.

"I told them that I wanted to be their leader too, but I was scolded by the Japanese!" Brother Qiang hurriedly said nonsense.

"Dog, you're talking nonsense at first glance, just wait, you won't have any good fruit tomorrow!" After saying that, Da Guang was about to leave.

Brother Qiang hurried over and grabbed Da Guang's hand, "Brother, otherwise, how can you forgive me?"

"It's easy!" Da Guang turned his head, "How about you just be a mute?"

"Okay!" Brother Qiang said quickly. "I will be dumb, and I will never say anything to the Japanese again!"

"Just understand!" Da Guang put down his cruel words, and then left.

However, will Brother Qiang be like this?Of course it is impossible, the appearance of Yang Fei caused his status to plummet, and the former younger brother became Yang Fei's younger brother. Now he is alone, and he lives in the worst room, and he is still with a few people who are about to He is afraid that the dead are together, and he wants to change this living environment.

If they want Yang Fei and the others to lose completely, they can only take risks.

In a place where Yang Fei and the others could not be seen, Brother Qiang saw the Japanese and hurried over, "Taijun, Taijun, then Yang Fei is the Eighth Route Army, how can he be the leader?"

"Nani? Balu?" The Japanese couldn't understand Chinese, but they were very angry with the word "Balu".

"What a balu, baga!" With that said, Brother Qiang led the Japanese to find Yang Fei.

Seeing Brother Qiang bringing the Japanese, Yang Fei felt his heart skip a beat, thinking, this guy must be a bad guy, and as expected, "You, get up!"

Yang Fei stood up and took out a cigarette, "Taijun, are you looking for me?"

"Are you Eight Road?" The Japanese asked.

"Taijun, you can't listen to people's nonsense. If I were Eight Routes, wouldn't they all be Eight Routes? You have to show evidence!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he quickly looked at Brother Qiang, "Did he say that my ? I also said he is eight road?"

"Nani?" The devil looked left and right, "Which of the two of you is Balu?"


"Taijun, this kid saw that I defeated him, so he wanted to splash my dirty water. In this way, let him show the evidence that I am the Eighth Route, otherwise, if I fight him, let the two of us decide." One win!" Yang Fei said.

Hearing this, Brother Qiang immediately panicked, "Taijun, I just suspect that he is Balu, he is tall and strong, he must be a soldier!"

"I'm asking you to say that, you are also very likely to be the Eighth Route. Seeing you like this, you are the object of the Eighth Route's unity! Don't you think so?" Yang Fei shouted.

The devil will never come out for a while.

"Taijun, let us have a duel? This is life and death, what do you think?"

Hearing this, the devil laughed, "Okay, I haven't seen you Chinese fight for a long time, come on, I want to see the grandeur of this dog fight!" After saying that, the devil walked away a few steps.

Without the backing of the devil, the strong brother drooped his weak body, "I... no... I..."

"Come on, didn't you say mine is the Eighth Route? I also said you are the Eighth Route. As long as one of us dies, the rest will definitely not be the Eighth Route!" Yang Fei said.

"It's not fair!" Brother Qiang yelled.

"Why isn't it fair?" Yang Fei asked.

"I...I...can't beat you..." Brother Qiang said tremblingly.

"Then you must be Eighth Road!" As he said, Yang Fei took a stick from the ground, "I'll kill you Eighth Road!"

As he said that, he hit Brother Qiang on the head with a stick.

It was only then that Brother Qiang realized that he wanted to hide, but he didn't.

A sap hit her on the head, and bright red blood flowed from his head. Brother Qiang touched it with his hand, "Blood...blood..."

"Hehe, it's not blood, what is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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