Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2397 Assigning Tasks

Chapter 2397 Assigning Tasks
From the beginning to the end, this incident was caused by one person. For Brother Qiang, Yang Fei had long wanted to get rid of him. His appearance would definitely bring disaster to Yang Fei.

Anyway, as long as they are against the task, or those who have an influence on the task, all of them must be killed, otherwise, if any accident occurs, the consequences will be really serious.

Brother Qiang fell to the ground in a bloody dizzy state.The devil shook his head, "There is no fighting power, it's really too bad!" After finishing speaking, he asked someone to pick up Brother Qiang and throw him away.

Yang Fei hurriedly turned his head and said, "Taijun, in my opinion, this is a scheming guy. Seeing that I am their leader now, he is jealous. Why are you jealous? What do you think? Your Majesty the Emperor As long as I'm loyal, I'll just do it, where can it be his turn?"

"You, our friend, a friend of the imperial army!" said the devil.

"Yes, I am your friend, a friend of the Imperial Army, and a courtier of His Majesty the Emperor!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Okay, you have to lead them well, and within three days, the city wall must be repaired!" After finishing the devil's words, he left.

Da Guang walked up to Yang Fei at this time, "Brother, this guy almost ruined our affairs!"

"Yeah, this guy can't stay, even if we meet in the future, he will definitely wear shoes for us!" Yang Fei said.

"Don't worry, leave it to me. I found him tonight, so I'll give him to..." As he spoke, Da Guang wiped his neck.

"Well, good!" Yang Fei said.

That night, Bajin and Gouwa found Yang Fei, "Brother, it's getting late, what do you want to eat? How about pork knuckle?"

"Brother, do you want to drink? Zuixianlou's signature aged wine, I'll give you two taels?"

"Okay, bring it here, let's eat together!" Yang Fei said.

"Alright!" With that said, the two left.

Yang Fei likes the night very much, this night means that they can rest, and their actions can also be unfolded at night.

Not to mention anything else, they just want to save their comrades, and this time won't wait for them!

Taking advantage of no one else, Yang Fei began to assign tasks, "Tonight, everyone may have to work hard. As a qualified Eighth Route Army soldier, it is an unshirkable responsibility to rescue our comrades. Listen to my orders now!"

Said, Yang Fei looked at Liu Ji, "Liu Ji, no matter what, you have to show me clearly tonight, this devil is changing shifts at the red building, if you find a gap, let's go!"

"Yes, battalion commander!"

"Da Guang, besides finding Brother Qiang, you have to get me some Japanese clothes! Do you hear me clearly?" Yang Fei said.

"Listen clearly!" Daguang said.

"|Battalion Commander, what about me?" Leopard asked.

"Our gun is still with Ma Chucheng. The night before the operation, you have to take out the gun. Remember, don't let Ma Chucheng know, okay?" Yang Fei asked.

"Battalion Commander, don't worry, I know this!" Leopard said.

"There are also you two platoon leaders, remember one thing, when we go into the red building to save people, you two must guard the door, and no one can be let in!"

"Commander, we know!"

Yang Fei's mission is very clear, it is to let them know the importance of this mission.

"Battalion Commander, where are the rescued comrades arranged?" This is a question.

"How about..." Leopard said, "Battle Commander, what do you think of this place?"

Yang Fei looked around, but didn't speak.

"Commander, the most dangerous place is the safest place. If the comrades are arranged here, then we will arrange them to go up to the city tower and build the city wall. At the critical moment, we will break through the door, what do you think? In this case, we will You don’t need to go through Ma Chucheng, after all, we don’t know whether he is an enemy or a friend!” Leopard said.

"What you said makes sense, but if we don't go out that night, it will definitely go wrong after a long time!" Yang Fei said.

"Going out that night?" Leopard looked at Yang Fei and asked.

"You think, they may not be safe here! That night, we all broke out and sent someone out to contact Shouhou so that he could pick us up. It shouldn't be a problem to go out!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes!" Leopard said.

Then we...

"Let's do the work in front of us first, we still have time tomorrow night!" Yang Fei said.

"Battalion Commander, don't worry, after I finish the task tonight, I will contact Shouhou tomorrow night. As long as we have time, we need to see when we can do it!" Daguang said.

"it is good!"

After arranging everything, at this moment, hurried footsteps came from outside the tent, Ba Jin and Gou Wa rushed in, "Brother, look!"

Sure enough, in Ba Jin's arms, he was holding a big elbow, and in the thin monkey's arms, was a jug of good wine, which could be smelled from such a distance.

"You two boys!" Yang Fei smiled, "What are you still doing in a daze? Sit down quickly and drink together!"


A few people gathered around the ground, pawing at the meat with their hands, and then a jug of wine was passed around, "I didn't expect to be able to eat elbows and drink wine here!"

"Brother, don't worry, as long as you like, I can get it for you every day!" Ba Jin said.

"By the way, you kid didn't steal the elbows of poor people, did you?" Yang Fei asked.

"How is this possible!" Ba Jin hurriedly said, "Who among ordinary people can afford this elbow? I stole it from the landlord's house outside the city! Hehe, I smelled the fragrance of elbow yesterday. , I didn’t expect that I would steal it today, hehehe!”

"You're smart enough, kid!" Yang Fei shouted at the capital.

"Brother, tell me, what else do you want to eat? If you want to drink, I'll get some more!"

"Don't bother!" Yang Fei said, "Just eat something. If the devil smells alcohol tomorrow, be careful not to eat it and walk around!"

"Brother, don't worry, there's only so much wine, let's have one drink each, it's almost over!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, that's right, finish eating and rest!"


Soon, a big elbow was eaten by everyone. This kind of unfinished feeling is actually the best. At least there is still a thought in my heart. After drinking, Bajin and Gouwa talked about their affairs. No father or mother, they grew up eating a lot of food, but when they grew up a little bit, they wandered on the streets and made a living by stealing.Up to now, there have been more than ten years of street life.

It is a miracle to be alive now.However, Ba Jin said, "Brother, I don't want to be like this forever, find a way, do something serious, and then marry a wife!" After finishing speaking, he laughed.

Gou Wa also said, "Yes, big brother, we two brothers have known each other for more than ten years, and it will depend on our luck in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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