Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 240 The Battle of the Water River

Chapter 240 Battle of the Water River Wolf Rage ([-])

Soon, Gao Ping received the news.

Takamori Takamori was at the Gaoping devil headquarters with a gloomy face at this time.

Today's Takamori Takashi is very upset, because he just received a call from the Commander-in-Chief of North China, Hisashi Terauchi, and he was reprimanded.

Because of the research on the TZ-002 bacterial bomb, a large number of Chinese people are needed as test items.

Colonel Takamori did not expect that he had transported more than 1000 Chinese people to the Anlong Regional Research Institute some time ago, but Takamori did not expect that these more than 1000 Chinese test subjects died so quickly during the research.

Because the follow-up Chinese people did not deliver, General Shouda in the temple called again today, beat him to the ground, and scolded him like a dog.

This made Takamori Takashi very angry in his heart. He was a dignified commander of the elite regiment of the Empire, but he did not expect to fall to this point today.

His honor at the Nanjing massacre, etc....

Because of the Battle of Lingchuan, his position in the heart of General Shou in the temple is no longer as important as before.


Thinking of this, Xiao Takamori's face turned livid, and he punched the table. He hated, he hated Lei Zhan so much in his heart, if it wasn't for Lei Zhan, he would never have reached this point.

"Ling Lingling...!"

Suddenly, the phone on the table rang abruptly at this time.


Colonel Takamori adjusted his mood and picked up the phone on the table.

"Moses Moses?"

"Your Excellency, it's not good. My Shuijiang area was attacked by inexplicable armed forces, and various strongholds suffered heavy losses. Please give instructions."

As soon as the phone was connected, Colonel Takamori heard the news he least wanted to hear again.

"Lei Zhan, it must be Lei Zhan's wolf group!"

Hearing this news, Takamori immediately thought that it was Lei Zhan's Wolf Warriors who did it.

Except for Lei Zhan's Wolf Warriors, the other Eighth Route troops did not have the courage to attack the area controlled by their big RB imperial army in broad daylight.

"How many troops are there?"

Grand Master Takamori calmed down and continued to ask.

"A large number, I don't know how many people, listening to the sound of gunfire, it is almost all over my entire river."

Hearing the inquiry from Takamori Takashi, Major Kotono immediately reported the situation to him. Although he didn't know how many troops there were, judging by the gunshots and distribution, there were quite a number of them. It should be War Wolf The main force of the regiment.

"Bagaya Road!"


Hearing this news, Colonel Takamori was furious again, picked up the teacup on the table, and threw it outside.

He is angry, Lei Zhan is so hateful, do you really think Takamori Takashi is made of mud, and hit him one after another.

"You guys, stand by in the county seat. I will send two squadrons to support you. After reuniting, go to attack the invading Chinese army. We must drive them out of the river."

Takamori Takashi issued an order, and he can't send any extra troops now, so he can only let the troops stationed near the Shuijiang area support them. The strength of the two squadrons is already his limit at this time.

Because he wants other imperial warriors to capture the Chinese and send them to the Anlong Regional Research Institute to make the TZ-002 bacterial bomb.

Now nothing is as important as making the TZ-002 bacterial bomb. As long as the TZ-002 bacterial bomb is researched and manufactured, not to mention the Lingchuan Wolf Regiment, even the Chinese people and troops in North China will have to pay the price of their lives. .

"Hi Yi!"

Hearing that there was support from Shao Zuo Mu Xunhuye, my heart immediately settled down. With the support of the two squadrons, at least the county will be free from worries.


All the strongholds of Shuijiang in the Lingchuan area, starting from the edge of Shuijiang, were directly swept away by more than a dozen special forces, pushing them towards Shuijiang County.

For a moment, Shuijiang was shrouded in invisible blood, and a large number of little devils and puppet soldiers were shot to death by soldiers of the Eighth Route Wolf Warriors.

"Captain, look here."

Lei Zhan and the others had just finished a battle at a nearby stronghold and returned to the truck that came behind.

At this moment, Yang Hu was pointing to a place on the map and reporting to Lei Zhan.

"Here, there is a squad of devils stationed. According to previous reports from the soldiers, this village is called Yanjiazhuang."

Pointing at the map, Yang Hu reported to Lei Zhan with a cold face.

"Yanjiazhuang, that is the Yanjiazhuang that was bloodbathed by the little devil before."

Looking at the place Yang Hu pointed at, Lei Zhan's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

He had heard about this Yanjiazhuang. A month ago, a devil squad entered this village and brutally killed all the men in this village.

The old, the weak, and the young were also all killed, and what remained were the middle-aged women, girls, and young girls in the entire village.

These small groups of devils imprisoned these women and began to abuse them, including those young girls.

The methods of the little devils are utterly devoid of conscience, they are animals, and in Yan's family village, another bloody case has been created.

Until the end, all the women were raped to death, and this devil squad was stationed here.

"Hmph, a bunch of brutes with no conscience."

Lei Zhan snorted coldly, his eyes were instantly filled with strong killing intent.

He wants to kill, he wants to kill all the devils in this Yan family village.

Do not!
These beasts must be tortured severely, and they must die in painful confession!
Not only Lei Zhan, but at the mention of Yanjiazhuang, the eyes of all the special forces soldiers turned red, and they also thought of the tragedy in Yanjiazhuang.

The soldiers clenched their fists tightly, their faces livid, and the killing intent in their eyes became more and more intense.

"Change clothes, enter the village, revenge, blood debt blood!"

Lei Zhan immediately gave the order with a murderous look on his face.


Hearing the order, Yang Hu immediately took out the devil's uniform from a large box in the car.

They had prepared these things long ago to prepare for unexpected needs, and now these things came in handy.

After all, it is the strength of a devil squad, at least there are more than 70 devils, they are three people, they must be outsmarted, and they cannot attack by force.

With a cold face, Lei Zhan took a set of devil officer uniforms handed over by Yang Hu.

This set of clothes is the uniform of a major officer, and Lei Zhan needs it.

The captain of the devil squad is at most a captain or captain. With this set of minor officer uniforms, Lei Zhan can completely suppress the little devil captain.

After all, the traditional rule of the devils in the army is that the official rank will kill you directly!
Putting on this outfit, and with the fact that all the special forces members are familiar with Japanese, Lei Zhan is [-]% sure that he will wipe out all the little devils in Yanjiazhuang.


At this time, Su Yunuan, who was in LC County, was waiting anxiously outside the secret room.

She is extremely worried in her heart, she needs time now, because every minute that passes, the imperial warriors are in danger for one more minute
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(End of this chapter)

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