Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 241 The Battle of the Water River

Chapter 241 The Battle of the Water River Wolf Rage ([-])

Yang Fei, who was patrolling outside at this time, had already rushed back to LC County. After arranging everything in the county, he left fifty special forces members behind. Yang Fei brought a large number of light machine guns and one hundred special forces The team members moved forward towards the mouth of the eagle mouth.


Lei Zhan, Yang Fei, and the rest of the Special Forces team had already changed into devil uniforms.

Although the soldiers are unwilling to wear this devil's skin, it is worth it to do so in order to kill the devil.

For the special forces team members, Lei Zhan was very relieved. He didn't give other orders. After all, these team members can speak Japanese. As long as they enter Yanjiazhuang and don't speak Chinese, there will be nothing wrong.

"set off!"

With Lei Zhan's order, they set off.


One mile away, there is a village next to the mountains and forests. The land outside this village has been stained red with blood. On the ground, there are people's corpses scattered all over the place.

Because of the cold weather, the corpses of these people did not rot, but because of the prey in the mountains, the corpses of many people had already turned into corpses.




At this time, among these corpses, there were also night cats and stray dogs, gnawing on the corpses of these common people.

Not only wild dogs, but also other small prey in the forest were also gnawing on the corpses.


Among them are pitch-black crows whose beaks have been stained red with blood.

There are also many crows, picking up bright red flesh and blood, flying high and flying towards the mountains and forests.

The crow's quacking sound gave the whole Yanjiazhuang a strange color.

Especially through these corpses, the gloomyness of Yanjiazhuang is even more prominent.

Within Yanjiazhuang.




In the center of Yanjiazhuang, in a nice big house, there were women's chaotic screams from inside.

There was also an inexplicable sound in this voice.

The sound was very painful.

Of course, the loudest voice was the brazen shouting of the little devil.

"Report without cheating Mas!"

At this moment, an electric commander quickly ran outside the large room.

Hearing the voice in the room, envy immediately appeared on the face of the devil's electric commander.


He only heard a roar from a devil in the room, and then the door of the room was opened, and a naked... naked little devil came out.

The moment the door of the room is opened, the scene inside should come into view immediately.
"Major telegram!"

After the electric order soldier handed the electric order to the devil in front of him, he raised his feet and walked into the room, at the same time he began to throw his clothes on the ground.


Xiao Lin Shahe, the leader of the devil squad who saw the telegram, immediately cursed angrily, and the good mood just now was destroyed in an instant.

The telegram ordered him to be on strict alert in case of a surprise attack by the Eighth Route Army Zhanwolf Regiment.


Afterwards, Xiaolin Shahe, the leader of the devil squad, put on his clothes and gave an order.

After a while, Xiaolin Shahe walked towards the village with the second lieutenant of the devil and the chief Cao in the room.

Not long after Xiaolin Shahe left, the screams in this room also stopped.

After a while, the rest of the dressed devils began to carry out the dead Chinese woman who had been tortured by them.

They came in and out, and carried out more than a dozen corpses, which were directly placed in the corner of the yard by them.

On those corpses at this time, their angry eyes were looking at the sky, as if they were accusing the sky, why didn't they open their eyes!
In the following time, all the little devils in Yanjiazhuang, under the command of the team leader Xiao Lin Shahe, have all been put on alert, with light and heavy machine guns all set up.

Even the sentry posts at the entrance of the village were assigned more than a dozen.


Lei Zhan took Yang Hu and the special forces team members over the last small slope and saw Yanjiazhuang 200 meters away.


The killing intent on Lei Zhan's body could no longer be suppressed when he saw the first sight outside of Yan's Village, and immediately vented out.

"Dogs... beasts of the sun!"

"Oh shit!"


Seeing the tragic scene in front of Yanjiazhuang Village, all the soldiers cursed with hatred on their faces, mixed with murderous intent.

Yang Hu clenched his fists tightly. Seeing the scene in front of him, he thought of Cuihua, his comrades who died tragically, and the thousands of Chinese compatriots who were killed by little devils.

"Adjust yourself and enter the village."

Taking a deep breath, Lei Zhan forcibly suppressed the anger and killing intent in his heart, sorted out his mood, and walked towards the village.


The soldiers followed behind Yang Hu, adjusting their mood and calming down.

They had to do this. If they entered the village with a huge murderous intent, it would definitely arouse the suspicion of the little devils.

Therefore, they have to endure for the time being and wait for the final eruption.

Lei Zhan led the special forces and quickly approached the village.

At this time, the little devils at the entrance of Yanjiazhuang Village also found Lei Zhan and others, but they saw Lei Zhan wearing his own military uniform, so they did not take any action and waited for the arrival of Lei Zhan's team.

However, a devil sentry had already run into the village to report.

Soon, Lei Zhan came to the entrance of Yanjiazhuang Village.

"Which part?"

After a devil sentry came to Lei Zhan, he saluted Lei Zhan and asked directly.

"I want to see your commander and lead the way quickly."

Lei Zhan raised his head slightly and looked at the sentinel in front of him with a look of disdain.

While speaking, Lei Zhan led Yang Hu and others towards the village.

However, the devil sentry at the entrance of the village was quite tough.

"Which unit do you work in?"

The devil sentinel's face changed, and he came directly in front of Lei Zhan, blocked Lei Zhan's footsteps, and asked Lei Zhan again.


At the same time, when the other devil sentries saw the action of the leading sentry and Lei Zhan and others who wanted to break into the village, they immediately raised the [-] caps in their hands and pointed their guns The mouth is aimed at Lei Zhan, the major.


Seeing the little devil pointing his gun at them, Yang Hu and the special forces behind him immediately raised their guns, loaded their bullets, and were ready to fight at any time.

Lei Zhan felt a little surprised at this moment, he didn't expect that the devil's skin of the Shao Zuo would not work well here.

Moreover, he spoke pure Japanese, and Lei Zhan didn't understand what was the reason why the little devils in front of him had the courage to point their guns at a major.

(End of this chapter)

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