Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 242 The Battle of the Water River

Chapter 242 The Battle of the Water River Wolf Rage ([-])

What Lei Zhan didn't know was that the team in front of him was a bit special. They had participated in the Nanjing Massacre.

Moreover, they also have a background, that is, they were previously under the command of Terauchi Shouyi, the remaining one of the elite squadrons, because they made a mistake, they were dispatched to Shuijiang by Terauchi Shouyi.

Therefore, this devil team is very arrogant, even facing the commander of Shuijiang, Shao Zuo Mu Xunhuye, they will not buy it.

So, there is this scene in front of you.

"Bagaya Road!"


However, the brats who have always been arrogant have also met someone who is very difficult to mess with today, and that is Lei Zhan.

Seeing that the little devil sentry in front of him was still blocking him, Lei Zhan immediately became angry, facing the little devil in front of him, he raised his hand and made a big mouth.

Seeing Lei Zhan slap the little devil sentinel, Yang Hu and the special forces members felt happy immediately.



This little devil sentinel, with one hand covering his swollen cheeks, pointed at Lei Zhan with the other. He was about to scold Lei Zhan with a frightened look on his face, but he was immediately kicked by Lei Zhan's kick. out.


Seeing this scene, the little devils had already begun to fear in their hearts, but for the honor of their team, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and attack Lei Zhan.



They didn't dare, after all, Lei Zhan was a major officer, even though their background was tough, but if he shot and killed an imperial major, that would be a serious crime.

No one can save them.

"Ha ha!"

Looking at the attacking little devils, a cruel smile appeared on Lei Zhan's face.

Yang Hu and the rest of the special operations team had been waiting for this moment.


Lei Zhan let out a rage, and grabbed the Sanba Dagai that was attacking him by a little devil.

Because it is not a stabbing, there is no bayonet on the current [-] cover.

Then, under the surprised gaze of the little devil, the command saber in Lei Zhan's right hand slammed on the little devil's head fiercely.


Immediately, the little devil screamed, and was smashed to the ground by Lei Zhan.


Immediately afterwards, there were several screams from beside him, Yang Hu and the rest of the special forces also ended the battle, and the devil sentinels were all knocked down by them.

"Ouch, Baga!"

These little devil sentinels screamed in pain on the ground.

How could they be the opponents of Lei Zhan and the special forces team members? These little devils attacked Lei Zhan and they were just looking for abuse.

At this time, in the village, the little devils who were ready to fight quietly watched in place.

Although the people in their own team were knocked down to the ground, the ones who knocked down their own people were also imperial soldiers.

They don't point their guns at their own people.

Of course, there is another most important reason, the Bushido spirit, they worship the strong.

And their team leader, Kobayashi Shahe, also observed this scene, he is a little devil who believes in the spirit of bushido.

Therefore, after seeing Lei Zhan, Yang Hu and the special forces members knocking down their fighters to the ground, Captain Xiaolin Shahe immediately showed admiration in his eyes.

He worships the strong, and the few imperial warriors in front of him must be the elite of the empire.

Seeing this, Xiaolin Shahe immediately smiled and ran towards Lei Zhan and others outside the village.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the little devil sentinels screaming and howling on the ground, Lei Zhan and the soldiers all had sneers on their faces, and they were very happy in their hearts.

Although it was impossible to kill the little devil in front of him for the time being, Yang Hu and the others showed no mercy in the attack just now. The little devil lying on the ground must not be able to go to the battlefield without a week of self-cultivation.


At this time, Lei Zhan saw a little devil in an officer's uniform running towards them.

Lei Zhan snorted and reminded Yang Hu and others behind him.

Hearing Lei Zhan's reminder, the special forces members immediately put away the sneer on their faces, returned to their expressionless faces, and waited for the arrival of the devil officer from the village.

"Hello, senior."

When Xiaolin Shahe came to Lei Zhan, he immediately bowed his head and saluted Lei Zhan very respectfully.


Seeing the Captain Guizi in front of him, Lei Zhan answered with a straight face, then waved his hands, and led Yang Hu and the special forces team members directly towards the village of Yanjiazhuang.

The joy in the hearts of the soldiers who saw this scene became even stronger.

"Baga! Trash!"


Seeing His Excellency Major who ignored him and walked directly towards the village, Xiao Lin Shahe suddenly became angry.

He was not angry at Lei Zhan, but because of the blind men on the ground.

Xiao Lin Shahe believed that His Excellency the Major must have vented his anger on him because of the unreasonableness of his own subordinates.



Thinking of this, Xiao Lin Shahe kicked the little devil lying on the ground a few times, turned around and quickly chased after Lei Zhan and others.


While chasing, Xiaolin Shahe was still yelling.

When the little devils in Yanjiazhuang saw Lei Zhan and the imperial warriors behind him, they all looked at them with envy.

The strong, the Bushido spirit, needs to be respected.

Lei Zhan took Yang Hu and the special forces team members, and no one paid attention to them, just like this, walking towards the village swaggeringly.

However, as Lei Zhan and the others advanced, their faces became colder and colder.

Because Lei Zhan and the soldiers saw that on both sides of the road in the village, and in the yard, there were basically dead bodies of common people.

This intensified the murderous intent in Lei Zhan and the soldiers' hearts. They vowed in their hearts that they would torture this devil squad in Yan's Village to death.


At this time, Xiao Lin Shahe, the leader of the devil squad, chased after him, looking out of breath.

Indulging in female sex, his body has been completely hollowed out at this time.


As soon as Lei Zhan waved his hand, Yang Hu and the special forces members stopped in place, all of them looked at the Devil Captain in front of them with cold faces.

"Haha, senior, come with me."

When Xiaolin Shahe saw His Excellency Major's appearance, his heart tightened immediately, and he couldn't help scolding his subordinates who didn't have long eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaolin Shahe laughed and laughed, and led Lei Zhan towards the big house in the middle of the village.


Lei Zhan let out a cold snort, and led Yang Hu and the special forces forward again.

At the same time, Lei Zhan and Yang Hu were also observing the terrain of the village, and Lei Zhan was thinking about how to deal with the devil squad in Yanjiazhuang.

It is very simple to kill them all, but if you want to capture them all alive, it is a bit difficult.

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(End of this chapter)

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