Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 243 The Battle of the Water River

Chapter 243 Battle of the Water River Wolf Rage ([-])

Under the leadership of Xiaolin Shahe, the captain of the devil squad, Lei Zhan, Yang Hu and the special forces came to the largest courtyard in the middle of the village.

This yard is the best yard that Lei Zhan has seen along the way.

"Senior, please!"

Arriving at the gate of the courtyard, Xiao Lin Shahe, the leader of the devil squad, stopped, turned around and respectfully greeted Lei Zhan and the others, posing as a gesture of invitation.


Lei Zhan nodded with a cold face, and led Yang Hu and others towards the big courtyard.

However, as soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw an astonishing scene in the corner next to the courtyard.

Lei Zhan did not expect that in the corner of the yard, there were dozens of corpses of women stacked together.

They didn't wear a single piece of clothing, and they were filthy all over, with bruises and blood all over their bodies.

Their eyes were so helpless, hesitant, and desperate.

Seeing this scene, the murderous aura in Lei Zhan's heart almost burst out, Lei Zhan's eyes had already turned red, and his complexion became even more gloomy.

Yang Hu and the special forces team members are now similar to Lei Zhan, their faces are extremely gloomy, and they are severely suppressing the murderous aura that is about to erupt in their hearts.

The task has not been completed, they can't leak it now.


At this time, the leader of the devil team who entered the courtyard immediately saw the expressions of Lei Zhan and the others.

Especially after Lei Zhan and others saw the dead bodies of the women in China, Xiaolin Shahe's expression sank immediately.

He already had doubts about the identities of the seniors in front of him.

If the seniors in front of them were real warriors of the empire, they would definitely not have such expressions when they saw the corpse of the Chinese woman.

Thinking of this, combined with the previous order, Xiaolin Shahe's heart suddenly became clear, and he felt that his guess was right.

Xiaolin Shahe wanted to run away, so he had to gather a team outside and arrest the unidentified 'senior' in front of him.

However, the change in his face was also noticed by Lei Zhan.

As for Xiaolin Shahe's thoughts at this time, Lei Zhan had already guessed in his heart, nothing more than starting to doubt them.

After all, the performance of himself and others just now has already explained the problem.

However, this can also be a lie. As long as Lei Zhan can justify this lie, then he can also dispel the doubts of the devil captain.

After all, in Xiaolin Shahe's heart now, there is only suspicion.

"Bagaya Road!"

At the moment when Xiaolin Shahe was about to turn around and run, Lei Zhan let out a sudden roar, making Xiaolin Shahe's footsteps that were already about to lift stiffly frozen in place.

Similarly, Lei Zhan's roar directly called out the little devils in the room.

Seeing this scene, Yang Hu and the special forces members were already ready to fight.

As long as the little devils resisted, they would shoot immediately.

After Lei Zhan yelled, under the surprised eyes of everyone in the yard, he walked towards Xiaolin Shahe with an angry look on his face.


At this time Xiaolin Shahe's lips had already started to tremble, and he was also confused now, he didn't know if his suspicion was correct.


Lei Zhan came to Xiaolin Shahe, and directly gave Xiaolin Shahe a big mouth.

Immediately, under the surprised gazes of all the little devils in the yard, they saw their usually awesome captain, directly under the slap of this strange Mr. several circles.


After going around in circles, Xiaolin Shahe, who was already a bit confused, covered his painful face and wanted to beg for mercy.


However, Lei Zhan didn't give him a chance, and directly kicked Xiao Lin Shahe out.


Xiao Lin Shahe, the captain of the devil who fell to the ground, immediately screamed.

"Your Excellency, Major!"

At this time, Yang Hu and his team members who saw Lei Zhan taking care of him hurriedly cooperated very well, stepped forward to stop Lei Zhan, and held Lei Zhan back.

At this time, Lei Zhan was still pretending to be very angry, staring viciously at the devil captain Xiaolin Shahe who was screaming on the ground.

"The scum of the empire, the disgrace of the empire, our warriors of the empire suffered heavy losses just now in Lingchuan, and you are still doing such things here.

You are the moths of the empire, you should now think about avenging the dead imperial warriors in Lingchuan instead of having fun here.

Baga, baga! "

Lei Zhan pretended to be extremely angry and roared, he was justifying himself now, in order to gain the trust of all the little devils in Yanjiazhuang.

Only in this way can Lei Zhan start his plan to avenge the tragic deaths of the fellow citizens of Yanjiazhuang.

Killing the little devil is very simple. The purpose of Lei Zhan is to torture the little devil to death.


To rest in peace the people who died tragically;
Only then can the dead people rest in peace!
"Your Excellency, Major!"

Yang Hu and the soldiers cooperated very well with Lei Zhan.

At this moment, all the little devils who heard Lei Zhan's roar all lowered their heads and remained silent on the spot.

Their faces were full of guilt.

At this time, Xiaolin Shahe, the captain of the devil who was screaming on the ground, also stopped screaming. Lei Zhan's words pierced deeply into his heart.

Everything Lei Zhan said is correct.

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Xiaolin Shahe has already trusted Lei Zhan.

Moreover, he was ashamed of his previous doubts.

"let me go!"

Lei Zhan let out a loud roar, and struggled to break away from the restraints of Yang Hu and the others.

"Now, I will take over your team. I will take you to train and train you into elite soldiers to avenge the warriors of the empire."

Lei Zhanyu was not surprised, he directly stated his purpose.

"Hi Yi!"

Xiao Lin Shahe, the leader of the devil squad on the ground, immediately got up on the ground when he heard Lei Zhan's words, put his legs together, bent over to show his submission.

"In addition, my immediate supervisor is General Neiji Okamura."

After Lei Zhan finished speaking with a cold face, he walked into the room.

"Hi Yi!"

Hearing that Lei Zhan proposed the name of General Ningji Okamura, Xiaolin Shahe, the leader of the Devil Squad, once again bowed and hid in place.

Lei Zhan's words evoke the old memories in his heart. Back then, his team belonged to the elite regiment of the empire, but because of certain things, it has fallen to the current state.

Because of the care of General Shou in the temple, they can live this degenerate life here.

Now the arrival of Lei Zhan has completely awakened Xiao Lin Shahe, the leader of the devil squad.


Lei Zhan, who entered the room, saw the mess in the room and the extremely pungent smell, immediately cursed, turned and walked out of the room, and slapped the little devils at the door twice.

"Hurry up and clean up and work!"

"Hi Yi!"

Upon hearing the order, the two little devils immediately ran into the room with their tails between their legs.

Lei Zhan scanned his surroundings, and the killing intent in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

The goal has been achieved, then, the next step is the beginning of the feast!
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(End of this chapter)

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