Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 244 The Battle of the Water River

Chapter 244 The Battle of the Water River ([-])

Seeing His Excellency the Major standing outside the door angrily, Xiao Lin Shahe, the captain of the devil squad, walked over with a shy face.




At this time, in the distance, gunshots are still ringing, and the gunfire is sometimes rapid and sometimes slow.

Listening to these continuous gunshots, Lei Zhan, Yang Hu and the special forces members felt a little better.

After all, every shot fired could represent the death of a little devil.

No matter what, Lei Zhan never imagined that the little devil in the Yan Family Village could be so cruel.

It was even more brutal than a massacre, especially when he saw the corpses of his compatriots piled up in the corner, Lei Zhan felt very uncomfortable.

This is the difference between countries, naked...naked...naked. The weak eat the strong, the strong can ruthlessly trample on the dignity of the weak, and control the life and death of the weak.

"Your Excellency, Major."

Xiaolin Shahe came to Lei Zhan, first smiled at Yang Hu and the special forces team members, and then respectfully saluted Lei Zhan.


"What are you still doing here, hurry up and find someone to bury the corpse in the corner, hurry up."

Lei Zhan still roared and shouted at Xiaolin Shahe.

"Hey, my subordinates will do it right away."

After Xiaolin Shahe heard Lei Zhan's order, he quickly waved to the sentries at the door, signaling them to hurry up and bury the corpse in the corner.

"What's your name?"

Lei Zhan looked at the devil captain in front of him, and asked with a cold face.

"Go and help."

Before Xiaolin Shahe, the captain of the devil squad, could answer, Lei Zhan gave orders to Yang Hu and his team members beside him.

Burying compatriots is better done by one's own people.

"Hi Yi!"

After Yang Hu took the order, he turned around and led the special operators towards the corner of the wall full of corpses.

"Your Excellency, your subordinate, Xiaolin Shahe."

Xiaolin Shahe replied with admiration in Lei Zhan's eyes.

He didn't expect that Your Excellency, Major, would be willing to let himself be a personal guard to do such rough work.

"Have you heard the gunshots outside? There are all eight roads outside. They are slaughtering our imperial soldiers, just like slaughtering chickens."

Lei Zhan said to Xiaolin Shahe with a blank face. At this time, Lei Zhan already had a complete plan in his heart, and the next step is to implement the plan.

"Hi Yi!"

At this moment, Xiaolin Shahe didn't know what to answer other than bowing down and saying hello, after all, he had already made a mistake before.

"I came to the North China War Zone to inspect this time. I was ordered by General Ningji Okamura. However, when I came to the Gaoping area, especially Lingchuan, I was very disappointed to observe the battle in Lingchuan. I didn't expect that the imperial warriors In Lingchuan, he turned into a chicken cub and was slaughtered by the Wolf Warriors.

Captain Kobayashi, can you tell me what caused this? "

Lei Zhan looked at the little devil in front of him coldly and asked.

"Hi Yi!"

At this time, Xiaolin Shahe seemed to have died, clinging to his spot.

Xiaolin Shahe's heart was now full of fear. He did not expect that General Neiji Okamura would send someone to inspect the North China theater.

Could it be that General Terauchi Shouichi's prediction has come, that he will be transferred away, and that General Ningji Okamura will take over the North China Theater.

Xiaolin Shahe thought in his heart.

"The imperial soldiers I brought are all graduates from the Military Academy in Berlin, Germany, as well as top students from the Heimus Military Academy. They are familiar with special operations."

Lei Zhan squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, as if he was talking to himself, talking to Xiao Lin Shahe who was beside him, who lowered his head and dared not speak.

"Hi Yi!"

Hearing the words of the Major Lei Zhan, Xiaolin Shahe once again felt infinite admiration. He did not expect that the Major and his personal guards in front of him were all warriors who had studied in foreign military academies.

You must know that all imperial warriors who have been further educated in foreign countries have a very high chance of being promoted to generals in the end.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lin Shahe made a decision in his heart, he had already lost the thigh of General Shou in the temple, and now he had to hug the thigh of His Excellency the Major in front of him.

You know, this Major, may be promoted to general in the future.

"So, Mr. Xiaolin, from now on, I will officially take over your team and organize training.

If you have any comments, please report directly to General Juichi Terauchi. Just in time, I also want to talk to General Juichi Terauchi. On behalf of General Neiji Okamura, I would like to report to General Juichi Terauchi about the situation in the Gaoping area. "

Speaking of this, Lei Zhan's face became gloomy again, and his eyes were already filled with anger.

"Hi Yi, I don't have any comments, I ask Your Excellency Major for guidance."

Hearing what Lei Zhan said, Xiaolin Shahe believed in Lei Zhan even more in his heart.

Looking at Xiao Lin Shahe who lowered his head in an extremely respectful manner, a disdainful smile appeared on Lei Zhan's face.

He said this on purpose, the purpose was to frighten the guy in front of him, just in time, seeing Xiaolin Shahe's appearance, Lei Zhan knew that his goal had been achieved.

"Well, now the Eighth Route Army is attacking the stronghold outside, you order to go down, except for the sentinel and the machine gunner at the entrance of the village, all the members of the team, gather, I want to test you and start special training for you."

According to his own plan, Lei Zhan guided the devil leader Xiaolin Shahe step by step.

That's what he wanted to do, step by step, to send this devil team into the bottomless abyss.

"Hi Yi!"

Xiaolin Shahe, who heard Lei Zhan's order, immediately became excited. He did not expect that His Majesty the Major would instruct them in special warfare techniques.

You know, special operations, this is extremely rare in their entire North China theater, and he only heard it once during the conversation of General Shou in the temple.

Thinking of this, Xiaolin Shahe no longer hesitated, and quickly ran outside.

He wants to assemble the team, participate in training, and he wants to get back the supreme honor of their former team.


Looking at Xiao Lin Shahe who ran out like a dog, a disdainful smile appeared on Lei Zhan's face again.

"Your Excellency, the mission is completed."

Not long after Xiaolin Shahe left, Yang Hu came back with his mud-stained special forces members.

Lei Zhan looked at Yang Hu, nodded, and signaled the start of the plan.

Yang Hu understood Lei Zhan's meaning and gestured sign language to four of the special forces behind him.

Immediately, the four special forces members who received the order nodded to Yang Hu and Lei Zhan, turned around and walked out of the small courtyard.

They were going to carry out the tasks assigned to them by Lei Zhan before.


At this time, Su Yunuan, who was in the county headquarters, could hardly bear it anymore, she was too anxious.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Suddenly, the voice of the radio station slowly came from the confidential room, which immediately made Su Yunuan's eyes light up.

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(End of this chapter)

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