Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 245 Battle of the Water River

Chapter 245 The Battle of the Water River Wolf Rage ([-])

Watching the four special forces leave, Lei Zhan listened to the gunshots from a distance again, and fell into deep thought.




The distant gunfire continued.

According to the gunshots, Lei Zhan judged the attack speed and extent of the special forces soldiers.

Because Lei Zhan had already marked the end of their mission on the map to all the special forces members who participated in the battle.

After all, there were only more than 200 special forces members participating in the battle this time. It would be impossible to win Shuijiang with these 200 special forces members.

After all, little devils are not fools. After such a long-term attack, they will definitely be prepared. But if they are well prepared, even the little devils who gather together will not be so easy to deal with.

Their mission this time is to avenge the sacrificed soldiers, and formulate a blitzkrieg to kill the little devil quickly.

Blitzkrieg is all about speed. If you love to fight, the consequences will be hard to say.

Lei Zhan reckoned that when he killed the devils in this team here, it would be time to retreat.

Their goal this time has been achieved, after all, it is not a matter of a day or two to beat a little devil.

"Tap Tap!"

At this time, there was the sound of orderly footsteps outside, and Lei Zhan knew that the devils in this team had already assembled.

Next, the plan officially begins.

As Lei Zhan expected, after the footsteps outside stopped, Xiao Lin Shahe, the leader of the devil squad, trotted in.

This guy's face was full of smiles, and it seemed that he was very excited.

"Report to Your Excellency Major, the team has assembled."

Xiaolin Shahe came to Lei Zhan, saluted and reported.


Lei Zhan looked at Xiaolin Shahe in front of him, and nodded to show he knew.

"You order to let the imperial soldiers put down their guns and ammunition and enter this yard. I will test their physique and formulate a targeted training plan."

Lei Zhan continued to order.


After receiving the order, Xiao Lin Shahe immediately ran outside, thinking about Lei Zhan's words in his heart, and formulated a targeted training plan. Your Excellency, Major, is indeed a high-achieving student, and the training plan is so advanced.

At this time, Captain Xiaolin Shahe seemed to have been brainwashed by Lei Zhan, he was extremely convinced by Lei Zhan, and directly regarded Lei Zhan's order as an imperial decree.


Looking at the devil captain who ran out Pidianpidian, the hearts of the special forces team members were full of joy.

Playing around with the little devil like this is much more enjoyable than killing the little devil.

After a while, the little devils who put down their weapons started walking towards the yard one after another.

The little devil who entered the yard saw Lei Zhan and Yang Hu standing on the high platform at the door, as well as the special forces members, and immediately there was a look of admiration in their eyes.

This is the samurai spirit deeply rooted in their hearts, worshiping the strong and convincing the strong.

Especially when they heard the squad leader say that His Majesty the Major is going to give them special training, they were very excited.

All the little devils who entered the yard held their heads high and showed their best side to Lei Zhan.


Looking at the little devils who were being tricked around and pretending to be very contrived, Lei Zhan cursed them in his heart that they were low-brows.

Five minutes later, Captain Xiaolin Shahe ran towards Lei Zhan again.

"Report to Your Excellency Major, except for the sentinel soldiers, all 76 soldiers have assembled."

"Well, you come with me."

Hearing the report from the leader of the devil squad, Lei Zhan nodded in satisfaction, and said to him, after that, Lei Zhan turned and walked towards the house.

The room has been cleaned and ventilated at this time, and there is no pungent smell before.

After entering the room, Lei Zhan looked up at the beams in the large room, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Since you were all killed here by the little devil, I will let the little devil bury you here to atone for your sins."

Lei Zhan was thinking in his heart, at this moment, in his mind, the scene of corpses everywhere outside Yanjiazhuang, as well as the sisters and compatriots who died in this room appeared again.

"Drink it and see what effect it has. General Neiji Okamura finally researched it in the research institute."

Coming to the center of the room, after Lei Zhan finished observing, looking at Captain Xiaolin Shahe behind him, Lei Zhan took out a glass test tube from his pocket, which contained a green liquid.

He handed the test tube to Captain Xiaolin Shahe.

Lei Zhan is trapping wolves, as long as he traps Captain Xiao Lin, then the next plan will be foolproof.

"Hi, Major!"

Hearing that it was a good product developed by the research institute under General Neiji Okamura, Captain Kobayashi Shahe did not hesitate. After taking it, with an excited face, he pulled off the leather cover on the test tube.

The moment the leather cover was pulled off, a seductive aroma came, Xiaojing Shahe drank the green liquid in the test tube without the slightest hesitation.

"Um, ha, ah!"

The moment the green liquid entered his body, Xiaolin Shahe moaned comfortably with an intoxicated face... Yin made a sound.

Xiaolin Shahe felt that this feeling was too wonderful to express in words. He felt that his depleted body was actually recovering.


Looking at Xiaolin Shahe immersed in it, Lei Zhan's eyes flashed a strong murderous intent.

"It's comfortable now, and I'll let you realize what real hell is!"

Lei Zhan looked at Xiaolin Shahe, thinking in his heart.

"Okay, go and order the imperial warriors outside to let them enter this room one by one. I will let my deputy preside over this test in person."

Lei Zhan woke Xiaolin Shahe who was immersed in it and gave an order.

"Hi Yi!"

Feeling the magic of the green liquid, Shahe Xiaolin was even more convinced by Lei Zhan.

Through the green liquid, he had foreseen the beautiful association of his team gradually becoming stronger and finally becoming the elite division of the empire.

After receiving the order, Xiao Lin Shahe ran outside, and began to publicize the benefits of the test, thinking that he had a deep understanding, and he felt the unobstructed feeling constantly coming from his body.

Lei Zhan also walked out of the room, he nodded to Yang Hu, and then Yang Hu walked into the room with four special forces members.

Lei Zhan stayed outside with the remaining five special forces members to deal with unexpected situations.

After all, there is no foolproof plan in this world, and God knows what accidents will happen.

Then, under the order of Xiaolin Shahe, the first little devil soldier entered the room, and then the door of the room was closed by the special forces inside.

Lei Zhan's plan has officially begun!
At this time, the special forces members in the room stretched out the hand of death to the little devil who entered the room!

(End of this chapter)

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