Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 246 Torturing Little Devils

Chapter 246 Torturing Little Devils ([-])

At this time, the Yanjiazhuang was very quiet, only the sound of conversations could be heard from time to time in the large courtyard in the middle.

At the entrance of the village, there were only two sentries and two machine gunners left. The four special forces sent by Lei Zhan came to the entrance of the village at this time and talked with these four little devils.

While talking with the little devil, the four special forces members counted the time in their hearts.


In the compound in the center of the village.

The more than 60 little devils waiting in the yard began to whisper to each other at this time.

Their faces changed from excitement at the beginning to confusion now. They didn't know how to get into the room. The soldiers who were inspected didn't move at all.

And they outside still walked inside one by one.

Looking at this scene, Lei Zhan frowned slightly, and his face gradually turned ugly. He wanted to kill the little devils when he saw them, but for the sake of planning, Lei Zhan is holding back now, and now these little devils in front of him actually started talking.

Lei Zhan was already getting annoyed in his heart, if it wasn't for the plan, Lei Zhan would have liked to have thrown all these little devils right now.

However, Lei Zhan didn't want to do this, because it would be too cheap to kill these little devils directly. What Lei Zhan had to do was to let them die in great fear and torture.

Only in this way can we be worthy of the people who died tragically in Yanjiazhuang, and the sisters and compatriots who died of humiliation.


At this time, Captain Xiaolin Shahe, who was immersed in fantasy, saw Lei Zhan's displeased face, and he saw the imperial soldiers who started whispering and talking.

A displeased smile suddenly appeared on his face, he thought, now, with great difficulty, His Excellency the Major was relieved, and he agreed to help train the soldiers.

Also, the mysterious liquid that His Excellency the Major took out, such a good thing, His Excellency the Major shared it with them.

However, the soldiers in front of him started talking on the spot at this time, and their conversation had already made His Excellency Major frown, which made Xiaolin Shahe feel that these soldiers were too disrespectful to His Excellency Lei Zhan up.


When Xiaolin Shahe came in front of these soldiers, he began to reward them with big slaps.



Xiaolin Shahe scolded and beat him as he walked.

"Hi Yi!"

All the little devils who were slapped by Xiaolin Shahe immediately bowed their heads and hid.

The rest of the little devils immediately stopped talking when they saw the angry squad leader, and lowered their heads where they were, waiting for the door of the room to open.



Xiaolin Shahe finished beating the last soldier beside him, and seeing them all lower their heads, a smile appeared on their face, his soldiers were quite obedient.

Seeing that the soldiers stopped talking, Xiaolin Shahe turned to look at Lei Zhan. When he saw Lei Zhan's calm expression, the boulder hanging in Xiaolin Shahe's heart finally fell to the ground.


At this time, the door of the room was opened.


Xiaolin Shahe kicked a kid next to him, urging at the same time.

"Hi Yi!"

After being kicked, the little devil soldier hurriedly leaned forward and ran into the room.

At this time, the four special forces guarding the door were full of joy when they saw the stupid little devils.

"The work of you group of bird feathers must not disappoint the cultivation of Your Excellency the Major. You have performed well and let our team return to the peak of the past again."

Xiaolin Shahe looked at the little devils who bowed their heads, roared loudly, and then walked towards Lei Zhan.

Seeing Xiaolin Shahe walking towards him, Lei Zhan took the initiative to walk towards Xiaolin Shahe.

He couldn't let Xiaolin Shahe come over, otherwise he would be too close to the room, and he might be exposed.

Therefore, Lei Zhan walked directly towards Xiaolin Shahe.

Seeing Lei Zhan walking towards Captain Guizi, the four special forces members beside him quietly moved their positions at the same time.

"Your Excellency, Major."

When Xiaolin Shahe saw His Excellency the Major walking towards him, he felt flattered in his heart, stopped at the spot and bowed in salute.

"Well, come with me, I have something to ask you."

When he came to Xiaolin Shahe, Lei Zhan finished talking to him and walked towards the wall beside him.

After all, the courtyard was full of little devils at this time, and there was only room by the wall.

"Hi Yi!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Xiaolin Shahe was overjoyed, and after bowing down, he followed Lei Zhan's footsteps.

Xiaolin Shahe already had some expectations in his heart at this time, after all, Lei Zhan gave him too many surprises today.


The door of the room opened and closed, opened and closed, and little devils walked into the room one after another.

However, all the little devils who entered the room never heard from again, because there was not even a single movement in the room.

And the little devil outside, who was full of doubts, looked up at the moment the door of the room was opened.

Even so, they didn't get a general idea, only when the door of the room was opened, they saw the soldiers sitting and talking on the bed inside.

In fact, they didn't know whether the soldiers inside were sitting and talking, they only saw the soldiers sitting on the bed inside.

However, the more this happened, the more curious they became.

The little devil in the yard raised his head and looked into the room, which immediately attracted the attention of the special forces at the door.


The special forces member snorted coldly, and stared coldly at the little devils who raised their heads.

"Hi Yi!"

Seeing the stern eyes of the major's personal guard at the door, these little devils immediately lowered their heads and remained motionless in place.

"Bagaya Road!"

At this time, Xiao Lin Shahe was very happy in his heart, because His Majesty the Major was calling him.

However, at this moment, he heard Shao Zuo's personal guard scolding, and Xiao Lin Shahe suddenly turned around to look.

When he saw the imperial soldier looking into the room with a curious look on his face, he was furious again.

His face was extremely ugly, and while yelling and cursing, he thought of the little devil who was closest to him.


Seeing this little devil walking towards the captain towards him, his legs began to tremble immediately, and even the words he spoke began to stammer.


"Bagaya Road! Your conscience is broken!"



Xiaolin Shahe was really angry at this time, he felt that these subordinates of his were not a joke, they challenged His Excellency Major's bottom line again and again.

This time Xiaolin Shahe started punching and kicking after he finished pumping the soldiers.

At this time, Xiaolin Shahe has completely turned into a mad dog.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this scene, Lei Zhan and the special forces team members burst into laughter in their hearts!

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(End of this chapter)

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