Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 247 Torturing Little Devils

Chapter 247 Torturing Little Devils ([-])
Xiaolin Shahe didn't give up until he beat the little devil on the ground until his head was bleeding.

"Baga, your, stupid pig's job."

After Xiaolin Shahe finished fighting, he tidied up his clothes, glared at the soldiers around him, immediately changed into a smiling face, turned and walked towards Lei Zhan.

"Ah! Ouch!"

The little devil on the ground was holding his head and humming miserably on the ground.

His nose was bleeding, not only above his nose, but his eyes were also red and swollen.


Seeing this scene, the rest of the little devils didn't dare to step forward to help, for fear of offending the squad leader who was in a rage.

The special forces team members at the door were extremely happy when they saw this scene.

It's fun for devils to fight devils.

"Yoxi, Mr. Xiaolin, your big Yoshi."

Lei Zhan looked at Xiaolin Shahe who was walking towards him, and immediately praised him with a smile.

Lei Zhan knew very well in his heart that as long as he could hold back the devil captain in front of him, everything would be easy to handle.

"Hi Yi, thank you, Your Excellency, for your compliment."

Hearing Lei Zhan's praise, Xiao Lin Shahe felt even happier.

"I don't know Your Excellency Major, what do you need to know?"

Xiaolin Shahe came to Lei Zhan and asked.

"Well, tell me how many imperial troops you have in Gaoping now."

Lei Zhan asked a piece of information that he needs very much now, as long as he knows how many devils Gao Ping has now, then Lei Zhan can start to arrange the plan to attack Gao Ping.

After all, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

"Hi Yi!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's inquiry, Xiaolin Shahe began to explain to Lei Zhan without the slightest hesitation.

Because Lei Zhan is now a member of General Ningji Okamura, Xiao Lin Shahe told Lei Zhan everything he knew.


As time passed, there were fewer and fewer little devils in the yard, and basically all of them had entered the room.

Yanjiazhuang, at the entrance of the village.

"Yosie, you're doing a good job."

At this time, the four special forces members at the entrance of the village were talking with the kid's two sentries and two machine gunners.

"Hi Yi!"

Hearing the compliment, the little devil immediately became excited and bowed down.

To be praised by the elite of the empire in front of them, they feel that this is a supreme honor.

The four special forces members looked at the little devil who bowed his head and nodded to each other. Because they calculated the time in their hearts, they estimated that it was almost time now, so they decided to act.

"Not bad!"

Four special forces members came to these little devils, smiled and patted their shoulders.

"Hi Yi!"

Feeling the elite of the empire patting him on the shoulder, the hearts of these little devils became even more excited.

However, what happened next caused them to die without understanding why.

"Crack it!"

"Crack it!"


The four special forces members patted the little devils on the shoulders, suddenly grabbed the little devil's head, and twisted it violently.

Under the puzzled eyes of these little devils, the special forces team broke their necks.

They were puzzled and entered hell. They didn't understand why the elite of the empire in front of them killed them, why they killed their own people.


After the four special forces members killed the little devil, they snorted coldly and nodded to each other. One member was left here, and the other three members rushed towards the back of the village.

Because on the other three sides of the village, there are still a few dark sentries of little devils. Their task is to eliminate all these sentries when the time is up.


In the yard, the little devils at this time have all entered the room.

At this time, the special forces members standing at the door let out a long breath, and a sneer appeared on their faces at the same time.

The task was successfully completed, and the next step was the real start of the killing feast.

At this time, Xiaolin Shahe, who had introduced Gaoping's situation to Lei Zhan, had a look of doubt on his face, and asked the question in his heart.

"Your Excellency, Major, why didn't the imperial soldiers who entered the room move at all?"

Xiao Lin Shahe looked puzzled: "Could it be that the green liquid was given to them by Your Excellency the Major, and the dosage was too large?"

While Xiaolin Shahe was thinking about it, he expressed his doubts.

At this time, he was also a little apprehensive, lest he offend the elite major of the empire in front of him.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"


Looking at the little devil captain who was still in the dark, Lei Zhan and the special forces immediately burst into laughter.

There was joy in their laughter.


Seeing His Majesty the Major in front of him, and several personal guards laughing, Xiao Lin Shahe was confused.

He can't figure it out!
"You're an idiot, a complete idiot!"

Lei Zhan looked at the little devil in front of him with a mocking smile, and cursed Xiao Lin Shahe in standard Mandarin.


Hearing His Excellency the Major scolding him in Chinese language, Xiaolin Shahe's expression of incomprehension became more intense.



Suddenly, Xiaolin Shahe's mind came to his senses, and he thought of a terrible possibility, the elite major of the empire in front of him is a fake.

He is Chinese, a Chinese soldier, pretending to be an imperial soldier to fool him.

Thinking of this, Xiaolin Shahe finally woke up and reacted. He cursed angrily with a ferocious face, then drew out the command knife at his waist, and slashed at Lei Zhan clamoringly.

Xiaolin Shahe was furious. He never expected that the dignified imperial officer would be fooled by Zhi Na's stupid pig.

He wanted to kill and hack the Chinese man in front of him to death. Only in this way could he wash away the shame that this Chinese man had brought to him.

However, Xiaolin Shahe has been dazzled by anger, will he be Lei Zhan's opponent.

Looking at the captain of the devil who was slashing towards Lei Zhan, the faces of the special forces team members suddenly showed playfulness.

Seeing the little devil captain rushing towards him, Lei Zhan didn't even move, he just waited for the little devil captain to chop down with the knife.


Seeing Lei Zhan who was about to die under his sword, Xiao Lin Shahe's ferocious face suddenly showed a hearty smile.

He had already thought of the scene where Lei Zhan was split in half by him.


Lei Zhan sneered, and when the command saber in Xiaolin Shahe's hand was about to approach his head, the command saber in Lei Zhan's right hand suddenly swung upwards.

At the same time, his right foot kicked forward like an angry dragon coming out of its hole.


In the blink of an eye, Xiao Lin Shahe, who was extremely arrogant, was kicked backwards by Lei Zhan.


Xiao Lin Shahe, who fell to the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood. He held his chest in pain and glared at Lei Zhan.

At this moment, he came to his senses. He thought of the imperial warriors who had entered the room before. He couldn't imagine what would happen to them!

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(End of this chapter)

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