Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 248 Torturing Little Devils

Chapter 248 Torturing Little Devils ([-])
Looking at Xiaolin Shahe who was glaring at him in front of him, Lei Zhan had a strong look of disdain on his resolute face.

Seeing Lei Zhan knocking the Devil Captain to the ground, the four special forces members at the door immediately showed joy on their faces.

Afterwards, the four of them walked towards Lei Zhan.

"Bagaya Road, yours, who the hell is working, dare to deceive the great big RB Imperial Army."

Despite the fear in his heart and the severe pain in his body, all of this, after knowing that the major in front of him is a fake.

Realizing that they were not real imperial soldiers, Xiaolin Shahe's sense of honor as a RB soldier suddenly rose.

No matter what the circumstances, even if he is now a prisoner and defeated by the Chinese in front of him, these are not enough to change his mind.

His belief is the spirit of Bushido, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven.

And the Chinese Chinese are the slaves of their empire on which the sun never sets, and China is their hunting ground.

It is the hunting ground for them to expand the local resources of the big RB empire.

Obviously, the Captain Xiaolin Shahe in front of him is a right-wing invader who has been thoroughly brainwashed.

"Also, what have you hateful Chinese people done to the warriors of our empire on which the sun never sets?"

Xiaolin Shahe once again asked the question in his heart. Although he already had a guess in his heart, he still wanted to know the exact answer.

And he felt in his heart that there was no news from the imperial warriors who entered the room for such a long time, and there was no movement in the room.

Then there is only one possibility, the imperial warriors who entered the room, at this moment, have all been loyal to His Majesty the Emperor, and the jade is broken.


Hearing Xiaolin Shahe's question, Lei Zhangen didn't bother to answer, because the little devil in front of him didn't have the qualifications at all.

"Take him and let's go."

After Lei Zhan gave orders to the four special forces members who came beside him, he turned and walked towards the room.

He's going to see how Yang Hu is busy.

As for Xiaolin Shahe's guess, Lei Zhan knew it in his heart, but regarding the little devil who entered the room, Xiaolin Shahe guessed completely wrong this time.

None of the little devils in the room died, because Lei Zhan needed them to pay enough to be eligible to die.

Otherwise, the miserable people in Yanjiazhuang would not agree.

Not only the people who died tragically in Yanjiazhuang will not agree, but the tens of thousands of compatriots who died tragically in the whole of China will not agree.

"Bagayalu, the conscience of you Chinese people is badly broken, you stupid Chinese pigs, you...!"

When Xiaolin Shahe saw Lei Zhan who turned around and left, he immediately cursed. His language had already begun to insult China and the entire Chinese people.


Hearing Xiaolin Shahe's insults, the special forces members couldn't help it immediately, because they had a murderous aura in their hearts.

This time, Xiaolin Shahe's insult completely ignited the murderous intent in the hearts of the special forces members.


The four special forces members had their own division of labor. After the No. 1 special forces member came to Xiaolin Shahe, he directly raised his foot and kicked Xiaolin Shahe in the mouth who was scolding him.


This kick directly kicked Xiaolin Shahe's head to the ground, and the blood from his mouth spilled out as if he didn't want money.

Xiaolin Shahe was whining, the numb mouth and the pain on his neck had already made him speechless, so he could only whine like this.

As he whimpered loudly, bright red blood continuously flowed out of his mouth.


The No.2 Special Forces member also came to Xiaolin Shahe's side at this time. He was not polite. After squatting down, he clicked twice, and directly removed Xiaolin Shahe's arms.


For this pain, Xiao Lin Shahe could only whimper in protest.

It is a pity that the protest is invalid!

The last two remaining special forces members came to Lieutenant Xiaolin Shahe, set him up directly, and walked towards the room under the leadership of the two special forces members in front.


Xiaolin Shahe who was erected was still struggling, but it was a pity.


As soon as Lei Zhan walked to the door of the room, the door was opened, and then, greeted by Yang Hu in the room, Lei Zhan and others, leading the devil captain, entered the room.

Especially Xiao Lin Shahe, the leader of the devil squad, after entering the room, his eyes widened immediately when he saw the scene in the room, and his face was full of disbelief.

He was stunned by the sight in front of him!






At this moment, the gunshots in the entire Dongjiang area were still ringing fiercely, and there was even the sound of violent explosions.

All the strongholds attacked by the special forces, the little devils and the puppet troops, were all slaughtered.

The members of the Special Operations Forces wiped out one stronghold without holding back, and then entered the next stronghold without any hesitation.

For the plan assigned to them by Lei Zhan, they have basically completed it, and the Blitz War is coming to an end.

What's more, the little devils are not stupid. After they heard the gunshots, they received orders from the county seat at the same time and began to organize effective defenses.

However, even though they started to take the initiative to defend, they only slightly slowed down the attacking pace of the special forces. In the end, under the powerful attack of the elite special forces, they still suffered a large number of casualties.

Today is destined to be a bloody day, a day for the little devils and beasts to pay the blood price for their sins.

Blood debt must be paid in blood!

At the same time, the commander in Shuijiang County, Shao Zuo Muxunto, had already received a call from the commander of the neighboring garrison in Gaoping area bordering Shuijiang area.

The reinforcements arrived half an hour later, and the commander of the reinforcements said that by then, it would be time for them to attack the Empire on a never-setting day.

However, Shaozuo Muxunhu, who was in the county town of Shuijiang, was not happy in his heart.

Because he had already received the exact news from the stronghold that the invading troops were none other than the Independent Regiment of the Chinese Eighth Route Army, the Warrior Wolf Regiment!

And it was still a large force, because each stronghold did not last long, so they judged and reported to Mu Xunhuye that the attack was the main force of the Wolf Warriors.

In the mind of Shao Zuo Mu Xunhuye, the Wolf Warriors are a group of demons, and for this group of demons, killing gods, only the support of two squadrons is enough to do anything.

However, the current Shao Zuo Mu Xuntoye already had other thoughts in his mind, he was unwilling to directly face the god-killing demons of the Wolf Warriors.

Therefore, he decided to use his utmost efforts to persuade the commander who came to support him to stay in the county town instead of attacking the invading army.

"Mr. Xiaolin!"

At this moment, Mu Xunhuye Shaozuo thought of the Xiaolin Shahe team stationed in Yanjiazhuang.

(End of this chapter)

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