Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2400 Hu Zi's News

Chapter 2400 Hu Zi's News

Salt Lake at night has a good nightlife. It has been occupied by the Japanese for several years. There are many traitors and puppet soldiers. They enjoy the life under the protection of the Japanese. Under this protection, they use such violence to commit crimes here.

Killing, grabbing, occupying, there are good things, they occupy them to their heart's content, no one knows how they divide up in Salt Lake, but, the living space left for ordinary bosses here is not much squeezed.

This kind of life without a foothold makes the common people complain.

Helpless, they were unarmed and wanted to resist, but they were punched and kicked.

Even, under certain circumstances, punching and kicking are all light. If you attract little devils, it will kill you. He will use the gun in his hand to point them at them, and the final result is that the unarmed people will die tragically in the hands of these little devils.

In the evening, Yang Fei took Liu Ji and the others to the street quietly. Only a few of the people walking on the street were doing small businesses, and most of them were people who were used to the control of the Japanese. Think of this place as "Shanghai"!
This is not Shanghai, but it is no different from Shanghai.

"Battalion Commander, this place is really strange. Why does it feel so lively at night?" Liu Ji asked.

"You haven't noticed that most of these shopkeepers are related to the Japanese, and there are even many shops, entertainment venues, and hotels opened by the Japanese! Go to these places quickly. You don't have much money on you. Don't come!" Yang Fei said.

"I've never seen such a place!" Liu Ji said.

"What have you seen, kid? The devils want to create such a prosperous scene, and also to create the chaos they did. Under the surface prosperity, our Chinese land is indeed devastated."

"Battalion Commander, where are we going?" Da Guang asked.

"Walk around casually!" As he said, Yang Fei sat down on the steps of a closed shop, lit a cigarette, and looked at the flowing street.

His eyes were fixed on the front of the red building.

Liu Ji was thinking about the time for the Japanese soldiers to change defense at the gate, and Leopard carefully counted the time for the Japanese soldiers to patrol. In short, they were not here for play, but for scouting.

For such things, Yang Fei never feels bored, this is just a prerequisite for victory.

After working for several hours, the pack of cigarettes was almost exhausted, Yang Fei stood up, "Okay, let's go!"

As soon as I stood up, I heard the voice of the Japanese yelling, "Baga, girl Hua, come here!"

And then there's the shameless lewd laughter of the Japanese.

Yang Fei looked and saw two Japanese soldiers surrounding a girl.

The daughter hid in panic, but hid in a corner and was surrounded by the Japanese.

"Dog!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Battalion Commander, don't you care?" Liu Ji asked.

"There are many people here!" Yang Fei said.

"Liu Ji, you brought the devils here, relatively speaking, there are fewer devils!" Yang Fei said.

"Battalion Commander, don't be impulsive, we can't expose it!" Leopard said.

"Hehe, I'm not afraid, I don't want to see devils bullying us Chinese!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, Liu Ji left.

I saw Liu Ji running over, panting, "Taijun! Taijun!"

The two Japanese turned their heads, "Bagaya Lu, what kind of work?"

"Taijun, I saw Eight Roads!" Liu Ji shouted out of breath.

"Balu? Where?"

The devil quickly became alert.

"Here, there is only one Eight Road, hurry up, follow me!" Liu Ji ran away after saying that.

The two devils followed Liu Ji through the bustling street, and then arrived at the hiding place of Yang Fei and the others.

"Taijun, come with me, follow me! Eighth Road is here!" Liu Ji led them and ran.

Suddenly, Yang Fei and Leopard rushed out, and they grabbed the devil's neck with their elbows, "You dog, bully us Chinese under my nose!"

As he said that, Yang Fei took out a knife and "teared" the devil's neck, making a cut, and the Japanese fell down all at once.

The leopard pinched the devil's neck with his hands and let him die for several minutes before letting go.

Yang Fei looked around, and then said, "Let's leave quickly while there is no one around!"

After speaking, the few of them hurriedly left the street.

There are many people in action at night, all kinds of people, you may not be very glamorous, night is the easiest time to hide your body, and it is also the easiest time for people to wear masks.

After they went back at night, they heard the whistle of the devil outside. They thought they were going to patrol the streets again, right?

Hearing footsteps at the door, Yang Fei got up gently.

Bajin and Gouwa came in slowly.

"Brother!" Ba Jin shouted.

"Here, come here, tell me what's going on outside now?" Yang Fei asked.

"Brother, martial law is now outside, and it is said that two Japanese died!" Bajin said.

"There is more than enough to die, by the way, how is your situation?" Yang Fei asked again.

"Brother, I found out, that Huzi lives in the Japanese-owned tavern not far from the Red House." Gouwa said.

"Japanese tavern?" Yang Fei asked strangely.

"However, big brother, there is another piece of good news!" Ba Jin said with a smile.

"Good news? Tell me quickly!" Yang Fei couldn't wait to know.

"Brother, I heard that Ito is going to attack Huzi!"

After Bajin finished speaking, Yang Fei frowned, "The devil attacked the traitor? What's going on?"

"There is a lot of pressure on Ito from the outside world now, because Torano has violated international law by treating the captives with excessive punishment. The media and people all over the country are putting pressure on Ito. Said to let Jing Teng solve it by himself, how can he solve it?" Bajin analyzed, "Either he will be dismissed, or he will be killed! In short, he will die!"

"If he died at the hands of the Japanese, it would be too cheap for this guy!" Yang Fei said.

"Brother, in short, isn't the purpose just to let him die? Don't dare to die in anyone's hands, it's right for the tiger to die!"

"No!" Yang Fei shook his head, "Ba Jin, what you said is wrong, I must kill this tiger!"

Bajin glanced at Gouwa, then said slowly, "Brother, okay, then I'll look for a chance?"

"Yes, looking for an opportunity, is this news true?" Yang Fei asked again.

"It's absolutely true. I heard this news from the Japanese, and it was from a Japanese military officer. I think it's almost the same, right?" Bajin said.

"Okay, find a way to disclose this news to Hu Zi! Let's see his reaction!" Yang Fei said.

"Reveal it to him? Isn't this guy going to run away?" Ba Jin didn't understand.

"Run? He can't run anywhere!"

(End of this chapter)

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