Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2401 Let's Talk

Chapter 2401 Let's Talk

"Brother, although I don't understand, I will find a way to reveal this to Hu Zi!" Ba Jin said.

Yang Fei thought for a while, "No, I'll tell him about it myself!"

"Brother, yourself?" Ba Jin and Gou Wa looked at him.

"Yes, only if I tell him can I achieve my goal!" Yang Fei said.

Yang Fei knew in his heart that if he wanted to successfully rescue so many comrades, if he had Huzi's help, he might get twice the result with half the effort.As for how to do it, Yang Fei knew it himself.

At this time, I still have to think about the beast Huzi. Of course, the purpose now is to save people. After the people are finally rescued, the account of the beast Huzi still has to be settled. That is absolutely impossible.

Although it is said to be a coolie here, it is still safe here. What Yang Fei and the others want to do will not be known to outsiders here.

Yang Fei asked Ba Jin and the others to go back to rest quickly, and before Ba Jin left, he gave Yang Fei another pack of cigarettes.

He doesn't have many hobbies, and smoking is one of them.

In the daytime of the next day, Yang Fei was absent-minded. At any rate, the matter passed quickly.

At night again, Yang Fei went out quietly, without even telling Leopard Liu Ji where he went.

There are very few people on the streets tonight, and the devil's patrol force continues unabated.

Yang Fei's destination is Huzi's residence.

Accompanied by Japanese words that the Japanese singer couldn't understand, Huzi lay on the ground, drinking wine, listening to the song, and hugged the two women from left to right.

Just one song, and then another.

At this time, Huzi heard someone knocking on the door, and he motioned for a Japanese woman to open the door.

The door opened, but Yang Fei was seen.

Startled, Hu Zi sat up immediately, and was about to shout, but Yang Fei spoke, "Director, let's chat?"

Huzi was restless, he stood up, "What do I have to talk to you about?"

"I think you will talk to me!" Yang Fei said.

Huzi thought for a while, this is a Japanese place, if Yang De did something out of the ordinary, he would definitely not be able to escape.

"Okay, since you want to have a chat, okay, come on, sit down!" Hu Zi boldly poured Yang Fei a glass of wine.

"Shall we chat?" Yang Fei asked with a smile.

"Two people?" Huzi looked at the two women around him, and then pushed with both hands, "You two go out!"

Only Yang Fei and Huzi were left in the room. They were fighting to the death a while ago, but now they were sitting together. Huzi asked, "Aren't you going to talk? What do you want to talk about?"

Yang Fei picked up the wine glass and drank a glass of wine. After a long time, Yang Fei said, "This Japanese wine still has a bit of taste!"

"Yang Fei, what are you going to say? You know, where are you now? There are Japanese people around here, what are you going to do?" Huzi asked again.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. If I wanted to kill you, I would have killed you long ago!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he looked at the food on the table and started to eat it with his chopsticks.

Yang Fei didn't speak, which made Hu Zi anxious.

"Yang Fei, what are you going to do?" Hu Zi asked.

Yang Fei looked at Hu Zi, and then smiled, "Hu Zi, you are the warden of devils now, what are you afraid of? Huh?"

"Yang Fei, if you want to, just tell me what you want from me. If you want, just get out of here and pretend I didn't see you!" Hu Zi said.

"Are you scared?" Yang Fei smiled, put down his chopsticks and looked at Huzi.

"I'm afraid? It's ridiculous. What am I afraid of? Now, they are the ones who are afraid of me. No, it's you who are afraid of me. I have food and drink here, so unrestrained, Yang Fei, if you envy me too life, I can introduce you to Ito!" Huzi said.

"What's the difference between working with the Japanese and being with the tiger? You have to understand for yourself that you are not about to be killed by me, but by the Japanese!" Yang Fei said.

"Haha, are you kidding, the Japanese killed me? Now the Japanese reuse me and let me be the warden, don't scare me!" Huzi smiled.

"Scaremongering?" Yang Fei shook his head, "You probably don't know that Jing Teng is going to attack you!"

"Yang Fei, please explain more clearly, the devil is attacking me?" Huzi looked at him strangely.

"Huzi, you are really confused. Do you think you are the boss if you follow the Japanese? You are very wrong, do you know? Last time you tortured prisoners in prison, no one in this world knows the news? The Japanese used you , diverted a lot of conflicts, and the media all over the country asked the Japanese to punish you severely, fearing that you would be in danger yourself, the Japanese didn’t tell you about this, right?” Yang Fei asked.

"Fart, that's what Ito told me to torture the captives. The Japanese can't do one thing on the surface and another on the back!" Huzi said.

"You really trust the Japanese! However, you should also know what it is to kill a donkey and what is a cunning rabbit to kill a dog? You should also understand what will happen to them after you are exhausted! "Yang Fei said.

"Hehe, Yang Fei, I think you should be afraid!" said Huzi.

"I'm afraid? What am I afraid of? I'm not afraid of anything!" Yang Fei said, "Originally, I came here alone with only one purpose, which was to kill you, but you are also Chinese, and I still pity you, Japanese I can’t bear to kill you, but if you understand that I’m afraid of you and want to please you, there’s no need for it!” Yang Fei said, “If you want to know how the Japanese treat you, maybe you will know tomorrow!”

"Yang Fei, what on earth do you want me to do?" Huzi also became scared in his heart.

"What are you doing? Follow me quickly and release all the people in the prison. People in this world still read you a good word, what do you think?" Yang Fei said.

"Let people go? Isn't this a joke?" Hu Zi asked.

"If you don't let him go, our Eighth Route Army troops have already moved in front of the devil's line of defense. When the time comes, we will attack. If you want to be a good person, you won't be fooled. You have to figure it out for yourself. What should you do?" Yang Fei said.

"This..." Huzi hesitated for a moment, "You mean, your Eighth Route Army has dispatched troops to the devil's western defense line?"

"Of course, we can call in anytime!" Yang Fei said.

"How should I trust you?" Hu Zi asked.

"In this way, if Jing Teng has murderous intentions towards you, you can come to me!" Yang Fei said.

"Where can I find you?" Hu Zi asked.

"Go out from here and turn right, when you reach the stop sign, then enter a small alley, ten steps away in the alley, there are ten bricks from bottom to top, and there is a hollow brick on it, you put what you want to say in it, and then I will help you anytime!" Yang Fei said.

"You're not lying to me?" Hu Zi asked.

"Why am I lying to you? However, you have to understand that I am also patient. Maybe our troops will come in tomorrow, you know!" Yang Fei said deliberately.

(End of this chapter)

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