Chapter 2402
Huzi looked at Yang Fei, he didn't seem to be lying, but why did he believe him?

"Okay!" Huzi said, "Since you said so, I believe you! Yang Fei, I hope you don't lie to me!"

"Okay, talk quickly, I like this! Huzi, I've cured you a way, I hope you don't have to go all the way until it's dark!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, I understand!" Hu Zi said.

Seeing Yang Fei go away, Huzi immediately stood up, he was still in shock, what happened to the eight roads?How can it get in from anywhere?

No, there must be more than Yang Fei in this Salt Lake area!
Thinking of this, Huzi immediately left the door, and then went to the devil's headquarters.

Anyway, no matter what, this place is not safe anymore, he needs to plan well, only in this way can he survive, otherwise, he will die, he doesn't want to die like this, he hasn't enjoyed the good life yet, he can't die .

When he arrived at the headquarters, he hurriedly woke up Ito who was sleeping, and said quickly, "Your Excellency, Your Excellency, something serious happened!"

Ito put on his clothes, then turned to him, "What's the big deal?"

"Your Excellency, Eight Routes have appeared in this city!" Hu Zi said hastily.

"Balu?" Jing Teng's nerves tensed immediately, "Where is Balu?"

"Balu is in the city. I saw Yang Fei just now!" Hu Zi finished speaking, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Yang Fei?" Jing Teng frowned, "Yang Fei came into the city?"

"That's right!" Huzi said, "Your Excellency, you have to catch Yang Fei quickly!"

"You met Yang Fei, why didn't you call someone?" Jing Teng asked angrily.

"Your Excellency, the situation at that time was quite special. Besides, he pointed a gun at me, and I couldn't do anything, I didn't call at that time! Your Excellency, you must catch Yang Fei now!"

"What are you still doing?" After Ito finished speaking, he picked up his pistol, "Hurry up and call people, and search the whole city for me!"


After Huzi finished speaking, he took the people away.

Jing Teng looked at this idiot, there is no doubt that Yang Fei's news is very accurate, originally Jing Teng had already figured it out, this idiot can't stay now, his superiors have been putting pressure on him, he is now a piece of shit It's a stick, and it's a matter of minutes to get rid of him, but now that he said that the Eighth Route Army is coming, he has to lead the team to look for it.

After searching like this all night, Ito and the others found nothing. He searched all the places in Salt Lake City that could be searched, but still didn't receive any goods.

He was sitting on a chair, and Huzi was on the sidelines, not knowing what to say.

"Didn't you say that Yang Fei is in the county seat? I searched all the county seats, why is there no such person?" Jing Teng asked angrily.

"Your Excellency, Yang Fei is really in the city, I can assure you!" Huzi pouted.

"Promise?" Ito sneered, "Okay, just promise yourself!"

"Your Excellency, why don't I take someone to investigate?"

"Forget it, I don't need you!" After saying that, Ito yelled.

One is wearing glasses, parted hair, wearing a light-colored suit, and a small beard under the nose. It seems that he may be a Japanese!
However, when the other party came in, he said in fluent Chinese, "Mr. Jing Teng, are you looking for me?"

"Mr. Wang, hello, I have something to ask you!"

Ichiro Ito asked.

"Your Excellency, please tell me!"

"I want to ask, have all the eight roads in the city been caught?" Ito Ichiro asked.

"No, but 90.00% of them have been captured, and the remaining few people, I don't think it matters!"

The person who spoke was the Special Commissioner Wang that Ma Chucheng called. This person broke up due to personal reasons and was determined to follow the Japanese. He betrayed the party and all his comrades.

The underground party organization that has been operating for many years has suffered the most damage.

"Hehe, Mr. Wang, you have to understand that any Eight Route Army is the biggest threat to the imperial army, not only us, but also to you, right?" said Ichiro Ito.

"What you said is true! What you said is true!" Wang Xun quickly lowered his head.

"Tonight, I suddenly discovered that there is another Eighth Road in the city. This Eighth Road is a battalion commander. Hehe, I have already notified him. The city gate is closed. Let me see how he can get out!" Itoichiro said.

"It seems that he is your old friend?" Wang Xun asked softly.

"It's not just an old friend, it's a friend who can't be old anymore. Mr. Wang, I want you to take someone to see where this guy is. Even if you dig Salt Lake City three feet, you have to give him away." I'll get it out!" Ito gave the death order.

"Don't worry, sir, I don't have any other skills, but I have some strength to find someone"!Wang Xun said.

Ito Ichiro deliberately glanced at Huzi, and then continued, "Okay, Mr. Wang, do you know what I admire most about you?"

"I do not know about this!"

Wang Xun said.

"I just appreciate what you have to say, and appreciate your absolute loyalty to our Great Japanese Imperial Army!" Ito deliberately said in front of Huzi.

Huzi sat restlessly by the side, he lowered his head, listening to Jing Teng's words, his heart was full of ups and downs.What did he do wrong?He himself didn't understand, could it be that he really became an abandoned son of Ito as Yang Fei said?
He didn't know, let alone understand.

"Your Excellency, you are right to trust me. I, Wang Xun, will absolutely serve His Majesty the Emperor wholeheartedly!" Wang Xun said.

"Well, good, you will lead the team tomorrow and search the whole city!" Ito repeated.

"Good sir!"

"Okay, you go back and rest!" After finishing speaking, Wang Xun turned and left.

Huzi was left alone, and he quickly said, "Your Excellency, I can also lead the team..."

"Don't lead the team now, you go back first!" Ito said.

Huzi glanced at Ito, and then said, "Your Excellency, I do something wrong?"

Ito stood up at this time, and he patted his shoulder with his hand in white gloves, "There are some things that I can't explain clearly, because you also work for the imperial army, where do you... come from?" Where are you going! :”

Jing Teng's words were undoubtedly telling him to leave here. Can he return to Shen Wanxi's side now?This is not a joke?His son is now a famous traitor, where can he go?

"Your Excellency, I can't leave. I still have some leftover heat to show. Your Excellency, I believe that I can..." Before Huzi finished speaking, Ito said.

"Okay, let's go!"

A simple sentence made Huzi feel uneasy, he had no chance to talk to Jing Teng now, he turned and went out, thinking in his heart, if Yang Fei didn't lie to him, then he could still return to Ba Lu's side of!
(End of this chapter)

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