Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2415 Go to Tianjin Together

Chapter 2415 Go to Tianjin together
"Other things? Leader, what does this refer to?" Yang Fei asked.

He had some doubts in his heart, and wanted to ask clearly. After all, he himself was a person who couldn't hold things in his heart.

"I don't know, the organizational arrangements, I am the head of the regiment, so it's not convenient to ask!" Li Jiguang said.

However, Li Jiguang is not very clear about this matter, and he can't answer anything.

"Good!" Yang Fei said.

"Well then, come with me, let's go and have a look together!" Li Jiguang said.

"Well, I haven't seen it for a long time!" Yang Fei began to feel a little nervous in his heart. Fang Mengru is undoubtedly beautiful. It's not that Yang Fei has never been attracted to this girl, but after all, this girl is like a lady of everyone. He Yang Fei always felt unworthy!

Thinking of this, Yang Fei blushed.

After arriving at the county seat, Li Jiguang and Yang Fei entered the command post, and then he instructed the guards to say, "Go, call Miss Fang!"

"Yes, Captain!"

After a while, Fang Mengru came.

This is destined to be an extraordinary encounter. When Fang Mengru came out, she was wearing a military uniform. She looked at Yang Fei and Li Jiguang with a smile, "Hello, Commander Li, hello, Commander Yang!"

Yang Fei smiled, "Sure enough, the military uniform still looks good!"

"Thank you, Battalion Commander Yang, for your compliment!" Fang Mengru pursed her lips, "Are you all right?"

Yang Fei scratched his head, "Yeah, it's been so long, I didn't expect that we met here!"

"How wonderful it is here, the base of the revolution, the fire of the revolution shines here, we are lucky!" Fang Mengru smiled.

"Okay, how about you chat for a while?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Leader Li, we are old friends, so we inevitably talked a little too much, why don't we talk about business?" Fang Mengru asked.

"Business?" Yang Fei was a little strange, he turned his head and glanced at Li Jiguang, "Team leader..."

"Be anxious, first listen to what Miss Fang has to say!"

Fang Mengru took out an envelope from her body and looked at Li Jiguang, "Commander Li, this thing was given to you by the higher-level organization! I brought it here for you, and I don't know what it means to bring Yang Fei here! "

Li Jiguang took the envelope, tore it open, and took out a letter.

He read it, then nodded, "Okay, I understand this matter!"

"Head, what did you write in the letter?" Yang Fei asked quickly.

Li Jiguang looked at Yang Fei, "Okay, Yang Fei, listen, according to the instructions of your superiors, this time, you will go to Tianjin with Mengru!"

"What? Tianjin?" Yang Fei was a little embarrassed.

That's an embarrassment in capital letters, Yang Fei has never traveled far, and this trip is Tianjin. "Why? Commander, what am I going to do in Tianjin?"

"In my heart, I didn't explain too clearly. I just said that after you and Miss Fang arrive in Tianjin, someone will welcome you!" Li Jiguang said.

"No..." Yang Fei was a little embarrassed, "I'm a soldier, going to Tianjin?"

"I'll arrange the rest!" Li Jiguang said, "Of course the superior ordered you to go to Tianjin, there must be something to do!"

Fang Mengru looked at Yang Fei, "Battalion Commander Yang, what's the matter? You don't want to go, or you don't want to go with me?"

"No, the top priority now is not beating devils?" Yang Fei was a little surprised.

"Fart, this top priority is not something you consider. Your top priority now is to follow the instructions of your superiors and set off tomorrow!" Li Jiguang said.

"Captain Li, what else did the letter say?" Fang Mengru asked.

"This time you pretend to be husband and wife and go to Tianjin. Naturally, someone will receive you. When the time comes, you will know what happened!"

In fact, Li Jiguang was also reluctant to let Yang Fei go. This time, it was related to Yang Fei's future. However, what about the country's future and his personal future?

Yang Fei nodded, "Okay, I got it!"

"Well, then pack up quickly, you leave tomorrow!" Li Jiguang said ruthlessly.



A tavern in Linxian County.

Fang Mengru looked at Yang Fei, "Captain Yang, it's rare to partner with you this time, I'm a cousin, do you want to meet?"

"You mean Zhang Qifeng?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes, you have met before!" Not long after, Zhang Qifeng came over.

After saying hello, Zhang Qifeng sat down. Ever since he took off the puppet army uniform, Zhang Qifeng looked more energetic than before.

"Battalion Commander Yang, do you still remember me?"

Zhang Qifeng asked.

"Remember, how could I forget you?" Yang Fei said with a smile.

"My cousin and I have just come here. Maybe we will see each other often!" Zhang Qifeng said.


"By the way, what happened to Da Guang?" Zhang Qifeng asked.

"He's fine. I originally wanted to bring him here, but I didn't let him come because of something urgent!" Yang Fei said.

"It's okay, I'll definitely see you in the future!" Zhang Qifeng was easy-going.

"Okay, let's talk, I just came to the county, I'll get familiar with the environment first!" After saying that, Zhang Qifeng left again.

This guy is really strange, coming and going, it's almost the same as You Wan.

Fang Mengru smiled, "Battalion Commander Yang, when I came this time, the organization specially gave me a package, saying to give it to my partner!"

"You mean to give it to me?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes, it should be for you! But, I feel like clothes or something!" Fang Mengru said.

"Well, good! Let's do it tomorrow, I'll take a look tomorrow!" Yang Fei said.

Fang Mengru unconsciously likes Yang Fei. In fact, how could Fang Mengru not know what she was going to do this time?He is a person who has been carefully inspected by the party organization and is trusted by the party. Therefore, when the party organization mentioned this matter, Fang Mengru recommended Yang Fei. After the investigation of the party organization, Yang Fei happened to be very suitable. Therefore, he agreed to Fang Mengru's request.

The great hero whom I haven't seen for a long time, is now a little more shy.

They worked from the tavern for three hours. Although they didn't talk much, as long as they were together, that was enough.

Later in the afternoon, Yang Fei went back.

Due to the confidentiality of this matter, he couldn't tell Daguang and the others where he was going, and he didn't even say where he was going.

The sky slowly darkened.

Yang Fei decided to go to Zhang Da's house in person. He had to explain many things to Zhang Da's family, so as to reassure them and let him leave comfortably.

Da Guang said that he would follow Yang Fei.

Yang Fei said, "Okay, then you follow me, but you kid can't talk nonsense, I won't let you say it, you must not say it!"

"Battalion Commander, don't worry, I Daguang has been with you for so long, I know it"!
It is a bit reckless to visit Zhang Da's house at night, but it is very necessary.

Zhang Da's house is very quiet now, after Zhang Xiu'er's chattering voice, it is very quiet here.

(End of this chapter)

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